4 Comparing the data representations of ggplot plots
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This is part of the Scicloj Clojure Data Tutorials. |
ns comparing
(:require [clojisr.v1.r :as r :refer [r r$ r->clj]]
(:as plotting]
[clojisr.v1.applications.plotting :as kind]
[scicloj.kindly.v4.kind walk :as walk]
[clojure.:as tc]
[tablecloth.api :as editscript]
[editscript.core :as pp]
[clojure.pprint :as str]
[clojure.string [representing]))
4.1 Exlploring a few plots
Let us explore and compare a few plots through their Clojure representations:
defn h3 [title] (kind/hiccup [:h3 title])) (
defn h4 [title] (kind/hiccup [:h4 title])) (
defn ggplot-summary
([title r-code]
(ggplot-summary r-code))
([title r-code prev-clj-to-compare]let [plot (r r-code)
(-> plot
clj (
representing/ggplot->cljdissoc :data))]
(:title title
{:r-code r-code
:image (plotting/plot->buffered-image plot)
:clj clj
:diff (when prev-clj-to-compare
-> prev-clj-to-compare
(editscript/diff clj)
#": " ":_ ")
(str/replace read-string))})))
defn view-summary [{:keys [title r-code image clj diff]}]
[(h3 title)"R code")
(kind/mdformat "\n```\n%s\n```\n"
image"clj data")
cljwhen diff
(kind/fragment"clj diff with previous")
[(h4 diff]))]))
->> [;;
("A scatterplot"
["(ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy))
+ geom_point())"]
"A scatterplot with colours"
["(ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy, color=factor(cyl)))
+ geom_point())"]
"A scatterplot with colours and smoothing"
["(ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy, color=factor(cyl)))
+ geom_point()
+ stat_smooth(method=\"lm\"))"]
"A scatterplot with colours, smoothing, and facets"
["(ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy, color=factor(cyl)))
+ geom_point()
+ stat_smooth(method=\"lm\")
+ facet_wrap(~cyl))"]]
fn [prev-summary [title r-code]]
(reductions (
(ggplot-summary title
r-code:clj prev-summary)))
map view-summary)
( kind/fragment)
A scatterplot
R code
(ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy))
+ geom_point())
clj data
:labels {:x ["cty"], :y ["hwy"]},
:expand [true],
{:clip ["on"],
:limits {:x nil, :y nil},
:super :ggproto-method,
:default [true]},
:layout {:super :ggproto-method},
:mapping {:x [~ cty], :y [~ hwy]},
:facet {:shrink [true], :super :ggproto-method},
:scales {:scales [], :super :ggproto-method},
:theme [],
:guides {:guides nil, :super :ggproto-method},
:aes_params [],
[{:stat {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
:show.legend [nil],
:mapping nil,
:super :ggproto-method,
:inherit.aes [true],
:geom_params {:na.rm [false]},
:non_missing_aes ["size" "shape" "colour"],
{:draw_key :ggproto-method,
:shape [19.0],
{:colour ["black"],
:size [1.5],
:fill [nil],
:alpha [nil],
:stroke [0.5]},
:super :ggproto-method,
:required_aes ["x" "y"],
:draw_panel :ggproto-method},
:stat_params {:na.rm [false]},
:constructor [geom_point],
:position {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
:data []}]}
A scatterplot with colours
R code
(ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy, color=factor(cyl)))
+ geom_point())
clj data
:labels {:x ["cty"], :y ["hwy"], :colour ["factor(cyl)"]},
:expand [true],
{:clip ["on"],
:limits {:x nil, :y nil},
:super :ggproto-method,
:default [true]},
:layout {:super :ggproto-method},
:mapping {:x [~ cty], :y [~ hwy], :colour [~ [factor cyl]]},
:facet {:shrink [true], :super :ggproto-method},
:scales {:scales [], :super :ggproto-method},
:theme [],
:guides {:guides nil, :super :ggproto-method},
