8  Intro to statistics - DRAFT 🛠

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate some basic methods of statistics.

8.1 Setup and data

We will use the Chicago bike trips dataset, that is read and processed at the Intro to Table Processing with Tablecloth.

(ns noj-book.statistics-intro
  (:require [tablecloth.api :as tc]
            [scicloj.tableplot.v1.plotly :as plotly]))
(def preprocessed-trips

8.2 Checking basic statistics of variables

(-> preprocessed-trips
    (tc/select-columns [:hour :duration-in-seconds])

202304-divvy-tripdata.zip: descriptive-stats [2 11]:

:col-name :datatype :n-valid :n-missing :min :mean :max :standard-deviation :skew :first :last
:hour :int64 426590 0 0.0 14.23275276 23.0 4.84054550 -0.58147195 8 8
:duration-in-seconds :int64 426590 0 -536.0 1032.64061511 1103729.0 8532.49143608 78.01094578 249 123

We see that the duration in seconds has some unreasonable values: trips of negative length and trips which are many-hours-long.

Let us check how frequent that is.

(defn duration-diagnostics [{:keys [duration-in-minutes]}]
  {:negative-duration (neg? duration-in-minutes)
   :unreasonably-long-duration (> duration-in-minutes (* 2 60))})
(-> preprocessed-trips
    (tc/group-by duration-diagnostics)
    (tc/aggregate {:trips tc/row-count}))

_unnamed [3 3]:

:negative-duration :unreasonably-long-duration :trips
false false 423924
false true 2662
true false 4

8.3 Data cleaning

Let us keep only trips of reasonable duration.

(def clean-trips
  (-> preprocessed-trips
      (tc/select-rows (fn [{:keys [duration-in-minutes]}]
                        (<= 0
                            (* 2 60))))))

8.4 Visually exploring the distribution of variables

The distribution of start hour:

(-> clean-trips
    (tc/group-by [:hour])
    (tc/aggregate {:n tc/row-count})
    (plotly/layer-bar {:=x :hour
                       :=y :n}))

The distribution of trip duration: Let us use histograms – binning the values and counting.

(-> clean-trips
    (plotly/layer-histogram {:=x :duration-in-minutes
                             :=histogram-nbins 100}))

The distribution of trip duration in different parts of the day:

(-> clean-trips
    (tc/map-columns :day-part
                    (fn [hour]
                      (cond (<= 6 hour 12) :morning
                            (<= 12 hour 18) :afternoon
                            (<= 18 hour 23) :evening
                            :else :night)))
    (plotly/layer-histogram {:=x :duration-in-minutes
                             :=histogram-nbins 100
                             :=color :day-part
                             :=mark-opacity 0.8}))

TODO: Use density estimates rather than histograms here.

The distribution of trip duration for different bike types:

(-> clean-trips
    (plotly/layer-histogram {:=x :duration-in-minutes
                             :=histogram-nbins 100
                             :=color :rideable-type
                             :=mark-opacity 0.8}))
source: notebooks/noj_book/statistics_intro.clj