11  Machine learning pipelines

11.1 Clojure Core Pipelines

Clojure has built-in support for data processing pipelines, a series of functions where the output of one step is the input to the next. In core Clojure, these are supported by the so-called threading macro.

11.2 Using the Threading Macro

(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(-> "hello"

In the example above:

  1. "hello" is converted to uppercase, resulting in "HELLO".
  2. The uppercase string is reversed, giving "OLLEH".
  3. The first character of the reversed string is extracted, which is \O.

11.3 Function Composition with comp

We can achieve the same result using function composition with comp. Note that when using comp, the order of functions is reversed compared to the threading macro.

(def upper-reverse-first
  (comp first str/reverse str/upper-case))

This defines a function upper-reverse-first that:

  1. Converts the input string to uppercase.
  2. Reverses the uppercase string.
  3. Extracts the first character. Applying the Composed Function

We can carry the composed function around and apply it in different places:

(upper-reverse-first "world")

Or using apply:

(apply upper-reverse-first ["world"])
\D Inlining the Composed Function

We can also inline the composed function without assigning it to a variable:

((comp first str/reverse str/upper-case) "hello")

11.4 Pipelines in Machine Learning

In machine learning, we usually have two separate concepts:

  • Pre-processing of the data: Zero or more steps to prepare the data.
  • Fitting a model: A single step where the model learns from the data.

Considering these concepts, we aim to create a pipeline that satisfies the following goals:

11.4.1 Pipeline Goals

  • Unify Pre-processing and Fitting: Combine all steps into a single pipeline.
  • Reusability: The same pipeline can be executed multiple times (e.g., training vs. prediction), possibly on different data.
  • Conditional Behavior: Functions within the pipeline may need to behave differently during training and prediction.
  • Stateful Steps: Some steps might need to learn from the data during training and then apply that learned state during prediction.
  • Readability: Write pipeline steps in order for easier understanding.
  • Movability: The entire pipeline should be assignable to a variable or addable to a sequence, making it modular and reusable.
  • Callability: The pipeline should be callable like a function, taking data as input and returning the transformed data.

11.4.2 The Need for a New Approach

Clojure’s threading macro (->) and function composition (comp) do not fully meet these requirements because:

  • They lack the ability to handle state between training and prediction phases.
  • They don’t support conditional behavior based on the execution context (e.g., training vs. prediction).
  • They may not represent the pipeline steps in a readable, sequential order when using comp.

11.5 Introducing Metamorph Pipelines

To address these limitations, Metamorph pipelines were developed. Metamorph provides a way to create pipelines that:

  • Compose processing steps in a readable, sequential order.
  • Maintain state between different stages of execution.
  • Allow for conditional behavior within pipeline steps.
  • Can be easily moved, assigned, and called like functions.

11.5.1 A pipeline is a composition of functions

A metamorph pipeline is created by the function scicloj.metamorph.core/pipeline. It takes functions as input and composes them in order (unlike comp, which composes them in reverse order). Note that it is not a macro, so it cannot take expressions such as (str/upper-case) directly.

(require '[scicloj.metamorph.core :as mm] )
(def metamorph-pipeline-1

This creates a function that can be called with data, like this: (metamorph-pipeline-1 "hello")

However, this would fail because metamorph pipeline functions are expected to return a map, but the above functions return a string.

11.5.2 Pipelines steps input/output a context map

To maintain state and allow for stateful steps, we conventionally use a context map that is passed through each function.

So we can only add functions to a metamorph pipeline which input and output a single map, the so-called context map, often called ctx.

(def metamorph-pipeline-2
   (fn [ctx] ctx)
   (fn [ctx] ctx)
   (fn [ctx] ctx)))

11.5.3 Context map key :metamorph/data

A second convention is that the map should have several “default keys”, and all functions should understand them. One of these keys is :metamorph/data.

It exists because in a metamorph pipeline we always pass around one main data object and several states. The main data object manipulated by the pipeline needs to be stored and passed under the key :metamorph/data.

We now change the metamorph pipeline accordingly, so that each function reads and writes from :metamorph/data.

