The Internet

Files over HTTP

If a dataset is already in a tabular format somewhere on the internet, getting it into tablecloth is trivially easy. You can just pass the URL directly to tablecloth and it will parse the data in to a table automatically.

For example this dataset of world cities is available as a CSV and Just Works:

(tc/dataset "") [28796 4]:

name country subcountry geonameid
les Escaldes Andorra Escaldes-Engordany 3040051
Andorra la Vella Andorra Andorra la Vella 3041563
Warīsān United Arab Emirates Dubai 290503
Umm Suqaym United Arab Emirates Dubai 290581
Umm Al Quwain City United Arab Emirates Imarat Umm al Qaywayn 290594
Ar Rāshidīyah United Arab Emirates Dubai 291061
Ras Al Khaimah City United Arab Emirates Imarat Ra’s al Khaymah 291074
Zayed City United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi 291580
Khawr Fakkān United Arab Emirates Sharjah 291696
Kalbā United Arab Emirates Sharjah 291763
Gwanda Zimbabwe Matabeleland South Province 890516
Gokwe Zimbabwe Midlands Province 890983
Chiredzi Zimbabwe Masvingo Province 893485
Chipinge Zimbabwe Manicaland 893549
Chinhoyi Zimbabwe Mashonaland West 893697
Chegutu Zimbabwe Mashonaland West 894239
Bulawayo Zimbabwe Bulawayo 894701
Bindura Zimbabwe Mashonaland Central 895061
Beitbridge Zimbabwe Matabeleland South Province 895269
Epworth Zimbabwe Harare 1085510
Chitungwiza Zimbabwe Harare 1106542


JSON data also often comes in a format that tablecloth knows how to handle, but JSON API responses typically have results nested inside some type of data structure and require at least a little bit of parsing to extract the relevant data. How much parsing depends on the structure. Here, we’ll explore how to work with a few kinds of differently-shaped data to get it into a tablecloth dataset.

Some of this borders on data manipulation, but the idea is that here we’ll cover the bare minimum that’s necessary to get some common shapes of data into a dataset, and we’ll look at data wrangling more in-depth later on.

To make the initial request to any API endpoint we need to add the clj-http library to our project and require it. We’ll also use charred, the fastest JSON and CSV parsing library for Clojure, to parse the responses:

clj-http/clj-http {:mvn/version "3.13.0"}
com.cnuernber/charred {:mvn/version "1.034"}
(require '[clj-http.client :as http])
(require '[charred.api :as ch])

Simple Tabular Data

Some APIs return data in a simple tabular format that just works with tablecloth. The Pokemon API is one such example. Requesting the first 100 Pokemon returns a response with the results nested under a “results” key. First we parse the response body as JSON, and we can see that the results are a list of JSON objects.

(def pokemon-response (http/get ""))
(-> pokemon-response
{"next" "",
 [{"url" "", "name" "bulbasaur"}
  {"url" "", "name" "ivysaur"}
  {"url" "", "name" "venusaur"}
  {"url" "", "name" "charmander"}
  {"url" "", "name" "charmeleon"}
  {"url" "", "name" "charizard"}
  {"url" "", "name" "squirtle"}
  {"url" "", "name" "wartortle"}
  {"url" "", "name" "blastoise"}
  {"url" "", "name" "caterpie"}
  {"url" "", "name" "metapod"}
  {"url" "", "name" "butterfree"}
  {"url" "", "name" "weedle"}
  {"url" "", "name" "kakuna"}
  {"url" "", "name" "beedrill"}
  {"url" "", "name" "pidgey"}
  {"url" "", "name" "pidgeotto"}
  {"url" "", "name" "pidgeot"}
  {"url" "", "name" "rattata"}
  {"url" "", "name" "raticate"}
  {"url" "", "name" "spearow"}
  {"url" "", "name" "fearow"}
  {"url" "", "name" "ekans"}
  {"url" "", "name" "arbok"}
  {"url" "", "name" "pikachu"}
  {"url" "", "name" "raichu"}
  {"url" "", "name" "sandshrew"}
  {"url" "", "name" "sandslash"}
  {"url" "", "name" "nidoran-f"}
  {"url" "", "name" "nidorina"}
  {"url" "", "name" "nidoqueen"}
  {"url" "", "name" "nidoran-m"}
  {"url" "", "name" "nidorino"}
  {"url" "", "name" "nidoking"}
  {"url" "", "name" "clefairy"}
  {"url" "", "name" "clefable"}
  {"url" "", "name" "vulpix"}
  {"url" "", "name" "ninetales"}
  {"url" "", "name" "jigglypuff"}
  {"url" "", "name" "wigglytuff"}
  {"url" "", "name" "zubat"}
  {"url" "", "name" "golbat"}
  {"url" "", "name" "oddish"}
  {"url" "", "name" "gloom"}
  {"url" "", "name" "vileplume"}
  {"url" "", "name" "paras"}
  {"url" "", "name" "parasect"}
  {"url" "", "name" "venonat"}
  {"url" "", "name" "venomoth"}
  {"url" "", "name" "diglett"}
  {"url" "", "name" "dugtrio"}
  {"url" "", "name" "meowth"}
  {"url" "", "name" "persian"}
  {"url" "", "name" "psyduck"}
  {"url" "", "name" "golduck"}
  {"url" "", "name" "mankey"}
  {"url" "", "name" "primeape"}
  {"url" "", "name" "growlithe"}
  {"url" "", "name" "arcanine"}
  {"url" "", "name" "poliwag"}
  {"url" "", "name" "poliwhirl"}
  {"url" "", "name" "poliwrath"}
  {"url" "", "name" "abra"}
  {"url" "", "name" "kadabra"}
  {"url" "", "name" "alakazam"}
  {"url" "", "name" "machop"}
  {"url" "", "name" "machoke"}
  {"url" "", "name" "machamp"}
  {"url" "", "name" "bellsprout"}
  {"url" "", "name" "weepinbell"}
  {"url" "", "name" "victreebel"}
  {"url" "", "name" "tentacool"}
  {"url" "", "name" "tentacruel"}
  {"url" "", "name" "geodude"}
  {"url" "", "name" "graveler"}
  {"url" "", "name" "golem"}
  {"url" "", "name" "ponyta"}
  {"url" "", "name" "rapidash"}
  {"url" "", "name" "slowpoke"}
  {"url" "", "name" "slowbro"}
  {"url" "", "name" "magnemite"}
  {"url" "", "name" "magneton"}
  {"url" "", "name" "farfetchd"}
  {"url" "", "name" "doduo"}
  {"url" "", "name" "dodrio"}
  {"url" "", "name" "seel"}
  {"url" "", "name" "dewgong"}
  {"url" "", "name" "grimer"}
  {"url" "", "name" "muk"}
  {"url" "", "name" "shellder"}
  {"url" "", "name" "cloyster"}
  {"url" "", "name" "gastly"}
  {"url" "", "name" "haunter"}
  {"url" "", "name" "gengar"}
  {"url" "", "name" "onix"}
  {"url" "", "name" "drowzee"}
  {"url" "", "name" "hypno"}
  {"url" "", "name" "krabby"}
  {"url" "", "name" "kingler"}
  {"url" "", "name" "voltorb"}],
 "count" 1302,
 "previous" nil}

Passing this list of results to tablecloth will give us a nice table by default:

(-> pokemon-response
    (get "results")

_unnamed [100 2]:

url name bulbasaur ivysaur venusaur charmander charmeleon charizard squirtle wartortle blastoise caterpie shellder cloyster gastly haunter gengar onix drowzee hypno krabby kingler voltorb

While we’re here, we can do a little bonus side quest to fill out this dataset and demonstrate how to recursively fetch all Pokemon by automatically following the “next” links that are included in the responses, adding each batch of results to our dataset:

(defn fetch-all-pokemon [url]
  (loop [current-url url
         ds (tc/dataset)]
    (if (nil? current-url)
      (let [{:strs [results next]} (-> current-url http/get :body ch/read-json)]
        (recur next (tc/concat ds (tc/dataset results)))))))
(fetch-all-pokemon "")

_unnamed [1302 2]:

url name bulbasaur ivysaur venusaur charmander charmeleon charizard squirtle wartortle blastoise caterpie koraidon-gliding-build miraidon-low-power-mode miraidon-drive-mode miraidon-aquatic-mode miraidon-glide-mode ursaluna-bloodmoon ogerpon-wellspring-mask ogerpon-hearthflame-mask ogerpon-cornerstone-mask terapagos-terastal terapagos-stellar

TODO: Are any of these worth including?

