27 Transformer reference
As discussed in the AutoML chapter, metamorph.ml can have certain pipeline operations whose behavior changes between the :fit
and :transform
modes. These operations are called transformers.
This chapter provides a reference for the currently existing transformers.
Note that this chapter reqiures scicloj.ml.smile
as an additional dependency to Noj.
ns noj-book.transformer-references
(:as kindly]
[scicloj.kindly.v4.api :as kind]
[scicloj.kindly.v4.kind :as mm]
[scicloj.metamorph.core :as ml]
[scicloj.metamorph.ml :as preprocessing]
[scicloj.ml.smile.classification]:as smile-mm]
[scicloj.ml.smile.metamorph :as nlp]
[scicloj.ml.smile.nlp :as projections]
[scicloj.ml.smile.projections :as clustering]
[scicloj.ml.smile.clustering :as tc]
[tablecloth.api :as ds]
[tech.v3.dataset :as ds-cat]
[tech.v3.dataset.categorical :as ds-mm]
[tech.v3.dataset.metamorph :as ds-mod]
[tech.v3.dataset.modelling print])) [tech.v3.dataset.
27.1 Transformer count-vectorize
Clojure doc:
Converts text column text-col
to bag-of-words representation in the form of a frequency-count map. The default text->bow function is default-text-bow
. All options
are passed to it.
In the following we transform the text given in a dataset into a map of token counts applying some default text normalization.
def data (ds/->dataset {:text ["Hello Clojure world, hello ML word !"
("ML with Clojure is fun"]}))
^kind/dataset data
_unnamed [2 1]:
:text |
Hello Clojure world, hello ML word ! |
ML with Clojure is fun |
def fitted-ctx
(mm/fit data:text :bow))) (scicloj.ml.smile.metamorph/count-vectorize
:metamorph/data fitted-ctx) (
_unnamed [2 2]:
:text | :bow |
Hello Clojure world, hello ML word ! | {hello 2, clojur 1, world 1, , 1, ml 1, word 1, ! 1} |
ML with Clojure is fun | {ml 1, with 1, clojur 1, is 1, fun 1} |
def bow-ds
(:metamorph/data fitted-ctx)) (
^kind/dataset bow-ds
_unnamed [2 2]:
:text | :bow |
Hello Clojure world, hello ML word ! | {hello 2, clojur 1, world 1, , 1, ml 1, word 1, ! 1} |
ML with Clojure is fun | {ml 1, with 1, clojur 1, is 1, fun 1} |
A custom tokenizer can be specified by either passing options to scicloj.ml.smile.nlp/default-tokenize
def fitted-ctx
(scicloj.ml.smile.metamorph/count-vectorize :text :bow {:stopwords ["clojure"]
:stemmer :none})))
:metamorph/data fitted-ctx) (
_unnamed [2 2]:
:text | :bow |
Hello Clojure world, hello ML word ! | {hello 2, world 1, , 1, ml 1, word 1, ! 1} |
ML with Clojure is fun | {ml 1, with 1, is 1, fun 1} |
or passing in an implementation of a tokenizer function:
def fitted-ctx
(scicloj.ml.smile.metamorph/count-vectorize:text :bow
:text->bow-fn (fn [text options]
{:a 1 :b 2})}))) {
:metamorph/data fitted-ctx) (
_unnamed [2 2]:
:text | :bow |
Hello Clojure world, hello ML word ! | {:a 1, :b 2} |
ML with Clojure is fun | {:a 1, :b 2} |
27.2 Transformer bow->SparseArray
Clojure doc:
Converts a bag-of-word column bow-col
to sparse indices column indices-col
, as needed by the discrete naive bayes model.