(def metamorph-pipeline-3-a
   (fn [ctx]
     (assoc ctx :metamorph/data (str/upper-case (:metamorph/data ctx))))
   (fn [ctx]
     (assoc ctx :metamorph/data (str/reverse (:metamorph/data ctx))))
   (fn [ctx]
     (assoc ctx :metamorph/data (first (:metamorph/data ctx))))))

Alternatively, using update:

(def metamorph-pipeline-3-b
   (fn [ctx] (update ctx :metamorph/data str/upper-case))
   (fn [ctx] (update ctx :metamorph/data str/reverse))
   (fn [ctx] (update ctx :metamorph/data first))))

Example usage:

(metamorph-pipeline-3-a {:metamorph/data "hello"})
#:metamorph{:data \O}
(metamorph-pipeline-3-b {:metamorph/data "hello"})
#:metamorph{:data \O}

11.5.4 Pass additional state

We can pass a main data object and any state through the pipeline:

(def metamorph-pipeline-4
   (fn [ctx]
     (assoc ctx
            :metamorph/data (str/upper-case (:metamorph/data ctx))
            :my-state (count (:metamorph/data ctx))))
   (fn [ctx]
     (assoc ctx
            :metamorph/data (str/reverse (:metamorph/data ctx))))
   (fn [ctx]
     (assoc ctx
            :metamorph/data (first (:metamorph/data ctx))))))

Example usage:

(metamorph-pipeline-4 {:metamorph/data "hello"})
{:metamorph/data \O, :my-state 5}

11.5.5 Step functions can pass state to themselves (in other :mode)

In nearly all cases, a step function wants to pass information only to itself. It learns something in mode :fit and wants to use it in a second run of the pipeline in mode :transform.

To make this easier, each step receives in the context map a unique step ID under the key :metamorph/id. We can use this to store and retrieve state specific to that step, avoiding clashes of keys between different step functions.

(to ease readability of the code, we now use destructuring of the arguments)

(def metamorph-pipeline-5
   (fn [{:metamorph/keys [data id] :as ctx}]
     (assoc ctx
            :metamorph/data (str/upper-case data)
            id (str (count data))))
   (fn [ctx]
     (assoc ctx
            :metamorph/data (str/reverse (:metamorph/data ctx))))
   (fn [ctx]
     (assoc ctx
            :metamorph/data (first (:metamorph/data ctx))))))

Example usage:

(metamorph-pipeline-5 {:metamorph/data "hello"})
{:metamorph/data \O, #uuid "396583e3-40bb-4eea-a1b0-629f2f561024" "5"}

Note: The actual UUID will vary each time the pipeline is run.

To implement the requirement of allowing different behavior per step, we introduce another key in the context map: :metamorph/mode.

This can take two values, :fit and :transform, representing the concept of running the pipeline to learn something from the data (train or fit the pipeline/model) and apply what was learned on new data (predict or transform).

The learned information can be stored in the context map, becoming available in later runs.

This passing of state only makes sense if the state is written to the map in one pass and used in a different pass.

(def metamorph-pipeline-6
   (fn [{:metamorph/keys [data id mode] :as ctx}]
     (case mode
       (assoc ctx
              :metamorph/data (str/upper-case data)
              id (str (count data)))    ;; write state to ctx
         (println :state (get ctx id))  ;; read state from ctx
   (fn [ctx]
     (assoc ctx
            :metamorph/data (str/reverse (:metamorph/data ctx))))
   (fn [ctx]
     (assoc ctx
            :metamorph/data (first (:metamorph/data ctx))))))

11.5.6 Run first in :fit then in :transform

This shows how the pipeline is supposed to be run twice. First in :fit mode and then in :transform mode, passing the full state context (ctx) while updating the standard keys.


(def fitted-ctx
  (metamorph-pipeline-6 {:metamorph/data "hello"
                         :metamorph/mode :fit}))

This will print :state "5" in the terminal, showing that the state from the :fit phase is used during the :transform phase.

 (merge fitted-ctx
        {:metamorph/data "world"
         :metamorph/mode :transform}))
{:metamorph/data \d,
 :metamorph/mode :transform,
 #uuid "19774eb9-668b-4cf9-bd41-4451a4df0e75" "5"} Lifting to create pipeline functions

As we have seen , most pipeline functions will behave exactly the same in :fit and :transform, so they don’t need to remember / pass state.


(fn [ctx] (update ctx :metamorph/data str/upper-case))

This type of functions can be created by lifting the base fn, so str/upper-case, for which we provide the function scicloj.metamorph.core/pipeline

(def metamorph-pipeline-7
   (mm/lift str/upper-case)
   (mm/lift str/reverse)
   (mm/lift first)))

The lifting creates a variant of the original function which acts on the data in the context under key :metamorph/data

(metamorph-pipeline-7 {:metamorph/data "hello"})
#:metamorph{:data \O} Pipelines for machine learning

As we have seen so far, the data object at key :metamorph/data can be anything, so far we have used a String.

In machine learning pipelines we usually use a tech.v3.dataset instead, and the pipeline step functions transform mainly the dataset or train a model from the dataset.

The state is often the result of a model function. The model is calculated in :fit on training data and applied in :transform on other data to make a prediction.

All the rest stays the same.