10  Data Visualization with Echarts - DRAFT 🛠

author: Zuzhi Hu, Ken Huang

In this tutorial, we explore how we can use Apache Echarts to visualize data.

(ns noj-book.echarts
  (:require [tablecloth.api :as tc]
            [scicloj.kindly.v4.kind :as kind]))

10.1 Getting started

Let us look into the example from the Echarts getting started tutorial.

10.1.1 Specifying a plot

We may create a Clojure data structure that will match the Javascript data structure in the example. When we annotate it with Kindly, tools such as Clay will convert the Clojure data to JSON and pass them to be visualized in the browser.

 {:tooltip {}
  :legend {:data ["sales"]}
  :xAxis {:data ["Shirts", "Cardigans", "Chiffons", "Pants", "Heels", "Socks"]}
  :yAxis {}
  :series [{:name "sales"
            :type :bar
            :data [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 20]}]})

10.1.2 Styling

The second argument for Kindly’s kind function can be used to specify options such as the style:

 {:tooltip {}
  :legend {:data ["sales"]}
  :xAxis {:data ["Shirts", "Cardigans", "Chiffons", "Pants", "Heels", "Socks"]}
  :yAxis {}
  :series [{:name "sales"
            :type :bar
            :data [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 20]}]}
 {:style {:height "200px"}})

Note that these styles are on Kindly’s side, so they can’t instruct on what styles would be applied to charts themselves.

10.1.3 ECharts’ Option Object

It looks like there isn’t docs yet about the option object passed to setOption at Echarts’ website, and yet it’s important to know what options are available out there.

So, here we’ve collected some info about keys and values of this vital object:

  • :xAxis, whose value is an object with these keys:

    • :type, its value could be:
      • :category
      • :time
  • :yAxis, whose value is an object with these keys:

    • :type, its value could be:
      • :value
  • :series, it contains an array of data series, each element of which contains:

    • :type, it specifies what type of chart to make and the value could be:
      • :bar, a bar chart
      • :line, a line chart
      • :pie, a pie chart
      • :scatter, a scatter chart
      • :effectScatter, a scatter chart with an animation effect
    • :data, which typically contains an array, whose item definitions vary depending on the above :type:
      • For :line, its value is an array of numbers;
      • For :pie, its value is an array of items with these keys:
        • :name, its value specifies the segment name
        • :value, whose value represents the segment value
    • :symbol, (optional) the symbol shown for a data point, which by default is a tiny circle, its value could be:
      • :circle a circle
      • :rect, a rectangle
      • :roundRect a rounded rectangle
      • :triangle
      • :diamond
      • :pin
      • :arrow
      • :none, just hide the symbol
    • :symbolSize, its value could be:
      • a number to specify pixels of the symbol
      • an array of two numbers to specify pixels for the symbol’s width and height

    Below keys are for :pie charts:

    • :radius, its value could be:
      • A string like "60%" specifying the chart radius.
      • An array of two strings like ["60%", "80%"] specifying the radiuses of the doughnut chart.
    • :roseType, whose value could be:
      • :area, indicates plotting a rose chart.
  • :title, things about the chart title, whose value is an object with keys:

    • :text, the title text
    • :subtext, the subtitle text
    • :top and :left specify the top-left corner of the title element: For :top, we can specify :top (the default), :center, or :bottom. And for :left, the value could be one of :left (the default), :center or :right.
  • :legend, chart legend

    • :data, whose value is an array of legend names
    • :top and :left can be used to specify the legend’s top-left corner, just as in :title.
    • :orient, the orientation, whose value could be :vertical or :horizontal (the default).
  • :tooltip, it would pop up a tooltip when your pointer hover over data points in the chart, which is something you definitely want to have.

    • :trigger, whose value could be:
      • :axis, show all series data of the current X on the tooltip.
      • :item
    • :order, by what order to show the values, which could be one of:
      • :valueDesc

10.1.4 Passing datasets

Now, what do we do if our data is held in a Tablecloth dataset?

(def sales
  (-> {:item ["Shirts", "Cardigans", "Chiffons", "Pants", "Heels", "Socks"]
       :amount [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 20]}
      (tc/set-dataset-name "Sales")))

Sales [6 2]:

:item :amount
Shirts 5
Cardigans 20
Chiffons 36
Pants 10
Heels 10
Socks 20

A dataset is also a map, and the keys are the column names:

(map? sales)
(keys sales)
(:item :amount)

So, we may extract the relevant columns and refer to them in the plot spec.

