5  Code examples from study session 2024-02-25

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This is part of the Scicloj Clojure Data Scrapbook.
(ns study-session-20240225
  (:require [clojisr.v1.r :as r :refer [r]]
            [clojisr.v1.applications.plotting :as plotting]
            [scicloj.kindly.v4.kind :as kind]
            [tablecloth.api :as tc]
            [scicloj.metamorph.ml.toydata :as toydata]
            [scicloj.metamorph.ml.toydata.ggplot :as toydata.ggplot]

Add ggplot2 to the R runtime:

(r/library "ggplot2")
[1] "ggplot2"   "Rserve"    "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"    
[7] "datasets"  "methods"   "base"     

The mpg dataset:

(r "mpg")
# A tibble: 234 × 11
   manufacturer model      displ  year   cyl trans drv     cty   hwy fl    class
   <chr>        <chr>      <dbl> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <chr>
 1 audi         a4           1.8  1999     4 auto… f        18    29 p     comp…
 2 audi         a4           1.8  1999     4 manu… f        21    29 p     comp…
 3 audi         a4           2    2008     4 manu… f        20    31 p     comp…
 4 audi         a4           2    2008     4 auto… f        21    30 p     comp…
 5 audi         a4           2.8  1999     6 auto… f        16    26 p     comp…
 6 audi         a4           2.8  1999     6 manu… f        18    26 p     comp…
 7 audi         a4           3.1  2008     6 auto… f        18    27 p     comp…
 8 audi         a4 quattro   1.8  1999     4 manu… 4        18    26 p     comp…
 9 audi         a4 quattro   1.8  1999     4 auto… 4        16    25 p     comp…
10 audi         a4 quattro   2    2008     4 manu… 4        20    28 p     comp…
# ℹ 224 more rows

Evaluating R and showing a plot as a bitmap image:

 (r "
(ggplot(mpg, aes(x = cty, y = hwy, color = year)) +

Showing a plot as svg:

