7  Machine learning specific functionality in tech.ml.dataset

author: Carsten Behring

The library tech.ml.dataset contains several functions operating on a dataset, which are mainly used in the context of machine learning. In the following we will introduce those.

(ns noj-book.prepare-for-ml)

7.1 Categorical variables

One typical problem in machine learning is classification, so learning how to categorize data in different categories. Sometimes data in this format is as well called “qualitative data” or data having discrete values.

These categories are often expressed in Clojure as of being of type String or keyword

In dataset it is the Column which has specific support for categorical data.

Creating a column out of categorical data looks like this:

(require '[tech.v3.dataset.column :as col]
         '[tech.v3.dataset :as ds])
(def column-x (col/new-column  :x  [:a :b]))

This creates a “categorical” column, which is marked as such in the column metadata.

Printing the var shows its “type” as being keyword

[:a, :b]

and printing its metadata shows that it got marked as categorical

(meta column-x)
{:categorical? true, :name :x, :datatype :keyword, :n-elems 2}

The column is therefore using its metadata to store important information, and it is important to get used to look at it for the case of debugging issues.

The same happens, when creating a dataset which is a seq of columns

(def categorical-ds
   {:x [:a :b] :y ["c" "d"]}))

_unnamed [2 2]:

:x :y
:a c
:b d
 (vals categorical-ds))
({:categorical? true, :name :x, :datatype :keyword, :n-elems 2}
 {:categorical? true, :name :y, :datatype :string, :n-elems 2})

7.1.1 Transform categorical variables to numerical space

Most machine learning models can only work on numerical values, both for features and the target variable. So usually we need to transform categorical data into a numeric representation, so each category need to be converted to a number.

These numbers have often no meaning for the users, so often we need to convert back into String / keyword space later on.

Namespace tech.v3.dataset.categorical has several functions to do so.

7.1.2 Transform categorical column into a numerical column

(require  '[tech.v3.dataset.categorical :as ds-cat])

These functions operate on a single column, but expect a dataset and a column name as input.

We use them to calculate a mapping from string/keyword to a numerical space (0 … x) like this

(ds-cat/fit-categorical-map categorical-ds :x)
{:lookup-table {:a 0, :b 1}, :src-column :x, :result-datatype :float64}

This maps the values in their order of occurrence in the column to 0 .. 1 This is a bit dangerous, as the mapping is decided by “row order”, which could change or be different on other subset of the data, like test/train splits

So it is preferred to be specified explicitly.

(def x-mapping (ds-cat/fit-categorical-map categorical-ds :x [:a :b]))
{:lookup-table {:a 0, :b 1}, :src-column :x, :result-datatype :float64}

Now we know for sure, that :a is mapped to 0 and :b is mapped to 1. Once we have a mapping, we can use it on new data and transform it into numerical values

(def numerical-categorical-data
   (ds/->dataset {:x [:a :b :a :b :b :b]})

_unnamed [6 1]:


We can revert it as well:

(ds-cat/invert-categorical-map numerical-categorical-data x-mapping)

_unnamed [6 1]:


We can as well ask about all mapping of a dataset:

(ds-cat/dataset->categorical-maps numerical-categorical-data)
({:lookup-table {:a 0, :b 1},
  :src-column :x,
  :result-datatype :float64})

7.2 Convert several columns in one go

The dataset namespace has a convenience function in which several columns can be selected for conversion.

(ds/categorical->number categorical-ds [:x :y])

_unnamed [2 2]:

:x :y
0.0 1.0
1.0 0.0

This works as well with filter function from namespace column-filters

(require '[tech.v3.dataset.column-filters :as ds-cf])

to convert all categorical columns, for example:

(ds/categorical->number categorical-ds ds-cf/categorical)

_unnamed [2 2]:

:x :y
0.0 1.0
1.0 0.0
 (ds/->dataset {:x [:a :b]
                :y [:c :d]})
 (ds/categorical->number [:x :y] [:a :b :c :d]))

_unnamed [2 2]:

:x :y
0.0 2.0
1.0 3.0
 (ds/->dataset {:x [:a :b]
                :y [:c :d]})
 (ds/categorical->number [:x :y] [:a 0 :b 1 :c 2 :d 3]))

_unnamed [2 2]:

:x :y
0.0 4.0
2.0 6.0

7.3 Warning: Pitfalls of Categorical maps

7.3.1 Automatic mapping might result in surprising results

We need to be careful when visually inspecting columns without reverting the categorical maps.