can be of:
A function which converts the bow map to a list of tokens. Defaults to scicloj.ml.smile.nlp/create-vocab-all
The sparse data is represented as smile.util.SparseArray
metamorph | . |
Behaviour in mode :fit | normal |
Behaviour in mode :transform | normal |
Reads keys from ctx | none |
Writes keys to ctx | :scicloj.ml.smile.metamorph/bow->sparse-vocabulary |
Now we convert the bag-of-words map to a sparse array of class smile.util.SparseArray
def ctx-sparse
bow-ds:bow :sparse))) (smile-mm/bow->SparseArray
_unnamed [2 3]:
:metamorph/mode :fit
:scicloj.ml.smile.metamorph/bow->sparse-vocabulary {:vocab ("clojur" "!" "word" "hello" "is" "fun" "ml" "," "with" "world"), :vocab->index-map {"clojur" 0, "!" 1, "word" 2, "hello" 3, "is" 4, "fun" 5, "ml" 6, "," 7, "with" 8, "world" 9}, :index->vocab-map {0 "clojur", 7 ",", 1 "!", 4 "is", 6 "ml", 3 "hello", 2 "word", 9 "world", 5 "fun", 8 "with"}}
^kind/dataset:metamorph/data ctx-sparse) (
_unnamed [2 3]:
:text | :bow | :sparse |
Hello Clojure world, hello ML word ! | {hello 2, clojur 1, world 1, , 1, ml 1, word 1, ! 1} | [3:2, 0:1, 9:1, 7:1, 6:1, 2:1, 1:1] |
ML with Clojure is fun | {ml 1, with 1, clojur 1, is 1, fun 1} | [6:1, 8:1, 0:1, 4:1, 5:1] |
The SparseArray
instances look like this:
(:text bow-ds)
(map seq
(-> ctx-sparse :metamorph/data :sparse))) (
"Hello Clojure world, hello ML word !"
{0x1aa29a40 "3:2"]
(#object[smile.util.SparseArray$Entry 0x305faddc "0:1"]
#object[smile.util.SparseArray$Entry 0x32ca28cf "9:1"]
#object[smile.util.SparseArray$Entry 0x4f38517b "7:1"]
#object[smile.util.SparseArray$Entry 0x4b1afc60 "6:1"]
#object[smile.util.SparseArray$Entry 0x6e68992 "2:1"]
#object[smile.util.SparseArray$Entry 0x658945d1 "1:1"]),
#object[smile.util.SparseArray$Entry "ML with Clojure is fun"
0x4dbd28cc "6:1"]
(#object[smile.util.SparseArray$Entry 0x69dd0cf "8:1"]
#object[smile.util.SparseArray$Entry 0x298cce37 "0:1"]
#object[smile.util.SparseArray$Entry 0x18699b38 "4:1"]
#object[smile.util.SparseArray$Entry 0x70adc415 "5:1"])} #object[smile.util.SparseArray$Entry
27.3 Transformer bow->sparse-array
Clojure doc:
Converts a bag-of-word column bow-col
to sparse indices column indices-col
, as needed by the Maxent model. Options
can be of:
A function which converts the bow map to a list of tokens. Defaults to scicloj.ml.smile.nlp/create-vocab-all
The sparse data is represented as primitive int arrays
, of which entries are the indices against the vocabulary of the present tokens.
metamorph | . |
Behaviour in mode :fit | normal |
Behaviour in mode :transform | normal |
Reads keys from ctx | none |
Writes keys to ctx | :scicloj.ml.smile.metamorph/bow->sparse-vocabulary |
Now we convert the bag-of-words map to a sparse array of class java primitive int array
def ctx-sparse
bow-ds:bow :sparse))) (smile-mm/bow->sparse-array
_unnamed [2 3]:
:metamorph/mode :fit
:scicloj.ml.smile.metamorph/bow->sparse-vocabulary {:vocab ("clojur" "!" "word" "hello" "is" "fun" "ml" "," "with" "world"), :vocab->index-map {"clojur" 0, "!" 1, "word" 2, "hello" 3, "is" 4, "fun" 5, "ml" 6, "," 7, "with" 8, "world" 9}, :index->vocab-map {0 "clojur", 7 ",", 1 "!", 4 "is", 6 "ml", 3 "hello", 2 "word", 9 "world", 5 "fun", 8 "with"}}
We also see the sparse representation as indices against the vocabulary of the non-zero counts.