 (r "
(ggplot(mpg, aes(x = cty, y = hwy, color = year)) +
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>\n<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' class='svglite' width='720.00pt' height='576.00pt' viewBox='0 0 720.00 576.00'>\n<defs>\n  <style type='text/css'><![CDATA[\n    .svglite line, .svglite polyline, .svglite polygon, .svglite path, .svglite rect, .svglite circle {\n      fill: none;\n      stroke: #000000;\n      stroke-linecap: round;\n      stroke-linejoin: round;\n      stroke-miterlimit: 10.00;\n    }\n    .svglite text {\n      white-space: pre;\n    }\n  ]]></style>\n</defs>\n<rect width='100%' height='100%' style='stroke: none; fill: #FFFFFF;'/>\n<defs>\n  <clipPath id='cpMC4wMHw3MjAuMDB8MC4wMHw1NzYuMDA='>\n    <rect x='0.00' y='0.00' width='720.00' height='576.00' />\n  </clipPath>\n</defs>\n<g clip-path='url(#cpMC4wMHw3MjAuMDB8MC4wMHw1NzYuMDA=)'>\n<rect x='0.00' y='0.00' width='720.00' height='576.00' style='stroke-width: 1.07; stroke: #FFFFFF; fill: #FFFFFF;' />\n</g>\n<defs>\n  <clipPath id='cpMzQuNjV8NjQ3LjQ3fDUuNDh8NTQ0LjI5'>\n    <rect x='34.65' y='5.48' width='612.82' height='538.82' />\n  </clipPath>\n</defs>\n<g clip-path='url(#cpMzQuNjV8NjQ3LjQ3fDUuNDh8NTQ0LjI5)'>\n<rect x='34.65' y='5.48' width='612.82' height='538.82' style='stroke-width: 1.07; stroke: none; fill: #EBEBEB;' />\n<polyline points='34.65,473.88 647.47,473.88 ' style='stroke-width: 0.53; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='34.65,320.81 647.47,320.81 ' style='stroke-width: 0.53; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='34.65,167.74 647.47,167.74 ' style='stroke-width: 0.53; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='34.65,14.66 647.47,14.66 ' style='stroke-width: 0.53; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='137.50,544.29 137.50,5.48 ' style='stroke-width: 0.53; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='244.64,544.29 244.64,5.48 ' style='stroke-width: 0.53; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='351.77,544.29 351.77,5.48 ' style='stroke-width: 0.53; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='458.91,544.29 458.91,5.48 ' style='stroke-width: 0.53; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='566.04,544.29 566.04,5.48 ' style='stroke-width: 0.53; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='34.65,397.35 647.47,397.35 ' style='stroke-width: 1.07; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='34.65,244.27 647.47,244.27 ' style='stroke-width: 1.07; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='34.65,91.20 647.47,91.20 ' style='stroke-width: 1.07; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='83.93,544.29 83.93,5.48 ' style='stroke-width: 1.07; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='191.07,544.29 191.07,5.48 ' style='stroke-width: 1.07; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='298.20,544.29 298.20,5.48 ' style='stroke-width: 1.07; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='405.34,544.29 405.34,5.48 ' style='stroke-width: 1.07; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='512.47,544.29 512.47,5.48 ' style='stroke-width: 1.07; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<polyline points='619.61,544.29 619.61,5.48 ' style='stroke-width: 1.07; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<circle cx='255.35' cy='259.58' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='319.63' cy='259.58' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='298.20' cy='228.97' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='319.63' cy='244.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='212.50' cy='305.50' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='255.35' cy='305.50' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='255.35' cy='290.19' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='255.35' cy='305.50' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='212.50' cy='320.81' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='298.20' cy='274.89' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='276.78' cy='290.19' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='320.81' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='233.92' cy='320.81' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='233.92' cy='320.81' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='320.81' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='336.12' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='233.92' cy='320.81' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='212.50' cy='351.42' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='397.35' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='473.88' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='397.35' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='126.79' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='212.50' cy='305.50' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='351.42' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='212.50' cy='305.50' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='320.81' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='336.12' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='412.65' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='489.19' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='473.88' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='276.78' cy='290.19' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='341.06' cy='244.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='255.35' cy='305.50' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='255.35' cy='259.58' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='233.92' cy='305.50' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='255.35' cy='336.12' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='233.92' cy='336.12' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='212.50' cy='366.73' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='212.50' cy='366.73' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='233.92' cy='336.12' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='233.92' cy='336.12' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='366.73' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='382.04' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='212.50' cy='351.42' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='212.50' cy='351.42' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='412.65' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='427.96' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='412.65' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='412.65' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='62.51' cy='519.80' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='473.88' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='62.51' cy='519.80' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='458.57' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='427.96' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='473.88' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='126.79' cy='458.57' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='62.51' cy='519.80' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='126.79' cy='458.57' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='62.51' cy='519.80' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='473.88' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='458.57' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='473.88' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='126.79' cy='427.96' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='412.65' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='412.65' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='412.65' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='458.57' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='458.57' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='105.36' cy='473.88' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='148.21' cy='443.27' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='255.35' cy='305.50' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='255.35' cy='320.81' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='233.92' cy='305.50' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='212.50' cy='336.12' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='382.04' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='366.73' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #132B43; fill: #132B43;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='351.42' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='191.07' cy='366.73' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='169.64' cy='397.35' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; stroke: #56B1F7; fill: #56B1F7;' />\n<circle cx='469.62' cy='198.35' r='1.95' style='stroke-width: 0.71; 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font-family: \"Liberation Sans\";' textLength='16.87px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>cty</text>\n<text transform='translate(13.50,274.89) rotate(-90)' text-anchor='middle' style='font-size: 11.00px; font-family: \"Liberation Sans\";' textLength='22.48px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>hwy</text>\n<rect x='658.42' y='218.31' width='56.10' height='113.15' style='stroke-width: 1.07; stroke: none; fill: #FFFFFF;' />\n<image width='17.28' height='86.40' x='663.90' y='239.58' preserveAspectRatio='none' xlink:href=''/>\n<text x='686.66' y='319.48' style='font-size: 8.80px; font-family: \"Liberation Sans\";' textLength='22.38px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>2000</text>\n<text x='686.66' y='300.34' style='font-size: 8.80px; font-family: \"Liberation Sans\";' textLength='22.38px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>2002</text>\n<text x='686.66' y='281.21' style='font-size: 8.80px; font-family: \"Liberation Sans\";' textLength='22.38px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>2004</text>\n<text x='686.66' y='262.07' style='font-size: 8.80px; font-family: \"Liberation Sans\";' textLength='22.38px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>2006</text>\n<text x='686.66' y='242.93' style='font-size: 8.80px; font-family: \"Liberation Sans\";' textLength='22.38px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>2008</text>\n<text x='663.90' y='232.96' style='font-size: 11.00px; font-family: \"Liberation Sans\";' textLength='24.54px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>year</text>\n<line x1='663.90' y1='316.27' x2='667.36' y2='316.27' style='stroke-width: 0.38; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<line x1='663.90' y1='297.13' x2='667.36' y2='297.13' style='stroke-width: 0.38; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<line x1='663.90' y1='278.00' x2='667.36' y2='278.00' style='stroke-width: 0.38; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<line x1='663.90' y1='258.86' x2='667.36' y2='258.86' style='stroke-width: 0.38; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<line x1='663.90' y1='239.73' x2='667.36' y2='239.73' style='stroke-width: 0.38; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<line x1='677.73' y1='316.27' x2='681.18' y2='316.27' style='stroke-width: 0.38; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<line x1='677.73' y1='297.13' x2='681.18' y2='297.13' style='stroke-width: 0.38; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<line x1='677.73' y1='278.00' x2='681.18' y2='278.00' style='stroke-width: 0.38; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<line x1='677.73' y1='258.86' x2='681.18' y2='258.86' style='stroke-width: 0.38; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n<line x1='677.73' y1='239.73' x2='681.18' y2='239.73' style='stroke-width: 0.38; stroke: #FFFFFF; stroke-linecap: butt;' />\n</g>\n</svg>\n"