Wide Data

Other APIs return very wide data, as in data that is spread out across many columns.

Returns extensive country data with many columns

(def countries-response (http/get ""))
(-> countries-response
[{"landlocked" false,
  "latlng" [-54.5 -37.0],
  "area" 3903.0,
  "altSpellings" ["GS" "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"],
  {"googleMaps" "",
   "openStreetMaps" ""},
   {"f" "South Georgian South Sandwich Islander",
    "m" "South Georgian South Sandwich Islander"}},
  {"kor" {"official" "조지아", "common" "조지아"},
   "zho" {"official" "南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛", "common" "南乔治亚"},
   {"official" "Déli-Georgia és Déli-Sandwich-szigetek",
    "common" "Déli-Georgia és Déli-Sandwich-szigetek"},
   {"official" "Южная Георгия и Южные Сандвичевы острова",
    "common" "Южная Георгия и Южные Сандвичевы острова"},
   "swe" {"official" "Sydgeorgien", "common" "Sydgeorgien"},
   {"official" "Jižní Georgie a Jižní Sandwichovy ostrovy",
    "common" "Jižní Georgie a Jižní Sandwichovy ostrovy"},
   {"official" "Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln",
    "common" "Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln"},
   {"official" "جورجيا الجنوبية وجزر ساندوتش الجنوبية",
    "common" "جورجيا الجنوبية"},
   {"official" "جنوبی جارجیا و جزائر جنوبی سینڈوچ",
    "common" "جنوبی جارجیا"},
   {"official" "Јужна Џорџија и Јужна Сендвичка Острва",
    "common" "Јужна Џорџија и Јужна Сендвичка Острва"},
   {"official" "Güney Georgia ve Güney Sandwich Adaları",
    "common" "Güney Georgia ve Güney Sandwich Adaları"},
   {"official" "Georgia Południowa i Sandwich Południowy",
    "common" "Georgia Południowa i Sandwich Południowy"},
   {"official" "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
    "common" "South Georgia"},
   {"official" "Južna Džordžija i Otoci Južni Sendvič",
    "common" "Južna Georgija i otočje Južni Sandwich"},
   {"official" "Georgia del Sur y las Islas Sandwich del Sur",
    "common" "Islas Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur"},
   {"official" "Etelä-Georgia ja Eteläiset Sandwichsaaret",
    "common" "Etelä-Georgia ja Eteläiset Sandwichsaaret"},
   {"official" "جزایر جورجیای جنوبی و ساندویچ جنوبی",
    "common" "جزایر جورجیای جنوبی و ساندویچ جنوبی"},
   {"official" "Zuid-Georgië en de Zuidelijke Sandwich-eilanden",
    "common" "Zuid-Georgia en Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden"},
   {"official" "Géorgie du Sud et les îles Sandwich du Sud",
    "common" "Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud"},
   {"official" "Georgia del Sud e isole Sandwich del Sud",
    "common" "Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich Meridionali"},
   {"official" "サウスジョージア·サウスサンドウィッチ諸島",
    "common" "サウスジョージア・サウスサンドウィッチ諸島"},
   {"official" "Lõuna-Georgia ja Lõuna-Sandwichi saared",
    "common" "Lõuna-Georgia ja Lõuna-Sandwichi saared"},
   {"official" "Geórgia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul",
    "common" "Ilhas Geórgia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul"},
   {"official" "Južná Georgia a Južné Sandwichove ostrovy",
    "common" "Južná Georgia a Južné Sandwichove ostrovy"},
   {"official" "Georgia ar Su hag Inizi Sandwich ar Su",
    "common" "Georgia ar Su hag Inizi Sandwich ar Su"}},
  "coatOfArms" {},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["00"], "root" "+5"},
  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" false,
  {"official" "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
    {"official" "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
     "common" "South Georgia"}},
   "common" "South Georgia"},
  "capitalInfo" {"latlng" [-54.28 -36.5]},
  "tld" [".gs"],
  "ccn3" "239",
  "status" "officially-assigned",
  "region" "Antarctic",
  "languages" {"eng" "English"},
  "currencies" {"SHP" {"name" "Saint Helena pound", "symbol" "£"}},
  "independent" false,
  "population" 30,
  "cca3" "SGS",
  "capital" ["King Edward Point"],
  "car" {"signs" [""], "side" "right"},
  "timezones" ["UTC-02:00"],
  "startOfWeek" "monday",
  "continents" ["Antarctica"],
  "flag" "🇬🇸",
  "cca2" "GS"}
 {"subregion" "Caribbean",
  "landlocked" false,
  "latlng" [12.11666666 -61.66666666],
  "area" 344.0,
  "altSpellings" ["GD"],
  {"googleMaps" "",
   "openStreetMaps" ""},
  {"eng" {"f" "Grenadian", "m" "Grenadian"},
   "fra" {"f" "Grenadienne", "m" "Grenadien"}},
  {"kor" {"official" "그레나다", "common" "그레나다"},
   "zho" {"official" "格林纳达", "common" "格林纳达"},
   "hun" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "rus" {"official" "Гренада", "common" "Гренада"},
   "swe" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "ces" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "deu" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "ara" {"official" "غرينادا", "common" "غرينادا"},
   "urd" {"official" "گریناڈا", "common" "گریناڈا"},
   "srp" {"official" "Гренада", "common" "Гренада"},
   "tur" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "pol" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "cym" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "hrv" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "spa" {"official" "Granada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "fin" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "per" {"official" "گرنادا", "common" "گرنادا"},
   "nld" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "fra" {"official" "Grenade", "common" "Grenade"},
   "ita" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "jpn" {"official" "グレナダ", "common" "グレナダ"},
   "est" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "por" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Granada"},
   "slk" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"},
   "bre" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"}},
  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["473"], "root" "+1"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Grenada features a large central rectangular area surrounded by a red border, with three five-pointed yellow stars centered on the top and bottom borders. The central rectangle is divided diagonally into four alternating triangular areas of yellow at the top and bottom and green on the hoist and fly sides, and a five-pointed yellow star on a red circle is superimposed at its center. A symbolic nutmeg pod is situated on the green hoist-side triangle.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" true,
  {"official" "Grenada",
   "nativeName" {"eng" {"official" "Grenada", "common" "Grenada"}},
   "common" "Grenada"},
  "capitalInfo" {"latlng" [32.38 -64.68]},
  "tld" [".gd"],
  "ccn3" "308",
  "status" "officially-assigned",
  "region" "Americas",
  "languages" {"eng" "English"},
  "cioc" "GRN",
  {"XCD" {"name" "Eastern Caribbean dollar", "symbol" "$"}},
  "independent" true,
  "population" 112519,
  "cca3" "GRD",
  "capital" ["St. George's"],
  "car" {"signs" ["WG"], "side" "left"},
  "timezones" ["UTC-04:00"],
  "startOfWeek" "monday",
  "continents" ["North America"],
  "flag" "🇬🇩",
  "fifa" "GRN",
  "cca2" "GD"}
 {"subregion" "Western Europe",
  "landlocked" true,
  "latlng" [47.0 8.0],
  "area" 41284.0,
  ["CH" "Swiss Confederation" "Schweiz" "Suisse" "Svizzera" "Svizra"],
  {"googleMaps" "",
   "openStreetMaps" ""},
  {"eng" {"f" "Swiss", "m" "Swiss"},
   "fra" {"f" "Suisse", "m" "Suisse"}},
  {"kor" {"official" "스위스 연방", "common" "스위스"},
   "zho" {"official" "瑞士联邦", "common" "瑞士"},
   "hun" {"official" "Svájc", "common" "Svájc"},
   "rus" {"official" "Швейцарская Конфедерация", "common" "Швейцария"},
   "swe" {"official" "Schweiziska edsförbundet", "common" "Schweiz"},
   "ces" {"official" "Švýcarská konfederace", "common" "Švýcarsko"},
   {"official" "Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft", "common" "Schweiz"},
   "ara" {"official" "الاتحاد السويسري", "common" "سويسرا"},
   "urd" {"official" "سوئیس  متحدہ", "common" "سویٹذرلینڈ"},
   {"official" "Швајцарска Конфедерација", "common" "Швајцарска"},
   "tur" {"official" "İsviçre Konfederasyonu", "common" "İsviçre"},
   {"official" "Konfederacja Szwajcarska", "common" "Szwajcaria"},
   "cym" {"official" "Swiss Confederation", "common" "Switzerland"},
   "hrv" {"official" "švicarska Konfederacija", "common" "Švicarska"},
   "spa" {"official" "Confederación Suiza", "common" "Suiza"},
   "fin" {"official" "Sveitsin valaliitto", "common" "Sveitsi"},
   "per" {"official" "کنفدراسیون سوئیس", "common" "سوئیس"},
   "nld" {"official" "Zwitserse Confederatie", "common" "Zwitserland"},
   "fra" {"official" "Confédération suisse", "common" "Suisse"},
   "ita" {"official" "Confederazione svizzera", "common" "Svizzera"},
   "jpn" {"official" "スイス連邦", "common" "スイス"},
   "est" {"official" "Šveitsi Konföderatsioon", "common" "Šveits"},
   "por" {"official" "Confederação Suíça", "common" "Suíça"},
   {"official" "Švajčiarska konfederácia", "common" "Švajčiarsko"},
   "bre" {"official" "Kengevredad Suis", "common" "Suis"}},
  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["1"], "root" "+4"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Switzerland is square shaped. It features a white Swiss cross centered on a red field.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" true,
  {"official" "Swiss Confederation",
   {"roh" {"official" "Confederaziun svizra", "common" "Svizra"},
    {"official" "Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft",
     "common" "Schweiz"},
    "fra" {"official" "Confédération suisse", "common" "Suisse"},