Applying the following map to a dataset

(ds-cat/fit-categorical-map (ds/->dataset {:x ["true" "false" ]}) :x)
{:lookup-table {"true" 0, "false" 1},
 :src-column :x,
 :result-datatype :float64}

would result in columns in which ‘0’ would mean ‘true’, and ‘1’ would mean ‘false’

7.3.2 float vs int

The categories can get mapped to int or float

(def ds-with-float-and-int-mappings
   (ds/->dataset {:x-float [:a :b]
                  :x-int [:a :b]})
   (ds/categorical->number [:x-float] [] :float64)
   (ds/categorical->number [:x-int]   [] :int)))

Comparing such columns might not bring the expected result, even though the categorical maps and values look very similar


_unnamed [2 2]:

:x-float :x-int
0.0 0
1.0 1
(map meta
     (vals ds-with-float-and-int-mappings))
({:categorical? true,
  :name :x-float,
  :datatype :float64,
  :n-elems 2,
  {:lookup-table {:a 0, :b 1},
   :src-column :x-float,
   :result-datatype :float64}}
 {:categorical? true,
  :name :x-int,
  :datatype :int,
  :n-elems 2,
  {:lookup-table {:a 0, :b 1},
   :src-column :x-int,
   :result-datatype :int}})

7.3.3 Categorical maps attached to a column change semantic value of the Column

The existence of categorical maps on a column, change the semantic value of the data. When categorical maps are different for two columns (for whatever reasons), it is not given that the column cell value like 0 means the same in both columns. Columns which have categorical maps should never be compared via clojure.core/= as this will ignore the categorical maps. (unless we are sure that the categorical maps in both are the same) They should be converted back to their original space and then compared. This is specially important for comparing prediction and true value in machine learning for metric calculations.

See the following example to illustrate this. Incorrect comparisons

In the following the two columns are clearly different (the opposite even)

(def ds-with-different-cat-maps
   (ds/->dataset {:x-1 [:a :b :a :b :b :b]
                  :x-2 [:b :a :b :a :a :a]})
   (ds/categorical->number [:x-1 :x-2])))

The resulting columns look the same, but are not

(:x-1 ds-with-different-cat-maps)
[0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
(:x-2 ds-with-different-cat-maps)
[0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]

By using default categorical->number we get different categorical maps, having different :lookup-tables

(meta (:x-1 ds-with-different-cat-maps))
{:categorical? true,
 :name :x-1,
 :datatype :float64,
 :n-elems 6,
 {:lookup-table {:a 0, :b 1},
  :src-column :x-1,
  :result-datatype :float64}}
(meta (:x-2 ds-with-different-cat-maps))
{:categorical? true,
 :name :x-2,
 :datatype :float64,
 :n-elems 6,
 {:lookup-table {:b 0, :a 1},
  :src-column :x-2,
  :result-datatype :float64}}

so they are (wrongly) compared as equal

 (:x-1 ds-with-different-cat-maps)
 (:x-2 ds-with-different-cat-maps))
true Correct comparison

In order to compare them correctly, we need to first revert the categorical mappings

(def reverted-ds-with-different-cat-maps
  (ds-cat/reverse-map-categorical-xforms ds-with-different-cat-maps))
(:x-1 reverted-ds-with-different-cat-maps)
[:a, :b, :a, :b, :b, :b]
(:x-2 reverted-ds-with-different-cat-maps)
[:b, :a, :b, :a, :a, :a]

and now they compare correctly as :false

 (:x-1 reverted-ds-with-different-cat-maps)
 (:x-2 reverted-ds-with-different-cat-maps))

So it should be as well avoided to transform mapped columns to other representations, which loose the mappings, like tensor or primitive arrays, or even sequences Use the same and fixed mapping

This issue can be avoided by specifying concretely the mapping to be used, as being for example {:a 0 :b 1}

(def ds-with-same-cat-maps
   (ds/->dataset {:x-1 [:a :b :a :b :b :b]
                  :x-2 [:b :a :b :a :a :a]})
   (ds/categorical->number [:x-1 :x-2] [:a :b])))

mapping spec can be either [:a :b] or [:a 0 :b 1]

(:x-1 ds-with-same-cat-maps)
[0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
(:x-2 ds-with-same-cat-maps)
[1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]

we get same categorical maps

(meta (:x-1 ds-with-same-cat-maps))
{:categorical? true,
 :name :x-1,
 :datatype :float64,
 :n-elems 6,
 {:lookup-table {:a 0, :b 1},
  :src-column :x-1,
  :result-datatype :float64}}
(meta (:x-2 ds-with-same-cat-maps))
{:categorical? true,
 :name :x-2,
 :datatype :float64,
 :n-elems 6,
 {:lookup-table {:a 0, :b 1},
  :src-column :x-2,
  :result-datatype :float64}}

so they are correctly compared as not equal

 (:x-1 ds-with-same-cat-maps)
 (:x-2 ds-with-same-cat-maps))

These 3 pitfalls can be avoided by explicitly specifying the mappings, so using the 4-arity of conversion functions.

(def ds-with-explicit-mapping
   (ds/->dataset {:x-1 [:a :b :a :b :b :b]
                  :x-2 [:b :a :b :a :a :a]})
   (ds/categorical->number [:x-1 :x-2] [:a :b] :int)))

_unnamed [6 2]:

:x-1 :x-2
0 1
1 0
0 1
1 0
1 0
1 0
(map meta (vals ds-with-explicit-mapping))
({:categorical? true,
  :name :x-1,
  :datatype :int,
  :n-elems 6,
  {:lookup-table {:a 0, :b 1},
   :src-column :x-1,
   :result-datatype :int}}
 {:categorical? true,
  :name :x-2,
  :datatype :int,
  :n-elems 6,
  {:lookup-table {:a 0, :b 1},
   :src-column :x-2,
   :result-datatype :int}})

7.3.4 one-hot-encoding

For some models / use cases the categorical data need to be converted in the so called one-hot format. In this every column get multiplied by the number of categories , and then each one-hot column can only have 0 and 1 values.