 {:tooltip {}
  :legend {:data ["sales"]}
  :xAxis {:data (:item sales)}
  :yAxis {}
  :series [{:name "sales"
            :type :bar
            :data (:amount sales)}]}
 {:style {:height "200px"}})

We may also use map destructuring:

(let [{:keys [item amount]} sales]
   {:tooltip {}
    :legend {:data ["sales"]}
    :xAxis {:data item}
    :yAxis {}
    :series [{:name "sales"
              :type :bar
              :data amount}]}
   {:style {:height "200px"}}))

10.2 Common Charts

Ready to see more charts in action?

Let’s explore more examples from the ECharts How To Guides.

To try charts work as expected with kind/echarts, you may also find it helpful to first try out each chart by clicking into the ones interesting to you on Echarts’ Examples Page, where it lists all of the charts, so that you can get a sense of how it works using JSON.

10.2.1 Bar Multi-series Bar Chart

You’ve already seen a basic bar chart in Specifying a plot. Now, let’s continue with a Multi-series Bar Chart. To show multiple series in the same chart, you need to add one more array under the series.

(def data-for-multi-series
  (-> {:days ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]
       :values-a [23, 24, 18, 25, 27, 28, 25]
       :values-b [26, 24, 18, 22, 23, 20, 27]}

_unnamed [7 3]:

:days :values-a :values-b
Mon 23 26
Tue 24 24
Wed 18 18
Thu 25 22
Fri 27 23
Sat 28 20
Sun 25 27
(let [{:keys [days values-a values-b]} data-for-multi-series]
   {:tooltip {}
    :xAxis {:data days}
    :yAxis {}
    :series [{:type :bar
              :data values-a}
             {:type :bar
              :data values-b}]})) Stacked Bar Chart

Sometimes, we hope to not only figure series separately but also the trend of the sum. It’s a good choice to implement it by using the stacked bar chart.

We can do it by simply set the same string type value for a group of series in stack.

(def data-for-stack
  (-> {:x-axis-data ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
       :values-a [10, 22, 28, 43, 49]
       :values-b [5, 4, 3, 5, 10]}
(let [{:keys [x-axis-data values-a values-b]} data-for-stack]
   {:tooltip {}
    :xAxis {:data x-axis-data}
    :yAxis {}
    :series [{:type :bar
              :data values-a
              :stack "x"}
             {:type :bar
              :data values-b
              :stack "x"}]})) Bar Racing Chart

Bar race is a chart that shows changes in the ranking of data over time.

TODO Waterfall Chart

There is no waterfall series in Apache ECharts, but we can simulate the effect using a stacked bar chart.

Assuming that the values in the data array represent an increase or decrease from the previous value.

(def data-for-waterfall
  [900, 345, 393, -108, -154, 135, 178, 286, -119, -361, -203])
[900 345 393 -108 -154 135 178 286 -119 -361 -203]

That is, the first data is 900 and the second data 345 represents the addition of 345 to 900, etc. When presenting this data as a stepped waterfall chart, we can use three series: the first is a non-interactive transparent series to implement the suspension bar effect, the second series is used to represent positive numbers, and the third series is used to represent negative numbers.

(let [positive (map #(if (>= % 0) % "-") data-for-waterfall)
      negative (map #(if (< % 0) (- %) "-") data-for-waterfall)
      suspended-cumulative (let [cumulative-values (reductions + 0 (drop-last data-for-waterfall))]
                             (map-indexed (fn [idx val]
                                            (if (< val 0)
                                              (+ (nth cumulative-values idx) val)
                                              (nth cumulative-values idx)))
   {:title {:text "Waterfall"}
    :grid {:left "3%"
           :right "4%"
           :bottom "3%"
           :containLabel true}
    :xAxis {:type :category
            :splitLine {:show false}
            :data (map #(str "Oct/" %) (range 1 12))}
    :yAxis {:type :value}
    :series [{:type :bar
              :stack "all"
              :itemStyle {:normal {:barBorderColor "rgba(0,0,0,0)"
                                   :color "rgba(0,0,0,0)"}
                          :emphasis {:barBorderColor "rgba(0,0,0,0)"
                                     :color "rgba(0,0,0,0)"}}
              :data suspended-cumulative}
             {:name "positive"
              :type :bar
              :stack "all"
              :data positive}
             {:name "negative"
              :type :bar
              :stack "all"
              :data negative
              :itemStyle {:color "#f33"}}]}))

10.2.2 Line Dataset Preparation

Before we plot any line charts, it’s helpful to prepare the dataset first.