(:text bow-ds)
(map seq
(-> ctx-sparse :metamorph/data :sparse))) (
"Hello Clojure world, hello ML word !" (0 1 2 3 6 7 9),
{"ML with Clojure is fun" (0 4 5 6 8)}
In both ->sparse
functions we can control the vocabulary via the option to pass in a different / custom function which creates the vocabulary from the bow (bag-of-words) maps.
def ctx-sparse
(smile-mm/bow->SparseArray:bow :sparse
{fn [bow] (nlp/->vocabulary-top-n bow 1))}))) (
_unnamed [2 3]:
:metamorph/mode :fit
:scicloj.ml.smile.metamorph/bow->sparse-vocabulary {:vocab ("ml"), :vocab->index-map {"ml" 0}, :index->vocab-map {0 "ml"}}
def ctx-sparse
(smile-mm/bow->SparseArray:bow :sparse
{fn [_]
("hello" "fun"])}))) [
_unnamed [2 3]:
:metamorph/mode :fit
:scicloj.ml.smile.metamorph/bow->sparse-vocabulary {:vocab ["hello" "fun"], :vocab->index-map {"hello" 0, "fun" 1}, :index->vocab-map {0 "hello", 1 "fun"}}
27.4 Transformer bow->tfidf
Clojure doc:
Calculates the tfidf score from bag-of-words (as token frequency maps) in column bow-column
and stores them in a new column tfid-column
as maps of token->tfidf-score.
It calculates a global term-frequency map in :fit and reuses it in :transform
metamorph | . |
Behaviour in mode :fit | normal |
Behaviour in mode :transform | normal |
Reads keys from ctx | none |
Writes keys to ctx | none |
Here we calculate the tf-idf score from the bag-of-words:
bow-ds:bow :tfidf {})) (smile-mm/bow->tfidf
_unnamed [2 3]:
:text | :bow | :tfidf |
Hello Clojure world, hello ML word ! | {hello 2, clojur 1, world 1, , 1, ml 1, word 1, ! 1} | {clojur 1.0, |
! 1.4054651081081644, | ||
word 1.4054651081081644, | ||
hello 2.8109302162163288, | ||
ml 1.0, | ||
, 1.4054651081081644, | ||
world 1.4054651081081644} | ||
ML with Clojure is fun | {ml 1, with 1, clojur 1, is 1, fun 1} | {clojur 1.0, |
is 1.4054651081081644, | ||
fun 1.4054651081081644, | ||
ml 1.0, | ||
with 1.4054651081081644} |
27.5 Transformer model
Clojure doc:
Executes a machine learning model in train/predict (depending on :mode) from the metamorph.ml
model registry.
The model is passed between both invocation via the shared context ctx in a key (a step indentifier) which is passed in key :metamorph/id
and guarantied to be unique for each pipeline step.
The function writes and reads into this common context key.
Options: - :model-type
- Keyword for the model to use
Further options get passed to train
functions and are model specific.
See here for an overview for the models build into scicloj.ml:
Other libraries might contribute other models, which are documented as part of the library.
metamorph | . |
Behaviour in mode :fit | Calls scicloj.metamorph.ml/train using data in :metamorph/data and options and stores trained model in ctx under key in :metamorph/id |
Behaviour in mode :transform | Reads trained model from ctx and calls scicloj.metamorph.ml/predict with the model in $id and data in :metamorph/data |
Reads keys from ctx | In mode :transform : Reads trained model to use for prediction from key in :metamorph/id . |
Writes keys to ctx | In mode :fit : Stores trained model in key $id and writes feature-ds and target-ds before prediction into ctx at :scicloj.metamorph.ml/feature-ds /:scicloj.metamorph.ml/target-ds |
See as well:
The model
transformer allows to execute all machine learning models which register themself inside the metamorph.ml
system via the function scicloj.metamorph.ml/define-model!
