17  Intro to Linear Algebra - DRAFT πŸ› 

In this tutorial, we introduce basic linear algebra concepts and the way they can be computed using Fastmath.

17.1 What is it about?

Linear algebra focuses on vectors and certain kinds of transformations of them, called linear transformations.

In our context here, our vectors are ordered collections of floating-point numbers.

This is a concrete special case of a more absract and more general notion of elements of vector spaces. As usual, abstraction can be useful for our reasoning. We recommend learning abouthe more general ideas of linear algebra. Probably, for Clojurians who appreciate simplicity and functional composition, those ideas can be attractive.

Linear transformations are transformations which are simple, in a certain sense which can be made precise. They are often useful when mixed and composed with nonlinear transformations, and of course, the Fastmath API offers both kinds, as we will see below.

Implementation-wise, vectors can be represented in many ways. Clojure’s persistent vectors are one way (assuming they contain only numbers). It is a bit heavy in time and space, since all numbers are boxed in objects. Java arrays are a more lightweight representatin.

17.3 Setup

(ns noj-book.linear-algebra-intro
   [clojure.math :as math]
   [fastmath.vector :as vec]
   [scicloj.kindly.v4.api :as kindly]))

Define a utility variable for demonstration purposes: a Java double array of length 5.

(def java-double-array (double-array 5))

17.4 Linear Algebra Concepts with fastmath.vector

Below are examples and explanations of common operations using the fastmath.vector library.

17.4.1 What is a Linear Transformation?

A linear transformation is a mathematical function that maps vectors from one vector space to another (or to itself) while preserving the operations of vector addition and scalar multiplication. In simpler terms, it is a transformation that maintains the structure of a vector space.

17.4.2 Vector Addition

Adding two vectors element-wise. This operation combines corresponding elements of two vectors.

(vec/add [1 9]
         [0 -3])
[1.0 6.0]

17.4.3 Scalar Multiplication

Multiplying each element of a vector by a scalar value. This operation scales the vector proportionally.

(vec/mult [1 9]
[1000.0 9000.0]

17.4.4 Vector Subtraction Case 1: Single vector passed to vec/sub

Negates the vector by multiplying each element by -1.0.

(vec/sub [10 5])
[-10.0 -5.0] Case 2: Two vectors passed to vec/sub

Performs element-wise subtraction between the first and second vectors.

(vec/sub [10 5]
         [8 4])
[2.0 1.0]

17.4.5 Dot Product

The dot product of two vectors is a scalar that measures the similarity of their directions. It is calculated as: a Β· b = a₁b₁ + aβ‚‚bβ‚‚ + ... + aβ‚™bβ‚™.

(vec/dot [10 5]
         [8 4])

17.4.6 Converters

The following examples demonstrate various conversions between vector types and formats. Convert a vector to a Java array of doubles [D.

(vec/vec->array [10 5])
[10.0, 5.0]
(type (vec/vec->array [10 5]))
double/1 Convert a Java double array back to a Clojure sequence.

(identity java-double-array)
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
(type (vec/vec->seq java-double-array))
clojure.lang.ArraySeq$ArraySeq_double Convert a vector or Java array to an Apache Commons Math RealVector.

(type (vec/vec->RealVector [10 5]))
(identity java-double-array)
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
(type (vec/vec->RealVector java-double-array))
org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector Convert a Clojure vector or Java array to a primitive vector Vec.

(vec/vec->Vec [10 5])
[10.0 5.0]
(type (vec/vec->Vec [10 5]))
(identity java-double-array)
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
(type (vec/vec->Vec java-double-array))

17.4.7 Specialized Operations Transform elements from one vector to match the count of another.

This operation extracts the same number of elements from the second vector as there are in the first.

(vec/as-vec [10 2] [5 10 15])
[5 10] Create a zero vector matching the size of the input vector.

(vec/as-vec [5 10 15])
[0.0 0.0 0.0]

17.4.8 Vector Magnitude

Calculates the magnitude (length) of a vector using the Pythagorean theorem.

(vec/mag [3 4])

17.4.9 Approximation

Rounds each value in the vector to the specified number of decimal places.