This dataset originally contains three columns:

(tc/head noj-book.datasets/stocks)

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/techascent/tech.ml.dataset/master/test/data/stocks.csv [5 3]:

:symbol :date :price
MSFT 2000-01-01 39.81
MSFT 2000-02-01 36.35
MSFT 2000-03-01 43.22
MSFT 2000-04-01 28.37
MSFT 2000-05-01 25.45

To make it better serve this tutorial, let’s widen it:

(def reshaped-stocks
  (-> noj-book.datasets/stocks
      (tc/pivot->wider [:symbol] [:price] {:drop-missing? false})
      (tc/rename-columns keyword)))

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/techascent/tech.ml.dataset/master/test/data/stocks.csv [123 6]:

2000-01-01 39.81 64.56 100.52 25.94
2000-02-01 36.35 68.87 92.11 28.66
2000-03-01 43.22 67.00 106.11 33.95
2000-04-01 28.37 55.19 99.95 31.01
2000-05-01 25.45 48.31 96.31 21.00
2000-06-01 32.54 36.31 98.33 26.19
2000-07-01 28.40 30.12 100.74 25.41
2000-08-01 28.40 41.50 118.62 30.47
2000-09-01 24.53 38.44 101.19 12.88
2000-10-01 28.02 36.62 88.50 9.78
2009-05-01 20.59 77.99 104.85 417.23 135.81
2009-06-01 23.42 83.66 103.01 421.59 142.43
2009-07-01 23.18 85.76 116.34 443.05 163.39
2009-08-01 24.43 81.19 117.00 461.67 168.21
2009-09-01 25.49 93.36 118.55 495.85 185.35
2009-10-01 27.48 118.81 119.54 536.12 188.50
2009-11-01 29.27 135.91 125.79 583.00 199.91
2009-12-01 30.34 134.52 130.32 619.98 210.73
2010-01-01 28.05 125.41 121.85 529.94 192.06
2010-02-01 28.67 118.40 127.16 526.80 204.62
2010-03-01 28.80 128.82 125.55 560.19 223.02

As you can see, now it has a date column and a few other columns for every company’s stock price. Basic Line Chart

First let’s try it out with some simple data manually:

 {:tooltip {}
  :xAxis {:type :category
          :data ["A" "B" "C"]}
  :yAxis {:type :value}
  :series [{:type :line
            :data [120 200 150]}]})

Now, we can try the prepared dataset to see how it goes:

 {:tooltip {}
  :xAxis {:type :category
          :data (tc/column reshaped-stocks :date)}
  :yAxis {:type :value}
  :series [{:type :line
            :data (tc/column reshaped-stocks :MSFT)}]}) Stacked Line Chart

Now let’s stack a few more lines onto the same chart by adding more data series:

 {:xAxis {:type :category
          :data (tc/column reshaped-stocks :date)}
  :yAxis {:type :value}
  :series [{:type :line
            :data (tc/column reshaped-stocks :MSFT)}
           {:type :line
            :data (tc/column reshaped-stocks :AMZN)}]})

So far so good. But it’s confusing without legend for these lines, so let’s add it.

 {:xAxis {:type :category
          :data (tc/column reshaped-stocks :date)}
  :yAxis {:type :value}
  :legend {:data [:MSFT :AMZN]}
  :series [{:type :line
            :data (tc/column reshaped-stocks :MSFT)
            :name :MSFT}
           {:type :line
            :data (tc/column reshaped-stocks :AMZN)
            :name :AMZN}]})

Please note that you can toggle each line on and off by clicking its legend, which is a really nice feature.