    "ita" {"official" "Confederazione Svizzera", "common" "Svizzera"}},
   "common" "Switzerland"},
  "postalCode" {"regex" "^(\\d{4})$", "format" "####"},
  "capitalInfo" {"latlng" [46.92 7.47]},
  "tld" [".ch"],
  "ccn3" "756",
  "status" "officially-assigned",
  "region" "Europe",
  {"roh" "Romansh",
   "gsw" "Swiss German",
   "fra" "French",
   "ita" "Italian"},
  "cioc" "SUI",
  "currencies" {"CHF" {"name" "Swiss franc", "symbol" "Fr."}},
  "independent" true,
  "population" 8654622,
  "cca3" "CHE",
  "borders" ["AUT" "FRA" "ITA" "LIE" "DEU"],
  "capital" ["Bern"],
  "car" {"signs" ["CH"], "side" "right"},
  "timezones" ["UTC+01:00"],
  "startOfWeek" "monday",
  "continents" ["Europe"],
  "flag" "🇨🇭",
  "gini" {"2018" 33.1},
  "fifa" "SUI",
  "cca2" "CH"}
 {"subregion" "Western Africa",
  "landlocked" false,
  "latlng" [8.5 -11.5],
  "area" 71740.0,
  "altSpellings" ["SL" "Republic of Sierra Leone"],
  {"googleMaps" "",
   "openStreetMaps" ""},
  {"eng" {"f" "Sierra Leonean", "m" "Sierra Leonean"},
   "fra" {"f" "Sierra-leonaise", "m" "Sierra-leonais"}},
  {"kor" {"official" "시에라리온 공화국", "common" "시에라리온"},
   "zho" {"official" "塞拉利昂共和国", "common" "塞拉利昂"},
   {"official" "Sierra Leone Köztársaság", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   {"official" "Республика Сьерра-Леоне", "common" "Сьерра-Леоне"},
   {"official" "Republiken Sierra Leone", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   {"official" "Republika Sierra Leone", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   "deu" {"official" "Republik Sierra Leone", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   "ara" {"official" "جمهورية سيراليون", "common" "سيراليون"},
   "urd" {"official" "جمہوریہ سیرالیون", "common" "سیرالیون"},
   {"official" "Република Сијера Леоне", "common" "Сијера Леоне"},
   {"official" "Sierra Leone Cumhuriyeti", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   "pol" {"official" "Sierra Leone", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   {"official" "Republic of Sierra Leone", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   {"official" "Republika Sijera Leone", "common" "Sijera Leone"},
   {"official" "República de Sierra Leona", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   {"official" "Sierra Leonen tasavalta", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   "per" {"official" "جمهوری سیرالئون", "common" "سیرالئون"},
   {"official" "Republiek Sierra Leone", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   {"official" "République de Sierra Leone", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   {"official" "Repubblica della Sierra Leone",
    "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   "jpn" {"official" "シエラレオネ共和国", "common" "シエラレオネ"},
   "est" {"official" "Sierra Leone Vabariik", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   "por" {"official" "República da Serra Leoa", "common" "Serra Leoa"},
   {"official" "Sierraleonská republika", "common" "Sierra Leone"},
   {"official" "Republik Sierra Leone", "common" "Sierra Leone"}},
  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["32"], "root" "+2"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Sierra Leone is composed of three equal horizontal bands of green, white and blue.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" true,
  {"official" "Republic of Sierra Leone",
    {"official" "Republic of Sierra Leone", "common" "Sierra Leone"}},
   "common" "Sierra Leone"},
  "capitalInfo" {"latlng" [8.48 -13.23]},
  "tld" [".sl"],
  "ccn3" "694",
  "status" "officially-assigned",
  "region" "Africa",
  "languages" {"eng" "English"},
  "cioc" "SLE",
  "currencies" {"SLL" {"name" "Sierra Leonean leone", "symbol" "Le"}},
  "independent" true,
  "population" 7976985,
  "cca3" "SLE",
  "borders" ["GIN" "LBR"],
  "capital" ["Freetown"],
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   "The flag of Tunisia has a red field. A white circle bearing a five-pointed red star within a fly-side facing red crescent is situated at the center of the field.",
   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "zho" {"official" "佛得角共和国", "common" "佛得角"},
   {"official" "Zöld-foki Köztársaság",
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   "png" ""},
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    "common" "Saint Kitts és Nevis"},
   {"official" "Федерация Сент-Кристофер и Н е в и с",
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   {"official" "Federationen Saint Kitts och Nevis",
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   {"official" "Federace Sv. Kryštof a Nevis",
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   {"official" "Föderation von St. Kitts und Nevis",
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   {"official" "اتحاد القديس كريستوفر ونيفيس",
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    "common" "Saint Kitts en Nevis"},
   {"official" "Fédération de Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès",
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   {"official" "Federazione di Saint Christopher e Nevis",
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   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["869"], "root" "+1"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis features two large five-pointed white stars within a yellow-edged black diagonal band that extends from the lower hoist-side corner to the upper fly-side corner of the field. Above and beneath this band are a green and red triangle respectively.",
   "png" ""},
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  "startOfWeek" "monday",
  "continents" ["North America"],
  "flag" "🇰🇳",
  "fifa" "SKN",
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 {"subregion" "South-Eastern Asia",
  "landlocked" true,
  "latlng" [18.0 105.0],
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   "Lao People's Democratic Republic"
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   {"official" "Demokratische Volksrepublik Laos", "common" "Laos"},
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   {"official" "Laosin demokraattinen kansantasavalta",
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   {"official" "Republik Demokratel ar Bobl Lao", "common" "Laos"}},
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  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Laos is composed of three horizontal bands of red, blue and red. The blue band is twice the height of the red bands and bears a white circle at its center.",
   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["7"], "root" "+2"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of South Africa is composed of two equal horizontal bands of red and blue, with a yellow-edged black isosceles triangle superimposed on the hoist side of the field. This triangle has its base centered on the hoist end, spans about two-fifth the width and two-third the height of the field, and is enclosed on its sides by the arms of a white-edged green horizontally oriented Y-shaped band which extends along the boundary of the red and blue bands to the fly end of the field.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" true,
  {"official" "Republic of South Africa",
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "The flag of Fiji has a light blue field. It features the flag of the United Kingdom — the Union Jack — in the canton and the shield of the national coat of arms centered in the fly half.",
   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "Loktāntrik Ganatantra Nepāl"],
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   {"official" "República Democrática Federal de Nepal",
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   {"official" "Nepalin demokraattinen liittotasavalta",
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   "png" ""},
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   "The flag of Nepal is the world's only non-quadrilateral flag of a sovereign country. It takes the shape of two adjoining right-angled triangles and has a crimson red field with deep blue edges. Within the smaller upper triangle is an emblem of the upper half of a white sun resting on an upward facing white crescent. The lower triangle bears a white sun with twelve rays.",
   "png" ""},
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   {"official" "Pakistanin islamilainen tasavalta",
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   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["2"], "root" "+9"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Pakistan is composed of a white vertical band on its hoist side that takes up about one-fourth the width of the field and a dark green rectangular area that spans the rest of the field. A white fly-side facing crescent and five-pointed star are centered in the dark green area.",
   "png" ""},
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   {"urd" {"official" "اسلامی جمہوریۂ پاكستان", "common" "پاكستان"},
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  "startOfWeek" "monday",
  "continents" ["Asia"],
  "flag" "🇵🇰",
  "gini" {"2018" 31.6},
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   "png" ""},
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   "NAD" {"name" "Namibian dollar", "symbol" "$"}},
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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    "common" "Francia déli és antarktiszi területek"},
   {"official" "Территория Французские Южные и Антарктические земли",