:aes_params [],
[{:stat {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
:show.legend [nil],
:mapping nil,
:super :ggproto-method,
:inherit.aes [true],
:geom_params {:na.rm [false]},
:non_missing_aes ["size" "shape" "colour"],
{:draw_key :ggproto-method,
:shape [19.0],
{:colour ["black"],
:size [1.5],
:fill [nil],
:alpha [nil],
:stroke [0.5]},
:super :ggproto-method,
:required_aes ["x" "y"],
:draw_panel :ggproto-method},
:stat_params {:na.rm [false]},
:constructor [geom_point],
:position {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
:data []}]}
clj diff with previous
:labels :colour] :+ ["factor(cyl)"]]
[[[:mapping :colour] :+ [~[factor cyl]]]] [[
A scatterplot with colours and smoothing
R code
(ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy, color=factor(cyl)))
+ geom_point()
+ stat_smooth(method="lm"))
clj data
:labels {:x ["cty"], :y ["hwy"], :colour ["factor(cyl)"]},
:expand [true],
{:clip ["on"],
:limits {:x nil, :y nil},
:super :ggproto-method,
:default [true]},
:layout {:super :ggproto-method},
:mapping {:x [~ cty], :y [~ hwy], :colour [~ [factor cyl]]},
:facet {:shrink [true], :super :ggproto-method},
:scales {:scales [], :super :ggproto-method},
:theme [],
:guides {:guides nil, :super :ggproto-method},
:aes_params [],
[{:stat {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
:show.legend [nil],
:mapping nil,
:super :ggproto-method,
:inherit.aes [true],
:geom_params {:na.rm [false]},
:non_missing_aes ["size" "shape" "colour"],
{:draw_key :ggproto-method,
:shape [19.0],
{:colour ["black"],
:size [1.5],
:fill [nil],
:alpha [nil],
:stroke [0.5]},
:super :ggproto-method,
:required_aes ["x" "y"],
:draw_panel :ggproto-method},
:stat_params {:na.rm [false]},
:constructor [geom_point],
:position {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
:data []}
:aes_params [],
:extra_params ["na.rm" "orientation"],
{:super :ggproto-method,
:compute_group :ggproto-method,
:required_aes ["x" "y"],
:setup_params :ggproto-method,
:dropped_aes ["weight"]},
:show.legend [nil],
:mapping nil,
:super :ggproto-method,
:inherit.aes [true],
:geom_params {:se [true], :na.rm [false], :orientation [nil]},
:setup_params :ggproto-method,
{:super :ggproto-method,
:draw_key :ggproto-method,
:extra_params ["na.rm" "orientation"],
:required_aes ["x" "y"],
:draw_group :ggproto-method,
:optional_aes ["ymin" "ymax"],
:rename_size [true],
:setup_data :ggproto-method,
:colour ["#3366FF"],
{:fill ["grey60"],
:linewidth [1.0],
:linetype [1.0],
:weight [1.0],
:alpha [0.4]}},
:na.rm [false],
{:method ["lm"],
:n [80.0],
:xseq nil,
:orientation [nil],
:level [0.95],
:fullrange [false],
:se [true],
:formula nil,
:method.args [],
:span [0.75]},
:constructor {: nil, :method ["lm"]},
:position {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
:data []}]}
clj diff with previous
:layers 1]
:+:aes_params [],
:extra_params ["na.rm" "orientation"],
{:super :ggproto-method,
:compute_group :ggproto-method,
:required_aes ["x" "y"],
:setup_params :ggproto-method,
:dropped_aes ["weight"]},
:show.legend [nil],
:mapping nil,
:super :ggproto-method,
:inherit.aes [true],
:geom_params {:se [true], :na.rm [false], :orientation [nil]},
:setup_params :ggproto-method,
{:super :ggproto-method,
:draw_key :ggproto-method,
:extra_params ["na.rm" "orientation"],
:required_aes ["x" "y"],
:draw_group :ggproto-method,
:optional_aes ["ymin" "ymax"],
:rename_size [true],
:setup_data :ggproto-method,
:colour ["#3366FF"],
{:fill ["grey60"],
:linewidth [1.0],
:linetype [1.0],