. Models can be added at runing by require relevant namespaces as documented in the various “model reference” chapters of the Noj book. The currently defined models can be looked up via (ml/model-definition-names)
We use the Iris data for this example:
def iris
(ds/->dataset"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scicloj/metamorph.ml/main/test/data/iris.csv" {:key-fn keyword})
5))) (tech.v3.dataset.print/print-range
^kind/dataset iris
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scicloj/metamorph.ml/main/test/data/iris.csv [150 5]:
:sepal_length | :sepal_width | :petal_length | :petal_width | :species |
5.1 | 3.5 | 1.4 | 0.2 | setosa |
4.9 | 3.0 | 1.4 | 0.2 | setosa |
… | … | … | … | … |
6.5 | 3.0 | 5.2 | 2.0 | virginica |
6.2 | 3.4 | 5.4 | 2.3 | virginica |
5.9 | 3.0 | 5.1 | 1.8 | virginica |
def train-test
( (ds-mod/train-test-split iris))
The pipeline specifies the inference target, transforms the target to categorical, and applies the model function.
def pipe-fn
(mm/lift ds-mod/set-inference-target :species])
(mm/lift ds/categorical->number [:metamorph/id :model}
{:model-type :smile.classification/logistic-regression}))) (ml/model {
First we run the training:
def fitted-ctx
(mm/fit:train-ds train-test)
( pipe-fn))
:model :model-data]) (dissoc-in fitted-ctx [
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scicloj/metamorph.ml/main/test/data/iris.csv [105 5]:
:metamorph/mode :fit
:model {:feature-columns [:sepal_length :sepal_width :petal_length :petal_width], :target-categorical-maps {:species #tech.v3.dataset.categorical.CategoricalMap{:lookup-table {"setosa" 0, "virginica" 1, "versicolor" 2}, :src-column :species, :result-datatype :int64}}, :target-columns [:species], :train-input-hash nil, :target-datatypes {:species :int64}, :scicloj.metamorph.ml/unsupervised? nil, :id #uuid "c840d357-0362-449d-a828-19d17c5d1a2e", :options {:model-type :smile.classification/logistic-regression}}
and then prediction on the test set:
def transformed-ctx
(:test-ds train-test) pipe-fn fitted-ctx)) (mm/transform-pipe (
-> transformed-ctx
(:model :model-data])
(dissoc-in [update-in [:metamorph/data] #(tech.v3.dataset.print/print-range % 5))) (
:_unnamed [45 4]:
:metamorph/mode :transform
} |
and we get the predictions:
^kind/dataset-> transformed-ctx
(ds/select-columns [ (ds/head))
:_unnamed [5 1]:
:species |
versicolor |
virginica |
virginica |
virginica |
virginica |
27.6 Transformer std-scale
Clojure doc:
Metamorph transfomer, which centers and scales the dataset per column.
tablecloth columns-selector to choose columns to work on meta-field
tablecloth meta-field working with columns-selector
are the options for the scaler and can take: mean?
If true (default), the data gets shifted by the column means, so 0 centered stddev?
If true (default), the data gets scaled by the standard deviation of the column
metamorph | . |
Behaviour in mode :fit | Centers and scales the dataset at key :metamorph/data and stores the trained model in ctx under key at :metamorph/id |
Behaviour in mode :transform | Reads trained std-scale model from ctx and applies it to data in :metamorph/data |
Reads keys from ctx | In mode :transform : Reads trained model to use for from key in :metamorph/id . |
Writes keys to ctx | In mode :fit : Stores trained model in key $id |
We can use the std-scale
transformer to center and scale data. Lets take some example data:
def data
(tc/dataset100 0.001]
[[8 0.05]
[50 0.005]
[88 0.07]
[4 0.1]]
[:layout :as-row})) {
^kind/dataset data
:_unnamed [5 2]:
0 | 1 |
100 | 0.001 |
8 | 0.050 |
50 | 0.005 |
88 | 0.070 |
4 | 0.100 |
Now we can center each column arround 0 and scale it by the standard deviation of the column
data0 1] {})) (preprocessing/std-scale [
:_unnamed [5 2]:
0 | 1 |
1.13053908 | -1.04102352 |
-0.94965283 | 0.11305233 |
0.00000000 | -0.94681324 |
0.85920970 | 0.58410369 |
-1.04009595 | 1.29068074 |
27.7 Transformer min-max-scale
Clojure doc:
Metamorph transfomer, which scales the column data into a given range.