    "common" "Французские Южные и Антарктические территории"},
   {"official" "Franska syd- och Antarktisterritorierna",
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   {"official" "Teritorium Francouzská jižní a antarktická území",
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   {"official" "مقاطعات وأقاليم ما وراء البحار الفرنسية",
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    "common" "Francuskie Terytoria Południowe i Antarktyczne"},
   {"official" "Territory of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands",
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   {"official" "Teritoriju Francuski južni i antarktički teritoriji",
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   {"official" "Territorio del Francés Tierras australes y antárticas",
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    "common" "Ranskan eteläiset ja antarktiset alueet"},
   {"official" "سرزمین‌های جنوبی و جنوبگانی فرانسه",
    "common" "سرزمین‌های جنوبی و جنوبگانی فرانسه"},
    "Grondgebied van de Franse Zuidelijke en Antarctische gebieden",
    "common" "Franse Gebieden in de zuidelijke Indische Oceaan"},
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   {"official" "Territorio della australi e antartiche francesi Terre",
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   "png" ""},
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  "flag" "🇸🇪",
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "The flag of Russia is composed of three equal horizontal bands of white, blue and red.",
   "png" ""},
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   "The flag of Malaysia is composed of fourteen equal horizontal bands of red alternating with white. A blue rectangle, bearing a fly-side facing yellow crescent and a fourteen-pointed yellow star placed just outside the crescent opening, is superimposed in the canton.",
   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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    {"official" "Chalo cha Malawi, Dziko la Malaŵi",
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   "png" ""},
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  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Saudi Arabia has a green field, at the center of which is an Arabic inscription — the Shahada — in white above a white horizontal sabre with its tip pointed to the hoist side of the field.",
   "png" ""},
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  "startOfWeek" "sunday",
  "continents" ["Asia"],
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   "zho" {"official" "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那", "common" "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那"},
   {"official" "Bosznia-Hercegovina", "common" "Bosznia-Hercegovina"},
   {"official" "Босния и Герцеговина",
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   {"official" "Bosnien och Hercegovina",
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   {"official" "بوسنیا و ہرزیگووینا", "common" "بوسنیا و ہرزیگووینا"},
   {"official" "Босна и Херцеговина", "common" "Босна и Херцеговина"},
   "tur" {"official" "Bosna ve Hersek", "common" "Bosna-Hersek"},
   {"official" "Bośnia i Hercegowina",
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   {"official" "Bosnia a Hercegovina",
    "common" "Bosnia a Hercegovina"},
   {"official" "Bosna i Hercegovina", "common" "Bosna i Hercegovina"},
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   {"official" "Bosnia ja Hertsegovina",
    "common" "Bosnia ja Hertsegovina"},
   "per" {"official" "بوسنی و هرزگوین", "common" "بوسنی و هرزگوین"},
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   {"official" "Bosnie-et-Herzégovine", "common" "Bosnie-Herzégovine"},
   {"official" "Bosnia-Erzegovina", "common" "Bosnia ed Erzegovina"},
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    "common" "Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina"},
   {"official" "Bósnia e Herzegovina",
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   {"official" "Republika Bosny a Hercegoviny",
    "common" "Bosna a Hercegovina"},
   {"official" "Bosnia-ha-Herzegovina",
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  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
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  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina has a blue field, at the center of which is a large yellow hoist-side facing right-angled triangle that is based on the top edge and spans the height of the field. Adjacent to the hypotenuse of this triangle are nine adjoining five-pointed white stars with the top and bottom stars cut in half by the edges of the field.",
   "png" ""},
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   "Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia"
   "የኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ"],
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   "fra" {"f" "Éthiopienne", "m" "Éthiopien"}},
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   "zho" {"official" "埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国", "common" "埃塞俄比亚"},
   {"official" "Etióp Szövetségi Demokratikus Köztársaság",
    "common" "Etiópia"},
   {"official" "Федеративная Демократическая Республика Эфиопия",
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   {"official" "Demokratiska förbundsrepubliken Etiopien",
    "common" "Etiopien"},
   {"official" "Etiopská federativní demokratická republika",
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   {"official" "Demokratische Bundesrepublik Äthiopien",
    "common" "Äthiopien"},
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    "common" "إثيوبيا"},
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   {"official" "Federalna Demokratyczna Republika Etiopii",
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   {"official" "Gweriniaeth Ddemocrataidd Ffederal Ethiopia",
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   {"official" "Etiopian demokraattinen liittotasavalta",
    "common" "Etiopia"},
   {"official" "جمهوری فدرال دموکراتیک اتیوپی", "common" "اِتیوپی"},
   {"official" "Federale Democratische Republiek Ethiopië",
    "common" "Ethiopië"},
   {"official" "République fédérale démocratique d'Éthiopie",
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   {"official" "Repubblica federale democratica di Etiopia",
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   "png" ""},
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  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Ethiopia is composed of three equal horizontal bands of green, yellow and red, with the national emblem superimposed at the center of the field. The national emblem comprises a light blue circle bearing a golden-yellow pentagram with single yellow rays emanating from the angles between the points of the pentagram.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" true,
  {"official" "Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia",
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   "common" "Ethiopia"},
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  "region" "Africa",
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   "The flag of Spain is composed of three horizontal bands of red, yellow and red, with the yellow band twice the height of the red bands. In the yellow band is the national coat of arms offset slightly towards the hoist side of center.",
   "png" ""},
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  "gini" {"2018" 34.7},
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   "png" ""},
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  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Slovenia is composed of three equal horizontal bands of white, blue and red. The national coat of arms is situated in the upper hoist side of the field centered on the boundary between the white and blue bands.",
   "png" ""},
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  "timezones" ["UTC+01:00"],
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  "continents" ["Europe"],
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   "ces" {"official" "Sultanát Omán", "common" "Omán"},
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   "cym" {"official" "Sultanate of Oman", "common" "Oman"},
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   "fin" {"official" "Omanin sulttaanikunta", "common" "Oman"},
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   "est" {"official" "Omaani Sultaniriik", "common" "Omaan"},
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   "slk" {"official" "Ománsky sultanát", "common" "Omán"},
   "bre" {"official" "Sultanelezh Oman", "common" "Oman"}},
  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["68"], "root" "+9"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Oman features a red vertical band on the hoist side that takes up about one-fourth the width of the field, and three equal horizontal bands of white, red and green adjoining the vertical band. At the top of the vertical band is the white emblem of Oman.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" true,
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   "nativeName" {"ara" {"official" "سلطنة عمان", "common" "عمان"}},
   "common" "Oman"},
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  "status" "officially-assigned",
  "region" "Asia",
  "languages" {"ara" "Arabic"},
  "cioc" "OMA",
  "currencies" {"OMR" {"name" "Omani rial", "symbol" "ر.ع."}},
