18  2d and 3d geometry with fastmath.vector - DRAFT 🛠

authors: Nedeljko Radovanovic, Epidiah Ravachol, Daniel Slutsky

18.1 Setup

(ns noj-book.fastmath-vector-geom2d3d
  (:require [fastmath.vector :as vec]
            [clojure.math :as math]
            [emmy.mafs :as mafs]
            [scicloj.kindly.v4.kind :as kind]))

18.2 2d and 3d examples with visualization using fastmath

18.2.1 rounding

Rounding a vector to a specified number of decimal places (5 decimals here). This is useful when you need to display vectors in a human-readable form with controlled precision.

(-> (vec/vec2 1/3 2/3)
    (vec/approx 5))
[0.33333 0.66667]

18.2.2 addition

Adding two vectors together. This is the basic operation in vector math, often used in physics, for example, to add forces or velocities.

(vec/add (vec/vec2 -2 -1)
         (vec/vec2 1 4))
[-1.0 3.0]

18.3 Visualize 2D Addition

 {:viewBox {:x [-5 5]
            :y [-5 5]}}
 (mafs/vector [-2 -1] {:color :blue})
 (mafs/vector [1 4] {:color :blue})
 (mafs/vector (vec
               (vec/add (vec/vec2 -2 -1)
                        (vec/vec2 1 4)))
              {:color :red}))

18.3.1 rotation

Rotating a 2D vector by an angle, specified in radians. Pi radians = 180 degrees, so rotating (1, 0) by Pi radians (or 180 degrees) results in (-1, 0).

(-> (vec/vec2 1 0)
    (vec/rotate math/PI))
[-1.0 1.224646799076922E-16]

Approximation of the rotated vector, to match the precision required.

(-> (vec/vec2 1 0)
    (vec/rotate math/PI)
    (vec/approx 5))
[-1.0 0.0]

18.4 Visualize 2D Rotation

 {:viewBox {:x [-5 5]
            :y [-5 5]}}
 (mafs/vector (vec (vec/vec2 -2 -1))
              {:color :blue})
 (mafs/vector (vec (vec/rotate
                    (vec/vec2 -2 -1)
                    (/ math/PI 2)))
              {:color :red}))

18.5 Real World Use Cases:

  • In physics, vector addition is used to calculate the net force on an object.
  • In computer graphics, rotation is used to manipulate objects or camera views.

18.6 visualizing 3d rotation

Visualizing 3D vector rotations This is useful in graphics engines, physics simulations, or robotics.

(defn vec3d->plotly-coords [v]
  {:x [0 (v 0)]
   :y [0 (v 1)]
   :z [0 (v 2)]
   :type :scatter3d
   :mode :lines+markers
   :line {:width 10}
   :marker {:size 4}})

Visualize a 3D vector rotation around the Y-axis by Pi/10 radians.

(let [orig-v (vec/vec3 1 0 0)]
   {:data [(vec3d->plotly-coords orig-v)
           (vec3d->plotly-coords (vec/rotate orig-v
                                             (/ math/PI 10)

18.7 Real World Use Cases:

  • In robotics, 3D rotations are used to simulate the movement of arms or tools.
  • In gaming, rotations are essential for character and camera movements in 3D space.
(def random-shape
  (repeatedly 6
              (fn []
                (vec/vec3 (+ 1 (rand))  ;; Random x-coordinates
                          (+ 2 (rand))  ;; Random y-coordinates

Fixed z-coordinate

(defn shape->plotly-coords [shape]
  {:x (mapv #(% 0) shape)
   :y (mapv #(% 1) shape)
   :z (mapv #(% 2) shape)
   :type :scatter3d
   :mode :markers+lines
   :line {:width 10}
   :marker {:size 4}})

Visualizing random 3D shapes and their rotations.

 {:data [(shape->plotly-coords random-shape)  ;; Original random shape
          (map #(vec/rotate %
         (shape->plotly-coords [[0 0 0]])]})

18.8 Real World Use Cases:

  • In architecture, 3D models of buildings or structures are manipulated using rotations.
  • In data science, transformations like rotations are used to adjust feature spaces in machine learning.
  • In simulations, random shapes might represent particles or objects in a system that undergo transformations.

Returning the random shape for reference

([1.675998301194254 2.9448658629684665 0.0]
 [1.7258605559133589 2.6046296754858105 0.0]
 [1.7283897795221428 2.9383809347125833 0.0]
 [1.7813919401165168 2.6673697099999254 0.0]
 [1.3363019118650854 2.827405635087326 0.0]
 [1.1438075713571383 2.4330852126847113 0.0])

18.9 More Operations

18.9.1 Scaling

Scaling a vector by a scalar value. This is often used in computer graphics and physics to resize vectors, for example, to scale the size of objects or control the speed of moving objects.