(vec/approx [math/PI])
(vec/approx [math/PI math/PI math/PI] 5)
[3.14159 3.14159 3.14159]

17.4.10 Equality Tolerance Element-wise Equality with Tolerance

Checks if elements of two vectors are equal within a given absolute (and/or relative) tolerance.

(vec/edelta-eq [math/PI] (vec/approx [math/PI] 4))
(vec/edelta-eq [math/PI] (vec/approx [math/PI] 4) 0.001)
(vec/edelta-eq [math/PI] (vec/approx [math/PI] 4) 0.000001)
false Vector Equality with Tolerance

Similar to edelta-eq, but compares entire vectors for equality with tolerance.

(vec/delta-eq [math/PI] (vec/approx [math/PI] 4))
(vec/delta-eq [math/PI] (vec/approx [math/PI] 4) 0.000001)

17.4.11 Normalization

Scales the vector to have a magnitude of 1, keeping its direction. This is often used to create unit vectors.

(vec/normalize [3 4])
[0.6000000000000001 0.8]

17.4.12 Vector Projection

Projects one vector onto another. The result is the component of the first vector in the direction of the second vector.

(def first-real-vec
  (vec/vec->RealVector [3 4]))
(def second-real-vec
  (vec/vec->RealVector [1 0]))
(vec/project [3 4] [1 0])
[3.0 0.0]
(vec/project first-real-vec second-real-vec)
#object[org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector 0x1e987473 "{3; 0}"]

17.4.13 Vector Rotation

Rotates a 2D or 3D vector by a given angle/angles (in radians). Useful for geometric transformations.

(vec/rotate (vec/vec2 [1 2]) (/ math/PI 2))
[-2.0 1.0000000000000002]
(vec/rotate (vec/vec3 [1 2 3]) 0.5 0.5 0.5)
[1.3669567839387822 0.6801518465116336 3.4159658394853065]

17.4.14 Linear Interpolation

Performs linear interpolation between two vectors based on a parameter t (0 ≀ t ≀ 1). Great for smooth transitions between points.

(vec/lerp (vec/vec2 [1 1]) (vec/vec2 [4 4]) 0.5)
[2.5 2.5]

17.4.15 Cross Product

Computes the cross product of two vectors. The result is a vector perpendicular to both input vectors.

(vec/cross (vec/vec3 [1 0 0]) (vec/vec3 [0 1 0]))
[0.0 0.0 1.0]
(vec/cross (vec/vec2 [1 0]) (vec/vec2 [0 1]))

17.4.16 Angle Between

Calculates the angle (in radians) between two vectors. Useful for determining directional differences.

(vec/angle-between (vec/vec2 [1 0]) (vec/vec2 [0 1]))

17.4.17 Vector Distance

Computes the Euclidean distance between two vectors (points in space).

(vec/distances (vec/vec2 [1 1]) (vec/vec2 [4 5]))
[4.0 5.0]

17.4.18 Clamp

Restricts each component of a vector to lie within a specified range.

(vec/clamp (vec/vec3 [-10 3 7]) 0 5)
[0.0 3.0 5.0]

17.4.19 Absolute value

Computes the absolute value of each component of the vector.

(vec/abs [-10 -5 3])
[10.0 5.0 3.0]

17.4.20 Maximum value

Returns largest element value from vector.

(vec/mx (vec/vec3 [-10 3 7]))

17.4.21 Maximum value index

Returns largest element index from vector.

(vec/maxdim (vec/vec3 [-10 3 7]))

17.4.22 Minimum value

Returns smallest element value from vector.

(vec/mn (vec/vec3 [-10 3 7]))

17.4.23 Minimum value index

Returns smallest element index from vector.

(vec/mindim (vec/vec3 [-10 3 7]))

17.4.24 Vector Set Magnitude

Rescales a vector to have a specific magnitude without requiring normalization first.

(vec/set-mag (vec/vec2 [10 3]) 4)
[3.8313051408846057 1.1493915422653815]

17.4.25 Vector Limit Magnitude

Restricts the magnitude of a vector to a specified maximum value.

(vec/limit (vec/vec2 [3 4]) 2)
[1.2000000000000002 1.6]

17.4.26 Distance Squared

Calculates the squared distance between two vectors

(vec/dist-sq [1 1] [4 5])
source: notebooks/noj_book/linear_algebra_intro.clj