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  "capital" ["Muscat"],
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  "timezones" ["UTC+04:00"],
  "startOfWeek" "sunday",
  "continents" ["Asia"],
  "flag" "🇴🇲",
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 {"subregion" "North America",
  "landlocked" false,
  "latlng" [46.83333333 -56.33333333],
  "area" 242.0,
  ["PM" "Collectivité territoriale de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon"],
  {"googleMaps" "",
   "openStreetMaps" ""},
   {"f" "Saint-Pierrais, Miquelonnais",
    "m" "Saint-Pierrais, Miquelonnais"},
   {"f" "Saint-Pierraise, Miquelonaise",
    "m" "Saint-Pierrais, Miquelonais"}},
  {"kor" {"official" "생피에르 미클롱", "common" "생피에르 미클롱"},
   "zho" {"official" "圣皮埃尔和密克隆", "common" "圣皮埃尔和密克隆"},
   {"official" "Saint-Pierre és Miquelon",
    "common" "Saint-Pierre és Miquelon"},
   {"official" "Сен-Пьер и Микелон", "common" "Сен-Пьер и Микелон"},
   {"official" "Saint-Pierre och Miquelon",
    "common" "Saint-Pierre och Miquelon"},
   {"official" "Saint-Pierre a Miquelon",
    "common" "Saint-Pierre a Miquelon"},
   {"official" "St. Pierre und Miquelon",
    "common" "St. Pierre und Miquelon"},
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   {"official" "سینٹ پیئر و میکیلون", "common" "سینٹ پیئر و میکیلون"},
   {"official" "Сен Пјер и Микелон", "common" "Сен Пјер и Микелон"},
   {"official" "Saint Pierre ve Miquelon",
    "common" "Saint Pierre ve Miquelon"},
   {"official" "Saint-Pierre i Miquelon",
    "common" "Saint-Pierre i Miquelon"},
   {"official" "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
    "common" "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"},
   {"official" "Saint Pierre i Miquelon",
    "common" "Sveti Petar i Mikelon"},
   {"official" "San Pedro y Miquelón",
    "common" "San Pedro y Miquelón"},
   {"official" "Saint-Pierre ja Miquelon",
    "common" "Saint-Pierre ja Miquelon"},
   "per" {"official" "سن-پیر-ا-میکلون", "common" "سن-پیِر و میکلُن"},
   {"official" "Saint-Pierre en Miquelon",
    "common" "Saint Pierre en Miquelon"},
   {"official" "Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon",
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  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Tuvalu has a light blue field with the flag of the United Kingdom — the Union Jack — in the canton. A representation of the country's nine Islands using nine five-pointed yellow stars is situated in the fly half of the field.",
   "png" ""},
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   "The flag of Honduras is composed of three equal horizontal bands of turquoise, white and turquoise, with five small five-pointed turquoise stars arranged in a quincuncial pattern at the center of the white band.",
   "png" ""},
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   "República de Guinea Ecuatorial"
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   "The flag of Equatorial Guinea is composed of three equal horizontal bands of green, white and red with the national coat of arms centered in the white band and an isosceles triangle superimposed on the hoist side of the field. The triangle is light blue, has its base on the hoist end and spans about one-fifth the width of the field.",
   "png" ""},
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   "The flag of Saint Lucia has a light blue field, at the center of which are two triangles which share a common base — a small golden-yellow isosceles triangle superimposed on a large white-edged black isosceles triangle.",
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 {"subregion" "Eastern Europe",
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   "The flag of Belarus features a vertical band, with a white and red ornamental pattern, spanning about one-fifth the width of the field on the hoist side. Adjoining the vertical band are two horizontal bands of red and green, with the red band twice the height of the green band.",
   "png" ""},
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   {"official" "Кооперативна Република Гвајана", "common" "Гвајана"},
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  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["24"], "root" "+2"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Guinea is composed of three equal vertical bands of red, yellow and green.",
   "png" ""},
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   {"fra" {"official" "République de Guinée", "common" "Guinée"}},
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  "timezones" ["UTC"],
  "startOfWeek" "monday",
  "continents" ["Africa"],
  "flag" "🇬🇳",
  "gini" {"2012" 33.7},
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  "cca2" "GN"}
 {"subregion" "Western Asia",
  "landlocked" false,
  "latlng" [26.0 50.55],
  "area" 765.0,
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  {"googleMaps" "",
   "openStreetMaps" ""},
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  {"kor" {"official" "바레인 왕국", "common" "바레인"},
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   "srp" {"official" "Краљевина Бахреин", "common" "Бахреин"},
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   "cym" {"official" "Teyrnas Bahrein", "common" "Bahrain"},
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  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["73"], "root" "+9"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Bahrain has a red field. On the hoist side, it features a white vertical band that spans about one-third the width of the field and is separated from the rest of the field by five adjoining fly-side pointing white isosceles triangles that serve as a serrated line.",
   "png" ""},
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  "ccn3" "048",
  "status" "officially-assigned",
  "region" "Asia",
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  "startOfWeek" "monday",
  "continents" ["Asia"],
  "flag" "🇧🇭",
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 {"subregion" "South America",
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   "tur" {"official" "Surinam Cumhuriyeti", "common" "Surinam"},
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   "cym" {"official" "Republic of Suriname", "common" "Suriname"},
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   "bre" {"official" "Republik Surinam", "common" "Surinam"}},
  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["97"], "root" "+5"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Suriname is composed of five horizontal bands of green, white, red, white and green in the ratio of 2:1:4:1:2. A large five-pointed yellow star is centered in the red band.",
   "png" ""},
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  {"official" "Republic of Suriname",
   {"nld" {"official" "Republiek Suriname", "common" "Suriname"}},
   "common" "Suriname"},
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  "tld" [".sr"],
  "ccn3" "740",
  "status" "officially-assigned",
  "region" "Americas",
  "languages" {"nld" "Dutch"},
  "cioc" "SUR",
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  "timezones" ["UTC-03:00"],
  "startOfWeek" "monday",
  "continents" ["South America"],
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  "gini" {"1999" 57.9},
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 {"subregion" "Middle Africa",
  "landlocked" false,
  "latlng" [0.0 25.0],
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   "DR Congo"
   "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the"
  {"googleMaps" "",
   "openStreetMaps" ""},
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   "fra" {"f" "Congolaise", "m" "Congolais"}},
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   "zho" {"official" "刚果民主共和国", "common" "民主刚果"},
   {"official" "Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság",
    "common" "Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság"},
   {"official" "Демократическая Республика Конго",
    "common" "Демократическая Республика Конго"},
   {"official" "Demokratiska republiken Kongo",
    "common" "Kongo-Kinshasa"},
   {"official" "Demokratická republika Kongo", "common" "DR Kongo"},
   {"official" "Demokratische Republik Kongo",
    "common" "Kongo (Dem. Rep.)"},
   {"official" "جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية", "common" "الكونغو"},
   "urd" {"official" "جمہوری جمہوریہ کانگو", "common" "کانگو"},
   {"official" "Демократска Република Конго", "common" "ДР Конго"},
   {"official" "Kongo Demokratik Cumhuriyeti",
    "common" "Kongo Demokratik Cumhuriyeti"},
   {"official" "Demokratyczna Republika Konga",
    "common" "Demokratyczna Republika Konga"},
   {"official" "Gweriniaeth Ddemocrataidd Congo",
    "common" "Gweriniaeth Ddemocrataidd Congo"},
   {"official" "Demokratska Republika Kongo",
    "common" "Kongo, Demokratska Republika"},
   {"official" "República Democrática del Congo",
    "common" "Congo (Rep. Dem.)"},
   {"official" "Kongon demokraattinen tasavalta",
    "common" "Kongon demokraattinen tasavalta"},
   {"official" "جمهوری دموکراتیک کنگو", "common" "کنگو دموکراتیک"},
   {"official" "Democratische Republiek Congo",
    "common" "Congo (DRC)"},
   {"official" "République démocratique du Congo",
    "common" "Congo (Rép. dém.)"},
   {"official" "Repubblica Democratica del Congo",
    "common" "Congo (Rep. Dem.)"},
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   {"official" "República Democrática do Congo",
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   {"official" "Konžská demokratická republika", "common" "Kongo"},