tablecloth columns-selector to choose columns to work on meta-field
tablecloth meta-field working with columns-selector
Options for scaler, can take: min
Minimal value to scale to (default -0.5) max
Maximum value to scale to (default 0.5)
metamorph | . |
Behaviour in mode :fit | Scales the dataset at key :metamorph/data and stores the trained model in ctx under key at :metamorph/id |
Behaviour in mode :transform | Reads trained min-max-scale model from ctx and applies it to data in :metamorph/data |
Reads keys from ctx | In mode :transform : Reads trained model to use for from key in :metamorph/id . |
Writes keys to ctx | In mode :fit : Stores trained model in key $id |
The min-max
scaler scales columns in a specified interval, by default from -0.5 to 0.5
data0 1] {})) (preprocessing/min-max-scale [
:_unnamed [5 2]:
0 | 1 |
0.50000000 | -0.50000000 |
-0.45833333 | -0.00505051 |
-0.02083333 | -0.45959596 |
0.37500000 | 0.19696970 |
-0.50000000 | 0.50000000 |
27.8 Transformer reduce-dimensions
Clojure doc:
Metamorph transformer, which reduces the dimensions of a given dataset.
can be any of: * :pca-cov * :pca-cor * :pca-prob * :kpca * :gha * :random
is number of dimensions to reduce to.
is a sequence of column names on which the reduction get performed
are the options of the algorithm
metamorph | . |
Behaviour in mode :fit | Reduces dimensions of the dataset at key :metamorph/data and stores the trained model in ctx under key at :metamorph/id |
Behaviour in mode :transform | Reads trained reduction model from ctx and applies it to data in :metamorph/data |
Reads keys from ctx | In mode :transform : Reads trained model to use from ctx at key in :metamorph/id . |
Writes keys to ctx | In mode :fit : Stores trained model in ctx under key in :metamorph/id . |
27.8.1 PCA example
In this example we run PCA on some data.
require '[scicloj.metamorph.ml.toydata :as toydata]) (
We use the Sonar dataset. It has 60 columns of quantitative data, which are certain measurements from a sonar device. The original purpose of the dataset is to learn to detect rock vs metal from the measurements.
def sonar
( (toydata/sonar-ds))
sample 10x10:
^kind/datasetrange 10) (range 10)) (ds/select-by-index sonar (
_unnamed [10 10]:
:x0 | :x1 | :x2 | :x3 | :x4 | :x5 | :x6 | :x7 | :x8 | :x9 |
0.0200 | 0.0371 | 0.0428 | 0.0207 | 0.0954 | 0.0986 | 0.1539 | 0.1601 | 0.3109 | 0.2111 |
0.0453 | 0.0523 | 0.0843 | 0.0689 | 0.1183 | 0.2583 | 0.2156 | 0.3481 | 0.3337 | 0.2872 |
0.0262 | 0.0582 | 0.1099 | 0.1083 | 0.0974 | 0.2280 | 0.2431 | 0.3771 | 0.5598 | 0.6194 |
0.0100 | 0.0171 | 0.0623 | 0.0205 | 0.0205 | 0.0368 | 0.1098 | 0.1276 | 0.0598 | 0.1264 |
0.0762 | 0.0666 | 0.0481 | 0.0394 | 0.0590 | 0.0649 | 0.1209 | 0.2467 | 0.3564 | 0.4459 |
0.0286 | 0.0453 | 0.0277 | 0.0174 | 0.0384 | 0.0990 | 0.1201 | 0.1833 | 0.2105 | 0.3039 |
0.0317 | 0.0956 | 0.1321 | 0.1408 | 0.1674 | 0.1710 | 0.0731 | 0.1401 | 0.2083 | 0.3513 |
0.0519 | 0.0548 | 0.0842 | 0.0319 | 0.1158 | 0.0922 | 0.1027 | 0.0613 | 0.1465 | 0.2838 |
0.0223 | 0.0375 | 0.0484 | 0.0475 | 0.0647 | 0.0591 | 0.0753 | 0.0098 | 0.0684 | 0.1487 |
0.0164 | 0.0173 | 0.0347 | 0.0070 | 0.0187 | 0.0671 | 0.1056 | 0.0697 | 0.0962 | 0.0251 |
def col-names (map #(keyword (str "x" %))
(range 60))) (
First we create and run a pipeline that computes the PCA. In this pipeline we do not fix the number of columns, as we want to plot the result for all numbers of components (up to 60).