It’s a bit tedious to have column names here and there, so we can define a helper function here to make life easier (maybe someday we can put this into kind or elsewhere):

(defn echarts-line
  "Return a line chart as echart.
  - `ds` the dataset.
  - `x-col` the column name of the dataset for the x axis.
  - `y-cols` the column names for the data series.
  - `series-fn` the function to add more info to a series.
  ([ds x-col y-cols]
   (echarts-line ds x-col y-cols nil))
  ([ds x-col y-cols series-fn]
    {:xAxis {:type :category
             :data (tc/column ds x-col)}
     :yAxis {:type :value}
     :legend {:data y-cols}
     :tooltip {}
     :series (->> y-cols
                  (map (fn [col]
                         (let [series {:type :line
                                       :data (tc/column ds col)
                                       :name col}]
                           (if series-fn
                             (series-fn series)

Now, if you want to have a single line chart, you can just do this:

(echarts-line reshaped-stocks :date [:AMZN])

Or a stacked line chart? No problem, just add more columns:

(echarts-line reshaped-stocks :date [:AMZN :GOOG])

So it looks like “Basic Line” and “Stacked Line” are just the same thing, the only difference lies on how many lines we want to plot. Smooth Line

You can smooth the line a little bit if you think it’s too sharp:

(echarts-line reshaped-stocks :date [:AMZN :GOOG] #(assoc % :smooth true)) Area Chart

Associating the data series with a areaStyle will make it an area chart.

(let [colors {:AMZN "#9b59b6"
              :MSFT "#3498db"}]
  (echarts-line reshaped-stocks
                [:AMZN :MSFT]
                #(assoc % :areaStyle {:color (get colors (:name %))}))) Step Line Chart

Attach an extra :step attribute to each series will make it a step chart. Depending on where you want the change occur on chart for every step line, you can specify :start, :middle, or :end.

(echarts-line (tc/head reshaped-stocks)
              [:AMZN :MSFT]
              #(assoc % :step (if (= (:name %) :AMZN)

10.2.3 Pie Basic Pie

It’s quite easy to plot a basic pie chart following the Basic Pie Chart Example:

(kind/echarts {:series [{:type :pie
                         :data [{:name "Direct Visit"
                                 :value 335}
                                {:name "Union Ad"
                                 :value 234}
                                {:name "Search Engine"
                                 :value 1548}]}]}) Doughnut Chart (Ring-style Pie Chart)

Quote Doughnut Chart Guide: > Doughnut charts are also used to show the proportion of values compared with the total. Different from the pie chart, the blank in the middle of the chart can be used to provide some extra info. It makes a doughnut chart commonly used chart type.

A basic doughnut chart would work like this:

(kind/echarts {:title {:text "A Simple Doughnut Chart"
                       :left :center
                       :top :bottom}
               :series [{:type :pie
                         :data [{:name "A" :value 335}
                                {:name "B" :value 234}
                                {:name "C" :value 1548}]
                         :radius ["40%" "70%"]}]}) Rose Chart (Nightingale Chart)

Rose Chart, aka Nightingale Chart, usually indicates categories by sector with the same radius but different values.

(kind/echarts {:series [{:type :pie
                         :roseType :area
                         :data [{:name "A" :value 100}
                                {:name "B" :value 200}
                                {:name "C" :value 300}
                                {:name "D" :value 400}
                                {:name "E" :value 500}]}]})

10.2.4 Scatter Basic Scatter Chart

If the data for x-axis is discrete, we need to feed data to x-axis and series separately:

(kind/echarts {:xAxis {:data ["Sun" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fir" "Sat"]}
               :yAxis {}
               :series [{:type :scatter
                         :data [220 182 191 234 290 330 310]}]})

Or, if both axes data are numbers as in Cartesian Coordinate System, we only need to feed data into :data at once, each of which is an 2-number array for the x and y axis:

(kind/echarts {:xAxis {}
               :yAxis {}
               :series [{:type :scatter
                         :data [[100.0 8.04]
                                [12.2 7.83]
                                [2.02 4.47]
                                [1.05 3.33]
                                [4.05 4.96]
                                [6.03 7.24]
                                [12.0 6.26]
                                [12.0 8.84]
                                [7.08 5.82]
                                [5.02 5.68]]}]})

Now, let’s use a dataset to render more data onto the chart:

(tc/row-count noj-book.datasets/scatter)
(kind/echarts {:xAxis {}
               :yAxis {}
               :series [{:type :scatter
                         :data (-> noj-book.datasets/scatter
                                   (tc/select-columns [:x :y])
                                   (tc/rows :as-vecs))}]})