   {"official" "Republik Demokratel Kongo",
    "common" "Kongo-Kinshasa"}},
  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["43"], "root" "+2"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has a sky-blue field with a yellow-edged red diagonal band that extends from the lower hoist-side corner to the upper fly-side corner of the field. A large five-pointed yellow star is situated above the diagonal band on the upper hoist side of the field.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" true,
  {"official" "Democratic Republic of the Congo",
    {"official" "Republiki ya Kongó Demokratiki",
     "common" "Republiki ya Kongó Demokratiki"},
    {"official" "Ditunga dia Kongu wa Mungalaata",
     "common" "Ditunga dia Kongu wa Mungalaata"},
    {"official" "Repubilika ya Kongo Demokratiki",
     "common" "Repubilika ya Kongo Demokratiki"},
    {"official" "République démocratique du Congo",
     "common" "RD Congo"},
    {"official" "Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo",
     "common" "Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo"}},
   "common" "DR Congo"},
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  "tld" [".cd"],
  "ccn3" "180",
  "status" "officially-assigned",
  "region" "Africa",
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   "kon" "Kikongo",
   "fra" "French",
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  "currencies" {"CDF" {"name" "Congolese franc", "symbol" "FC"}},
  "independent" true,
  "population" 108407721,
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  "capital" ["Kinshasa"],
  "car" {"signs" ["CGO"], "side" "right"},
  "timezones" ["UTC+01:00" "UTC+02:00"],
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  "continents" ["Africa"],
  "flag" "🇨🇩",
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  "latlng" [10.0 49.0],
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   "Federal Republic of Somalia"
   "Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya"
   "Jumhūriyyat aṣ-Ṣūmāl al-Fiderāliyya"],
  {"googleMaps" "",
   "openStreetMaps" ""},
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  {"kor" {"official" " 소말리아 연방 공화국", "common" "소말리아"},
   "zho" {"official" "索马里共和国", "common" "索马里"},
   {"official" "Szomáli Szövetségi Köztársaság", "common" "Szomália"},
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   "swe" {"official" "Förbundsrepubliken Somalia", "common" "Somalia"},
   {"official" "Somálská demokratická republika", "common" "Somálsko"},
   "deu" {"official" "Bundesrepublik Somalia", "common" "Somalia"},
   "ara" {"official" "جمهورية الصومال الفيدرالية", "common" "الصومال"},
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   {"official" "Federalna Republika Somalii", "common" "Somalia"},
   {"official" "Federal Republic of Somalia", "common" "Somalia"},
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   {"official" "República Federal de Somalia", "common" "Somalia"},
   "fin" {"official" "Somalian liittotasavalta", "common" "Somalia"},
   "per" {"official" "جمهوری فدرال سومالی", "common" "سومالی"},
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   {"official" "République fédérale de Somalie", "common" "Somalie"},
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   {"official" "República Federal da Somália", "common" "Somália"},
   {"official" "Somálska federatívna republika", "common" "Somálsko"},
   {"official" "Republik Kevreadel Somalia", "common" "Somalia"}},
  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["52"], "root" "+2"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Somalia features a large five-pointed white star centered on a light blue field.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" true,
  {"official" "Federal Republic of Somalia",
   {"ara" {"official" "جمهورية الصومال‎‎", "common" "الصومال‎‎"},
    {"official" "Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya",
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   "common" "Somalia"},
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  "tld" [".so"],
  "ccn3" "706",
  "status" "officially-assigned",
  "region" "Africa",
  "languages" {"ara" "Arabic", "som" "Somali"},
  "cioc" "SOM",
  "currencies" {"SOS" {"name" "Somali shilling", "symbol" "Sh"}},
  "independent" true,
  "population" 15893219,
  "cca3" "SOM",
  "borders" ["DJI" "ETH" "KEN"],
  "capital" ["Mogadishu"],
  "car" {"signs" ["SO"], "side" "right"},
  "timezones" ["UTC+03:00"],
  "startOfWeek" "monday",
  "continents" ["Africa"],
  "flag" "🇸🇴",
  "gini" {"2017" 36.8},
  "fifa" "SOM",
  "cca2" "SO"}
 {"subregion" "Central Europe",
  "landlocked" true,
  "latlng" [49.75 15.5],
  "area" 78865.0,
  "altSpellings" ["CZ" "Česká republika" "Česko"],
  {"googleMaps" "",
   "openStreetMaps" ""},
  {"eng" {"f" "Czech", "m" "Czech"},
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   "srp" {"official" "Чешка Република", "common" "Чешка"},
   "tur" {"official" "Çek Cumhuriyeti", "common" "Çekya"},
   "pol" {"official" "Republika Czeska", "common" "Czechy"},
   {"official" "Y Weriniaeth Tsiec", "common" "Y Weriniaeth Tsiec"},
   "hrv" {"official" "Češka", "common" "Češka"},
   "spa" {"official" "República Checa", "common" "Chequia"},
   "fin" {"official" "Tšekin tasavalta", "common" "Tšekki"},
   "per" {"official" "جمهوری چک", "common" "جمهوری چک"},
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   "fra" {"official" "République tchèque", "common" "Tchéquie"},
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   "est" {"official" "Tšehhi Vabariik", "common" "Tšehhi"},
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   "bre" {"official" "Republik Tchek", "common" "Tchekia"}},
  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["20"], "root" "+4"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Czechia is composed of two equal horizontal bands of white and red, with a blue isosceles triangle superimposed on the hoist side of the field. The triangle has its base on the hoist end and spans about two-fifth the width of the field.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" true,
  {"official" "Czech Republic",
   {"ces" {"official" "Česká republika", "common" "Česko"},
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   "common" "Czechia"},
  "postalCode" {"regex" "^(\\d{5})$", "format" "### ##"},
  "capitalInfo" {"latlng" [50.08 14.47]},
  "tld" [".cz"],
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  "gini" {"1992" 40.3},
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 {"subregion" "South America",
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   {"official" "Guyanai Szövetkezeti Köztársaság", "common" "Guyana"},
   {"official" "Кооперативная Республика Гайана", "common" "Гайана"},
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   {"official" "Kooperativní republika Guyana", "common" "Guyana"},
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   "ara" {"official" "جمهورية غيانا التعاونية", "common" "غيانا"},
   "urd" {"official" "تعاونی جمہوریہ گیانا", "common" "گیانا"},
   {"official" "Кооперативна Република Гвајана", "common" "Гвајана"},
   {"official" "Guyana Kooperatif Cumhuriyeti", "common" "Guyana"},
   {"official" "Kooperacyjna Republika Gujany", "common" "Gujana"},
   {"official" "Co-operative Republic of Guyana", "common" "Guyana"},
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   {"official" "República Cooperativa de Guyana", "common" "Guyana"},
   {"official" "Guayanan osuustoiminnallinen tasavalta",
    "common" "Guayana"},
   "per" {"official" "جمهوری تعاونی گویان", "common" "گویان"},
   {"official" "Coöperatieve Republiek Guyana", "common" "Guyana"},
   {"official" "République coopérative de Guyana", "common" "Guyana"},
   {"official" "Co -operative Republic of Guyana", "common" "Guyana"},
   "jpn" {"official" "ガイアナの協同共和国", "common" "ガイアナ"},
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   {"official" "Co -operative República da Guiana", "common" "Guiana"},
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  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["92"], "root" "+5"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Guyana has a green field with two isosceles triangles which share a common base on the hoist end. The smaller black-edged red triangle spanning half the width of the field is superimposed on the larger white-edged yellow triangle which spans the full width of the field.",
   "png" ""},
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    {"official" "Co-operative Republic of Guyana", "common" "Guyana"}},
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   "East Timor"
   "Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste"
   "República Democrática de Timor-Leste"
   "Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste"
   "Timór Lorosa'e"
   "Timor Lorosae"],
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   "openStreetMaps" ""},
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   "fra" {"f" "Est-timoraise", "m" "Est-timorais"}},
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   "zho" {"official" "东帝汶民主共和国", "common" "东帝汶"},
   {"official" "Kelet-timori Demokratikus Köztársaság",
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   {"official" "Demokratická republika Východní Timor",
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   {"official" "Demokratische Republik Timor-Leste",
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   {"official" "جمهورية تيمور الشرقية الديمقراطية",