def fitted-ctx
sonar:pca-cov 60
col-names {})))
The next function transforms the result from the fitted pipeline into vega-lite-compatible format for plotting. It accesses the underlying Smile Java object to get the data on the cumulative variance for each PCA component.
defn create-plot-data [ctx]
(hash-map :principal-component %1
#(:cumulative-variance %2)
(-> ctx vals (nth 2) :fit-result :model bean :cumulativeVarianceProportion))) (
Next we plot the cumulative variance over the component index:
{:$schema :width 850
:data {:values
(create-plot-data fitted-ctx)}:mark "line" ,
:x {:field :principal-component, :type "nominal"},
{:y {:field :cumulative-variance, :type "quantitative"}}}
From the plot we see that transforming the data via PCA and reducing it from 60 dimensions to about 25 would still preserve the full variance. Looking at this plot, we could now make a decision, how many dimensions to keep. We could, for example, decide that keeping 60 % of the variance is enough, which would result in keeping the first 2 dimensions.
So our pipeline becomes:
def fitted-ctx
sonar:pca-cov 2
:material "pca-cov-0" "pca-cov-1"])
(ds-mm/select-columns [ (ds-mm/shuffle)))
^kind/dataset:metamorph/data fitted-ctx) (
_unnamed [208 3]:
:material | pca-cov-0 | pca-cov-1 |
M | 1.16616864 | -0.10277945 |
M | -0.66597063 | 0.03056254 |
R | -0.29609342 | -0.63233530 |
M | -0.79216364 | 0.67091937 |
R | 1.15582046 | -0.27656585 |
R | 0.19979173 | -0.72755699 |
M | 0.81540074 | 1.20832697 |
M | 0.49464049 | -0.59762062 |
M | 0.84579825 | 0.60715181 |
R | -0.70654319 | -0.68603026 |
… | … | … |
R | 1.01226225 | 0.43795441 |
M | 0.68695347 | -0.68674742 |
M | 0.39413141 | 0.03889119 |
R | -0.60050744 | -0.19943257 |
R | -0.71218871 | -0.81071356 |
R | -1.11710742 | -0.54115016 |
R | -0.39043632 | -0.69697016 |
R | -0.99343183 | 0.12117012 |
R | -1.66270705 | 0.86106694 |
R | -0.37462067 | 0.02233441 |
R | -1.59264318 | 1.19625472 |
As the data is now 2-dimensional, it is easy to plot:
def scatter-plot-data
(-> fitted-ctx
:material "pca-cov-0" "pca-cov-1"])
(ds/select-columns [:as-maps))) (ds/rows
{:$schema :data {:values scatter-plot-data}
:width 500
:height 500
:mark :circle
:x {:field "pca-cov-0" :type "quantitative"}
{:y {:field "pca-cov-1" :type "quantitative"}
:color {:field :material}}}
The plot shows that the reduction to 2 dimensions does not create linear separable areas of M
and R
. So a linear model will not be able to predict well the material from the 2 PCA components.
It even seems that the reduction to 2 dimensions removes too much information for predicting of the material for any type of model.
27.9 Transformer cluster
Clojure doc:
Metamorph transformer, which clusters the data and creates a new column with the cluster id.
can be any of:
- :spectral
- :dbscan
- :k-means
- :mec
- :clarans
- :g-means
- :lloyd
- :x-means
- :deterministic-annealing
- :denclue
The clustering-args
is a vector with the positional arguments for each cluster function, as documented here: https://cljdoc.org/d/generateme/fastmath/2.1.5/api/fastmath.clustering (but minus the data
argument, which will be passed in automatically)
The cluster id of each row gets written to the column in target-column
metamorph | . |
Behaviour in mode :fit | Calculates cluster centers of the rows dataset at key :metamorph/data and stores them in ctx under key at :metamorph/id . Adds as wll column in target-column with cluster centers into the dataset. |
Behaviour in mode :transform | Reads cluster centers from ctx and applies it to data in :metamorph/data |
Reads keys from ctx | In mode :transform : Reads cluster centers to use from ctx at key in :metamorph/id . |
Writes keys to ctx | In mode :fit : Stores cluster centers in ctx under key in :metamorph/id . |