(def one-hot-map-x (ds-cat/fit-one-hot categorical-ds :x))
(def one-hot-map-y (ds-cat/fit-one-hot categorical-ds :y))
{:one-hot-table {:a :x-a, :b :x-b},
 :src-column :x,
 :result-datatype :float64}
{:one-hot-table {"d" :y-d, "c" :y-c},
 :src-column :y,
 :result-datatype :float64}

_unnamed [2 2]:

:x :y
:a c
:b d

get transformed by

(def one-hot-ds
  (-> categorical-ds
      (ds-cat/transform-one-hot one-hot-map-x)
      (ds-cat/transform-one-hot one-hot-map-y)))



_unnamed [2 4]:

:x-a :x-b :y-d :y-c
1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0

There are similar functions to convert this format back.

## Features and inference target in a dataset

A dataset for supervised machine learning has always two groups of columns. They can either be the features or the inference targets. The goal of the learning is to find the relationship between the two groups and therefore be able to predict inference targets from features. Sometimes the features are called X and the targets y.

When constructing a dataset

(def ds
  (ds/->dataset {:x-1 [0 1 0]
                 :x-2 [1 0 1]
                 :y [:a :a :b]}))

we need to mark explicitly which columns are features and which are targets in order to be able to use the dataset later for machine learning in metamorph.ml

As normally only one or a few columns are inference targets, we can simply mark those and the other columns are regarded as features.

(require  '[tech.v3.dataset.modelling :as ds-mod])
(def modelled-ds
  (-> ds
      (ds-mod/set-inference-target :y)))

(works as well with a seq)

This is marked as well in the column metadata.

(-> modelled-ds :y meta)
{:categorical? true,
 :name :y,
 :datatype :keyword,
 :n-elems 3,
 :inference-target? true}

There are several functions to get information on features and inference targets:

(ds-mod/feature-ecount modelled-ds)
(ds-cf/feature modelled-ds)

_unnamed [3 2]:

:x-1 :x-2
0 1
1 0
0 1
(ds-cf/target modelled-ds)

_unnamed [3 1]:


7.4 Combining categorical transformation and modelling

Very often we need to do transform and model for doing classification and combine the ->numeric transformation of categorical vars and the marking of inference targets.

(def ds-ready-for-train
   {:x-1 [0 1 0]
    :x-2 [1 0 1]
    :cat  [:a :b :c]
    :y [:a :a :b]}

   (ds/categorical->number [:y])
   (ds/categorical->one-hot [:cat])
   (ds-mod/set-inference-target [:y])))

_unnamed [3 6]:

:x-1 :x-2 :y :cat-c :cat-a :cat-b
0 1 0.0 0 1 0
1 0 0.0 0 0 1
0 1 1.0 1 0 0

Such a dataset is ready for training as it only contains numerical variables which have the categorical maps in place for easy converting back, if needed. The inference target is marked as well, as we can see in the meta data:

(map meta (vals ds-ready-for-train))
({:name :x-1, :datatype :int64, :n-elems 3}
 {:name :x-2, :datatype :int64, :n-elems 3}
 {:categorical? true,
  :name :y,
  :datatype :float64,
  :n-elems 3,
  {:lookup-table {:a 0, :b 1},
   :src-column :y,
   :result-datatype :float64},
  :inference-target? true}
 {:categorical? true,
  :name :cat-c,
  :datatype :int8,
  :n-elems 3,
  {:one-hot-table {:c :cat-c, :a :cat-a, :b :cat-b},
   :src-column :cat,
   :result-datatype :float64}}
 {:categorical? true,
  :name :cat-a,
  :datatype :int8,
  :n-elems 3,
  {:one-hot-table {:c :cat-c, :a :cat-a, :b :cat-b},
   :src-column :cat,
   :result-datatype :float64}}
 {:categorical? true,
  :name :cat-b,
  :datatype :int8,
  :n-elems 3,
  {:one-hot-table {:c :cat-c, :a :cat-a, :b :cat-b},
   :src-column :cat,
   :result-datatype :float64}})

Most models in the metamorph.ml ecosystem can work with data in this format.

Side remark: If needed, data could as well be easily transformed into a tensor. Most models do this internally anyway (often to primitive arrays)

(require 'tech.v3.dataset.tensor)
(def ds-tensor
  (tech.v3.dataset.tensor/dataset->tensor ds-ready-for-train))
#tech.v3.tensor<float64>[3 6]
[[0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000]
 [1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000]
 [0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000]]

or we can do so, if needed, but this looses the notation of features / inference target

(tech.v3.tensor/->jvm ds-tensor)
[[0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0]
 [1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0]
 [0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0]]
source: notebooks/noj_book/prepare_for_ml.clj