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   {"official" "جمہوری جمہوریہ مشرقی تیمور", "common" "مشرقی تیمور"},
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   {"official" "Doğu Timor Demokratik Cumhuriyeti",
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   {"official" "Demokratyczna Republika Timoru Wschodniego",
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   {"official" "Demokratska Republika Timor-Leste",
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   {"official" "جمهوری دموکراتیک تیمور شرقی", "common" "تیمور شرقی"},
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   {"official" "República Democrática de Timor-Leste",
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   {"official" "Republik demakratel Timor ar Reter",
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  "idd" {"suffixes" ["70"], "root" "+6"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Timor-Leste has a red field with two isosceles triangles which share a common base on the hoist end. The smaller black triangle, which bears a five-pointed white star at its center and spans one-third the width of the field, is superimposed on the larger yellow triangle that extends to the center of the field.",
   "png" ""},
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   "Cộng hòa Xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam"
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   "urd" {"official" "اشتراکی جمہوریہ ویتنام", "common" "ویتنام"},
   {"official" "Социјалистичка Република Вијетнам",
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   {"official" "République socialiste du Viêt Nam",
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   "png" ""},
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  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Vietnam features a large five-pointed yellow star on a red field.",
   "png" ""},
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   {"official" "República Oriental del Uruguay", "common" "Uruguay"},
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   "png" ""},
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  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Uruguay is composed of nine equal horizontal bands of white alternating with blue, with a white square superimposed in the canton. In the white square is a yellow sun bearing a human face — the Sun of May — from which sixteen rays extend. The sun's rays alternate between triangular and wavy.",
   "png" ""},
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  "gini" {"2019" 39.7},
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  "cca2" "UY"}
 {"subregion" "Southern Europe",
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   "Vatican City State"
   "Stato della Città del Vaticano"],
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  {"eng" {"f" "Vatican", "m" "Vatican"},
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   "zho" {"official" "梵蒂冈城国", "common" "梵蒂冈"},
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   "swe" {"official" "Vatikanstaten", "common" "Vatikanstaten"},
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   "srp" {"official" "Град Ватикан", "common" "Ватикан"},
   "tur" {"official" "Vatikan Şehir Devleti", "common" "Vatikan"},
   "pol" {"official" "Państwo Watykańskie", "common" "Watykan"},
   "cym" {"official" "Vatican City State", "common" "Vatican City"},
   "hrv" {"official" "Vatikan", "common" "Vatikan"},
   {"official" "Ciudad del Vaticano", "common" "Ciudad del Vaticano"},
   {"official" "Vatikaanin kaupunkivaltio", "common" "Vatikaani"},
   "per" {"official" "دولت‌شهر واتیکان", "common" "واتیکان"},
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   "fra" {"official" "Cité du Vatican", "common" "Cité du Vatican"},
   {"official" "Città del Vaticano", "common" "Città del Vaticano"},
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   {"official" "Svätá stolica (Vatikánsky mestský štát",
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  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["906698" "79"], "root" "+3"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Vatican City is square shaped. It is composed of two equal vertical bands of yellow and white, with national coat of arms centered in the white band. The national coat of arms comprises the Papal Tiara superimposed on two crossed keys.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" false,
  {"official" "Vatican City State",
    {"official" "Status Civitatis Vaticanæ", "common" "Vaticanæ"},
    {"official" "Stato della Città del Vaticano",
     "common" "Vaticano"}},
   "common" "Vatican City"},
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  "status" "officially-assigned",
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  "capital" ["Vatican City"],
  "car" {"signs" ["V"], "side" "right"},
  "timezones" ["UTC+01:00"],
  "startOfWeek" "monday",
  "continents" ["Europe"],
  "flag" "🇻🇦",
  "cca2" "VA"}
 {"subregion" "Eastern Asia",
  "landlocked" false,
  "latlng" [22.267 114.188],
  "area" 1104.0,
  "altSpellings" ["HK"],
  {"googleMaps" "",
   "openStreetMaps" ""},
  {"eng" {"f" "Hong Konger", "m" "Hong Konger"},
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   "hun" {"official" "Hongkong", "common" "Hongkong"},
    "Hong Kong Специальный административный район Китайской Народной Республики Китая",
    "common" "Гонконг"},
   "swe" {"official" "Hongkong", "common" "Hongkong"},
    "Zvláštní administrativní oblast Čínské lidové republiky Hongkong",
    "common" "Hongkong"},
    "Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong der Volksrepublik China",
    "common" "Hongkong"},
    "منطقة هونغ كونغ الادارية التابعة لجمهورية الصين الشعبية",
    "common" "هونغ كونغ"},
   {"official" "ہانگ کانگ عوامی جمہوریہ چین کا خصوصی انتظامی علاقہ",
    "common" "ہانگ کانگ"},
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    "common" "Хонгконг"},
   {"official" "Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Hong Kong Özel İdari Bölgesi",
    "common" "Hong Kong"},
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    "common" "Hongkong"},
    "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China",
    "common" "Hong Kong"},
    "Hong Kong Posebnog upravnog područjaNarodne Republike Kine",
    "common" "Hong Kong"},
    "Hong Kong Región Administrativa Especial de la República Popular China",
    "common" "Hong Kong"},
   {"official" "Hong Kongin erityishallintoalue", "common" "Hongkong"},
   "per" {"official" "هُنگ کُنگ", "common" "هُنگ کُنگ"},
    "Hong Kong Speciale Administratieve Regio van de Volksrepubliek China",
    "common" "Hongkong"},
    "Région administrative spéciale de Hong Kong de la République populaire de Chine",
    "common" "Hong Kong"},
    "Hong Kong Regione amministrativa speciale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese",
    "common" "Hong Kong"},
   "jpn" {"official" "中華人民共和国香港特別行政区", "common" "香港"},
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    "common" "Hongkong"},
    "Rannvro velestradurel arbennik Hong Kong eus Republik pobl Sina",
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  {"svg" "",
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     "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China",
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   "png" ""},
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   "The flag of Panama is composed of four equal rectangular areas — a white rectangular area with a blue five-pointed star at its center, a red rectangular area, a white rectangular area with a red five-pointed star at its center, and a blue rectangular area — in the upper hoist side, upper fly side, lower fly side and lower hoist side respectively.",
   "png" ""},
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  "capital" ["Panama City"],
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   "Micronesia, Federated States of"],
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   "png" ""},
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  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Eritrea comprises three triangles — a large red isosceles triangle with its base spanning the hoist end and its apex at the midpoint on the fly end, and a green and blue right-angled triangle above and beneath the red triangle. On the hoist side of the red triangle is a golden vertical olive branch encircled by a golden olive wreath.",
   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   {"official" "Иорданского Хашимитского Королевства",
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   {"official" "Hashimitiska kungadömet Jordanien",
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   {"official" "Jordánské hášimovské království",
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   {"official" "Haschemitisches Königreich Jordanien",
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   {"official" "Jordańskie Królestwo Haszymidzkie",
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    "common" "Jordanië"},
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   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["62"], "root" "+9"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Jordan is composed of three equal horizontal bands of black, white and green, with a red isosceles triangle superimposed on the hoist side of the field. This triangle has its base on the hoist end, spans about half the width of the field and bears a small seven-pointed white star at its center.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" true,