(def scaling-original (vec/vec2 1 2))
(def scaling-result (vec/mult scaling-original 3))

Visualize scaling operation

(defn vec2d->plotly-coords [v]
  {:x [0 (v 0)]
   :y [0 (v 1)]
   :type :scatter
   :mode :lines+markers
   :line {:width 5}
   :marker {:size 10}})
 {:data [(vec2d->plotly-coords scaling-original)
         (vec2d->plotly-coords scaling-result)]})

18.9.2 Dot Product

Visualizing the dot product as the projection of one vector onto another. In real-world physics, this can represent the amount of work done by a force (force * displacement).

(def dot-product-a (vec/vec2 1 2))
(def dot-product-b (vec/vec2 4 5))
(def dot-product-projection (vec/project dot-product-a dot-product-b))

Visualize dot product projection

 {:data [(vec2d->plotly-coords dot-product-a)
         (vec2d->plotly-coords dot-product-b)
         (vec2d->plotly-coords dot-product-projection)]})

18.9.3 Cross Product

Visualizing the cross product in 3D space. The cross product results in a vector that is perpendicular to both input vectors.

18.10 Real World Use Cases:

  • In physics, the cross product is used to calculate torque and angular momentum.
  • In graphics, it is used to compute surface normals for lighting calculations.
 {:data [(vec3d->plotly-coords (vec/vec3 1 2 3))
         (vec3d->plotly-coords (vec/vec3 4 5 6))
         (vec3d->plotly-coords (vec/cross (vec/vec3 1 2 3) (vec/vec3 4 5 6)))]})

18.10.1 Projection

Visualizing the projection of vector a onto vector b. This is common in computer graphics and physics simulations.

18.11 Real World Use Cases:

  • Projections are used in physics to resolve forces into components.
  • In computer graphics, projections are used for perspective transformations and shadow computations.
 {:data [(vec3d->plotly-coords (vec/vec3 1 2 3))
         (vec3d->plotly-coords (vec/vec3 4 5 6))
         (vec3d->plotly-coords (vec/project (vec/vec3 1 2 3) (vec/vec3 4 5 6)))]})

18.11.1 Distance Between Two Vectors

Visualizing the distance between two vectors as the length of the difference vector between them.

18.12 Real World Use Cases:

  • Distance calculations are critical in collision detection in gaming and simulations.
  • They are also used in clustering algorithms in data science and machine learning.
(def dist-a (vec/vec3 1 2 3))
(def dist-b (vec/vec3 4 5 6))
(def dist-result (vec/dist dist-a dist-b))

Visualize the distance between two vectors

 {:data [(vec3d->plotly-coords dist-a)
         (vec3d->plotly-coords dist-b)]
  :layout {:title (str "Distance: " dist-result)}})

18.12.1 Normalization

Normalizing a vector to a unit vector. This is useful when you need a direction but not the magnitude.

Visualizing vector normalization Shows the original vector and its normalized version.

18.13 Real World Use Cases:

  • Normalization is used in graphics for shading and lighting calculations.
  • In simulations, unit vectors are often used to indicate directions without affecting magnitude.
 {:data [(vec2d->plotly-coords (vec/vec2 3 4))
         (vec2d->plotly-coords (vec/normalize (vec/vec2 3 4)))]})

18.13.1 Linear Interpolation (Lerp)

Interpolating between two vectors. This can be used for animations or blending transformations.

18.14 Real World Use Cases:

  • Used in animations, physics simulations (e.g., easing between positions), and graphics (e.g., color interpolation).
(def lerp-start (vec/vec2 0 0))
(def lerp-end (vec/vec2 10 10))
(def lerp-result (vec/lerp lerp-start lerp-end 0.5))

Halfway interpolation

 {:data [(vec2d->plotly-coords lerp-start)
         (vec2d->plotly-coords lerp-end)
         (vec2d->plotly-coords lerp-result)]})

18.14.1 Vector Composition (Scaling + Rotation + Translation) on 3D vector

Apply a sequence of transformations to a 3D vector: scale, rotate, then translate.

18.15 Real World Use Cases:

  • Composition is used in 3D modeling and animation pipelines for transformations.
  • In simulations, such as flight dynamics, transformations simulate real-world movement.
(def original-vector (vec/vec3 1 1 1))

Scaling the vector by a factor of 2

(def scaled-vector (vec/mult original-vector 2))

Rotating the scaled vector by Pi/4 radians (45 degrees) around the Z-axis

(def rotated-vector (vec/rotate scaled-vector 0 0 math/PI))

Translating the rotated vector by adding (3, 3, 3)

(def translated-vector (vec/add rotated-vector (vec/vec3 3 3 3)))

Visualizing the sequence of transformations: scaling, rotation, and translation

 {:data [(vec3d->plotly-coords original-vector)
         (vec3d->plotly-coords scaled-vector)
         (vec3d->plotly-coords rotated-vector)
         (vec3d->plotly-coords translated-vector)
         (vec3d->plotly-coords translated-vector)]})
source: notebooks/noj_book/fastmath_vector_geom2d3d.clj