Use ggplot2 as a Clojure namespace:

(r/require-r '[ggplot2 :as gg])

The mpg dataset as a Clojure (tech.ml.dataset) dataset:


_unnamed [234 11]:

:manufacturer :model :displ :year :cyl :trans :drv :cty :hwy :fl :class
audi a4 1.8 1999 4 auto(l5) f 18 29 p compact
audi a4 1.8 1999 4 manual(m5) f 21 29 p compact
audi a4 2.0 2008 4 manual(m6) f 20 31 p compact
audi a4 2.0 2008 4 auto(av) f 21 30 p compact
audi a4 2.8 1999 6 auto(l5) f 16 26 p compact
audi a4 2.8 1999 6 manual(m5) f 18 26 p compact
audi a4 3.1 2008 6 auto(av) f 18 27 p compact
audi a4 quattro 1.8 1999 4 manual(m5) 4 18 26 p compact
audi a4 quattro 1.8 1999 4 auto(l5) 4 16 25 p compact
audi a4 quattro 2.0 2008 4 manual(m6) 4 20 28 p compact
volkswagen new beetle 2.0 1999 4 manual(m5) f 21 29 r subcompact
volkswagen new beetle 2.0 1999 4 auto(l4) f 19 26 r subcompact
volkswagen new beetle 2.5 2008 5 manual(m5) f 20 28 r subcompact
volkswagen new beetle 2.5 2008 5 auto(s6) f 20 29 r subcompact
volkswagen passat 1.8 1999 4 manual(m5) f 21 29 p midsize
volkswagen passat 1.8 1999 4 auto(l5) f 18 29 p midsize
volkswagen passat 2.0 2008 4 auto(s6) f 19 28 p midsize
volkswagen passat 2.0 2008 4 manual(m6) f 21 29 p midsize
volkswagen passat 2.8 1999 6 auto(l5) f 16 26 p midsize
volkswagen passat 2.8 1999 6 manual(m5) f 18 26 p midsize
volkswagen passat 3.6 2008 6 auto(s6) f 17 26 p midsize

Evaluating R code generated from the Clojure namespace, with Clojure data.

(-> toydata.ggplot/mpg
    (gg/ggplot (gg/aes :x 'cty
                       :y 'hwy
                       :color 'year))
    (r/r+ (gg/geom_point))

Representing a ggplot plot as Clojure data:

(-> toydata.ggplot/mpg
    (gg/ggplot (gg/aes :x 'cty
                       :y 'hwy
                       :color 'year))
    (r/r+ (gg/geom_point))
    ;; (dissoc the dataset itself
    ;; to keep the structure small)
    (dissoc :data))
 [{:aes_params [],
   :stat {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
   :show.legend [nil],
   :mapping nil,
   :super :ggproto-method,
   :inherit.aes [true],
   :geom_params {:na.rm [false]},
   {:non_missing_aes ["size" "shape" "colour"],
    :draw_key :ggproto-method,
    {:shape [19.0],
     :colour ["black"],
     :size [1.5],
     :fill [nil],
     :alpha [nil],
     :stroke [0.5]},
    :super :ggproto-method,
    :required_aes ["x" "y"],
    :draw_panel :ggproto-method},
   :stat_params {:na.rm [false]},
   :constructor [[$ .MEM x801cad4121d84055]],
   :position {:compute_layer :ggproto-method, :super :ggproto-method},
   :data []}],
 :scales {:scales [], :super :ggproto-method},
 :mapping {:x [~ cty], :y [~ hwy], :colour [~ year]},
 :theme [],
 {:expand [true],
  :clip ["on"],
  :limits {:x nil, :y nil},
  :super :ggproto-method,
  :default [true]},
 :facet {:shrink [true], :super :ggproto-method},
 :labels {:x ["cty"], :y ["hwy"], :colour ["year"]}}

Using log scale (keeping axis labels, changing the spacing):

(-> toydata.ggplot/mpg
    (gg/ggplot (gg/aes :x 'cty
                       :y 'hwy
                       :color 'year))
    (r/r+ (gg/geom_point :size 5)
20 30 40 10 15 20 25 30 35 cty hwy 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 year
source: projects/datavis/ggplot/notebooks/study_session_20240225.clj