7 Further exploring ggplotly’s client side
ns ggplotly-cont
(:require [tablecloth.api :as tc]
(:as toydata.ggplot]
[scicloj.metamorph.ml.toydata.ggplot :as fun]
[tech.v3.datatype.functional :as kind]
[scicloj.kindly.v4.kind :as str]
[clojure.string :as math]
[clojure.math :as color]
[clojure2d.color :as tcc])) [tablecloth.column.api
The following template was generated from the JSON file in the HTML generated by ggplotly(ggplot(mpg, aes(x=hwy, y=displ, color=factor(cyl))) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="lm"))
and then gradually generalizing it as a set of Clojure functions. This is a work-in-progress draft. Some parts are still hard-coded (e.g., colours).
defn layer [{:keys [type x y color text name legendgroup showlegend]}]
(merge {:hoveron "points",
(:legendgroup legendgroup,
:showlegend showlegend
:frame nil,
:hoverinfo "text",
:name name,
:mode (case type
:point "markers"
:line "lines")
:type "scatter",
:xaxis "x",
:yaxis "y",
:x (vec x)
:y (vec y)
:text (vec text)}
case type
(:point {:marker {:autocolorscale false,
:color color,
:opacity 1,
:size 5.66929133858268,
:symbol "circle",
:line {:width 1.88976377952756, :color color}}}
:line {:line {:width 3.77952755905512,
:color color,
:dash "solid"}})))
def colors
(->> :category10
color/palettemapv (fn [[r g b a]]
(format "rgba(%d,%d,%d,%f)"
(int r)
(int g)
(int b)
(/ a 255.0)))))) (
def config
(:doubleClick "reset",
{:modeBarButtonsToAdd ["hoverclosest" "hovercompare"],
:showSendToCloud false},)
def highlight
(:on "plotly_click",
{:persistent false,
:dynamic false,
:selectize false,
:opacityDim 0.2,
:selected {:opacity 1},
:debounce 0},)
defn texts [ds column-names]
(-> ds
(tc/select-columns column-names)
tc/rows->> (map (fn [row]
("<br />"
(str/join map (partial format "%s: %s")
( column-names row)))))))
defn ->tickvals [l r]
(let [jump (-> (- r l)
(/ 6)
max 1))]
(-> l
math/ceilrange r jump)))) (
defn axis [{:keys [minval maxval anchor title]}]
(let [tickvals (->tickvals minval maxval)
(mapv str tickvals)
ticktext (- maxval minval)
range-len (* 0.1 range-len)
range-expansion (- minval range-expansion)
expanded-range [(+ maxval range-expansion)]]
(:linewidth 0,
{:ticklen 3.65296803652968,
:tickcolor "rgba(51,51,51,1)",
:tickmode "array",
:gridcolor "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
:automargin true,
:type "linear",
:tickvals tickvals,
:zeroline false,
:text title,
{:font {:color "rgba(0,0,0,1)", :family "", :size 14.6118721461187}},
:tickfont {:color "rgba(77,77,77,1)", :family "", :size 11.689497716895},
:autorange false,
:showticklabels true,
:showline false,
:showgrid true,
:ticktext ticktext,
:ticks "outside",
:gridwidth 0.66417600664176,
:anchor "y",
:domain [0 1],
:hoverformat ".2f",
:tickangle 0,
:tickwidth 0.66417600664176,
:categoryarray ticktext,
:categoryorder "array",
:range expanded-range},))
defn layout [{:keys [xaxis yaxis]}]
(:plot_bgcolor "rgba(235,235,235,1)",
{:paper_bgcolor "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
:legend {:bgcolor "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
:bordercolor "transparent",
:borderwidth 1.88976377952756,
:font {:color "rgba(0,0,0,1)", :family "", :size 11.689497716895},
:title {:text "factor(cyl)",
:font {:color "rgba(0,0,0,1)", :family "", :size 14.6118721461187}}},
:font {:color "rgba(0,0,0,1)", :family "", :size 14.6118721461187},
:showlegend true,
:barmode "relative",
:hovermode "closest",
:t 25.7412480974125,
{:r 7.30593607305936,
:b 39.6955859969559,
:l 31.4155251141553},
:shapes [{:yref "paper",
:fillcolor nil,
:xref "paper",
:y1 1,
:type "rect",
:line {:color nil, :width 0, :linetype []},
:y0 0,
:x1 1,
:x0 0}]
:xaxis xaxis
:yaxis yaxis})
(let [data toydata.ggplot/mpg
(-> data
point-layers ("factor(cyl)" #(:cyl %))
(tc/add-column :cyl {:result-type :as-map})
(tc/group-by ->> (sort-by key)
(map-indexedfn [i [group-name group-data]]
(let [base {:x (:hwy group-data),
(:y (:displ group-data)
:color (colors i)
:name group-name
:legendgroup group-name}
predictions (:hwy group-data)
(fun/linear-regressor (:displ group-data))
(:hwy group-data))]
(-> base
[(assoc :type :point
(:showlegend true
:y (:displ group-data)
:text (-> group-data
:hwy :displ "factor(cyl)"])))
(texts [
layer)-> base
(assoc :type :line
(:showlegend false
:y predictions
:text (-> group-data
;; (tc/add-column :displ predictions)
:hwy :displ "factor(cyl)"])))
(texts [
layer)])))apply concat)))
(-> data :hwy tcc/reduce-min)
xmin (-> data :hwy tcc/reduce-max)
xmax (-> data :displ tcc/reduce-min)
ymin (-> data :displ tcc/reduce-max)
ymax (:minval xmin
xaxis (axis {:maxval xmax
:anchor "x"
:title :hwy})
:minval ymin
yaxis (axis {:maxval ymax
:anchor "x"
:title :displ})]
{:config config
{:highlight highlight
:base_url "https://plot.ly",
:layout (layout {:xaxis xaxis
:yaxis yaxis})
:data point-layers},
:evals [],
:jsHooks []})))