:weight [1.0],
:alpha [0.4]}},
:na.rm [false],
{:method ["lm"],
:n [80.0],
:xseq nil,
:orientation [nil],
:level [0.95],
:fullrange [false],
:se [true],
:formula nil,
:method.args [],
:span [0.75]},
:constructor {:_ nil, :method ["lm"]},
:position {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
:data []}]]
A scatterplot with colours, smoothing, and facets
R code
(ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy, color=factor(cyl)))
+ geom_point()
+ stat_smooth(method="lm")
+ facet_wrap(~cyl))
clj data
:labels {:x ["cty"], :y ["hwy"], :colour ["factor(cyl)"]},
:expand [true],
{:clip ["on"],
:limits {:x nil, :y nil},
:super :ggproto-method,
:default [true]},
:layout {:super :ggproto-method},
:mapping {:x [~ cty], :y [~ hwy], :colour [~ [factor cyl]]},
{:axis_labels {:x [true], :y [true]},
{:dir ["h"],
:draw_axes {:x [false], :y [false]},
:nrow nil,
:as.table [true],
:free {:x [false], :y [false]},
:drop [true],
:strip.position ["top"],
:ncol nil,
:facets {:cyl [~ cyl]},
"function (labels, multi_line = TRUE) \n{\n labels <- lapply(labels, as.character)\n if (multi_line) {\n labels\n }\n else {\n collapse_labels_lines(labels)\n }\n}\n<bytecode: 0x560984ec79a0>\n<environment: namespace:ggplot2>\nattr(,\"class\")\n[1] \"function\" \"labeller\"\n"},
:shrink [true],
:super :ggproto-method},
:scales {:scales [], :super :ggproto-method},
:theme [],
:guides {:guides nil, :super :ggproto-method},
:aes_params [],
[{:stat {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
:show.legend [nil],
:mapping nil,
:super :ggproto-method,
:inherit.aes [true],
:geom_params {:na.rm [false]},
:non_missing_aes ["size" "shape" "colour"],
{:draw_key :ggproto-method,
:shape [19.0],
{:colour ["black"],
:size [1.5],
:fill [nil],
:alpha [nil],
:stroke [0.5]},
:super :ggproto-method,
:required_aes ["x" "y"],
:draw_panel :ggproto-method},
:stat_params {:na.rm [false]},
:constructor [geom_point],
:position {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
:data []}
:aes_params [],
:extra_params ["na.rm" "orientation"],
{:super :ggproto-method,
:compute_group :ggproto-method,
:required_aes ["x" "y"],
:setup_params :ggproto-method,
:dropped_aes ["weight"]},
:show.legend [nil],
:mapping nil,
:super :ggproto-method,
:inherit.aes [true],
:geom_params {:se [true], :na.rm [false], :orientation [nil]},
:setup_params :ggproto-method,
{:super :ggproto-method,
:draw_key :ggproto-method,
:extra_params ["na.rm" "orientation"],
:required_aes ["x" "y"],
:draw_group :ggproto-method,
:optional_aes ["ymin" "ymax"],
:rename_size [true],
:setup_data :ggproto-method,
:colour ["#3366FF"],
{:fill ["grey60"],
:linewidth [1.0],
:linetype [1.0],
:weight [1.0],
:alpha [0.4]}},
:na.rm [false],
{:method ["lm"],
:n [80.0],
:xseq nil,
:orientation [nil],
:level [0.95],
:fullrange [false],
:se [true],
:formula nil,
:method.args [],
:span [0.75]},
:constructor {: nil, :method ["lm"]},
:position {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
:data []}]}
clj diff with previous
:facet :params]
:+:axis_labels {:x [true], :y [true]},
{:dir ["h"],
:draw_axes {:x [false], :y [false]},
:nrow nil,
:as.table [true],
:free {:x [false], :y [false]},
:drop [true],
:strip.position ["top"],
:ncol nil,
:facets {:cyl [~cyl]},
"function (labels, multi_line = TRUE) \n{\n labels <- lapply(labels, as.character)\n if (multi_line) {\n labels\n }\n else {\n collapse_labels_lines(labels)\n }\n}\n<bytecode:_ 0x560984ec79a0>\n<environment:_ namespace:ggplot2>\nattr(,\"class\")\n[1] \"function\" \"labeller\"\n"}]]