  {"official" "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan",
   {"ara" {"official" "المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية", "common" "الأردن"}},
   "common" "Jordan"},
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  "timezones" ["UTC+03:00"],
  "startOfWeek" "sunday",
  "continents" ["Asia"],
  "flag" "🇯🇴",
  "gini" {"2010" 33.7},
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   {"official" "République islamique de Mauritanie",
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   {"official" "Repubblica islamica di Mauritania",
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   "The flag of Mauritania has a green field with a thin red horizontal band at the top and bottom of the field. At the center of the field is a five-pointed yellow star above an upward facing yellow crescent.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" true,
  {"official" "Islamic Republic of Mauritania",
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   "png" ""},
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   "zho" {"official" "美国本土外小岛屿", "common" "美国本土外小岛屿"},
   {"official" "Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok lakatlan külbirtokai",
    "common" "Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok lakatlan külbirtokai"},
   {"official" "Внешние малые острова США",
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    "common" "Förenta staternas mindre öar i Oceanien och Västindien"},
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   "png" ""},
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   "The flag of Slovakia is composed of three equal horizontal bands of white, blue and red. The coat of arms of Slovakia is superimposed at the center of the field slightly towards the hoist side.",
   "png" ""},
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  "startOfWeek" "monday",
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  "gini" {"2018" 25.0},
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  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["44"], "root" "+2"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Angola features two equal horizontal bands of red and black, with a yellow emblem at its centre. This emblem consists of a five-pointed star within the hoist-side facing half of a cogwheel that is crossed on its lower end by a machete.",
   "png" ""},
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   {"por" {"official" "República de Angola", "common" "Angola"}},
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   "Republic of Kazakhstan"
   "Қазақстан Республикасы"
   "Qazaqstan Respublïkası"
   "Республика Казахстан"
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   "zho" {"official" "哈萨克斯坦共和国", "common" "哈萨克斯坦"},
   "hun" {"official" "Kazah Köztársaság", "common" "Kazahsztán"},
   "rus" {"official" "Республика Казахстан", "common" "Казахстан"},
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   "pol" {"official" "Republika Kazachstanu", "common" "Kazachstan"},
   "cym" {"official" "Republic of Kazakhstan", "common" "Kazakhstan"},
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   "fin" {"official" "Kazakstanin tasavalta", "common" "Kazakstan"},
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   {"official" "République du Kazakhstan", "common" "Kazakhstan"},
   {"official" "Repubblica del Kazakhstan", "common" "Kazakistan"},
   "jpn" {"official" "カザフスタン共和国", "common" "カザフスタン"},
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   {"official" "República do Cazaquistão", "common" "Cazaquistão"},
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   "bre" {"official" "Republik Kazakstan", "common" "Kazakstan"}},
  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["6" "7"], "root" "+7"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Kazakhstan has a turquoise field, at the center of which is a gold sun with thirty-two rays above a soaring golden steppe eagle. A thin vertical band displays a national ornamental pattern — koshkar-muiz — in gold near the hoist end.",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" true,
  {"official" "Republic of Kazakhstan",
   {"rus" {"official" "Республика Казахстан", "common" "Казахстан"},
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   "common" "Kazakhstan"},
  "postalCode" {"regex" "^(\\d{6})$", "format" "######"},
  "capitalInfo" {"latlng" [51.16 71.45]},
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  "ccn3" "398",
  "status" "officially-assigned",
  "region" "Asia",
  "languages" {"rus" "Russian", "kaz" "Kazakh"},
  "cioc" "KAZ",
  "currencies" {"KZT" {"name" "Kazakhstani tenge", "symbol" "₸"}},
  "independent" true,
  "population" 18754440,
  "cca3" "KAZ",
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  "capital" ["Nur-Sultan"],
  "car" {"signs" ["KZ"], "side" "right"},
  "timezones" ["UTC+05:00" "UTC+06:00"],
  "startOfWeek" "monday",
  "continents" ["Asia"],
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  "gini" {"2018" 27.8},
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 {"subregion" "Eastern Europe",
  "landlocked" true,
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   "Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia"
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   "The flag of Seychelles is composed of five broadening oblique bands of blue, yellow, red, white and green, which extend from the hoist side of the bottom edge to the top and fly edges of the field.",
   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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   {"official" "Republic of South Sudan", "common" "South Sudan"},
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  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["11"], "root" "+2"},
  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of South Sudan is composed of three equal horizontal bands of black, red with white top and bottom edges, and green. A blue equilateral triangle which spans about two-fifth the width of the field is superimposed on the hoist side with its base on the hoist end of the field. At the center of this triangle is a five-pointed yellow star.",
   "png" ""},
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  {"official" "Republic of South Sudan",
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   "png" ""},
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   "The flag of Iran is composed of three equal horizontal bands of green, white and red. A red emblem of Iran is centered in the white band and Arabic inscriptions in white span the bottom edge of the green band and the top edge of the red band.",
   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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  {"svg" "",
   "The flag of Serbia is composed of three equal horizontal bands of red, blue and white. The coat of arms of Serbia is superimposed at the center of the field slightly towards the hoist side.",
   "png" ""},
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   "png" ""},
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  {"svg" "",
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   "png" ""},
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  "region" "Americas",
  {"eng" "English", "spa" "Spanish", "bjz" "Belizean Creole"},
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  "timezones" ["UTC-06:00"],
  "startOfWeek" "monday",
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   "The flag of Myanmar is composed of three equal horizontal bands of yellow, green and red, with a large five-pointed white star superimposed at the center of the field.",
   "png" ""},
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    {"official" "ပြည်ထောင်စု သမ္မတ မြန်မာနိုင်ငံတော်",
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   "png" ""},
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   "The flag of Bhutan is divided diagonally, from the lower hoist-side corner to the upper fly-side corner, into an upper yellow and a lower orange triangle. A fly-side facing white dragon holding four jewels in its claws is situated along the boundary of the two triangles.",
   "png" ""},
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   "cym" {"official" "Anguilla", "common" "Anguilla"},
   "hrv" {"official" "Anguilla", "common" "Angvila"},
   "spa" {"official" "Anguila", "common" "Anguilla"},
   "fin" {"official" "Anguilla", "common" "Anguilla"},
   "per" {"official" "آنگویلا", "common" "آنگویلا"},
   "nld" {"official" "Anguilla", "common" "Anguilla"},
   "fra" {"official" "Anguilla", "common" "Anguilla"},
   "ita" {"official" "Anguilla", "common" "Anguilla"},
   "jpn" {"official" "アングィラ", "common" "アンギラ"},
   "est" {"official" "Anguilla", "common" "Anguilla"},
   "por" {"official" "Anguilla", "common" "Anguilla"},
   "slk" {"official" "Anguilla", "common" "Anguilla"},
   "bre" {"official" "Anguilla", "common" "Anguilla"}},
  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "idd" {"suffixes" ["264"], "root" "+1"},
  {"svg" "",
   "png" ""},
  "unMember" false,
  {"official" "Anguilla",
   "nativeName" {"eng" {"official" "Anguilla", "common" "Anguilla"}},
   "common" "Anguilla"},
  "capitalInfo" {"latlng" [18.22 -63.05]},
  "tld" [".ai"],
  "ccn3" "660",
  "status" "officially-assigned",
  "region" "Americas",
  "languages" {"eng" "English"},
  {"XCD" {"name" "Eastern Caribbean dollar", "symbol" "$"}},
  "independent" false,
  "population" 13452,
  "cca3" "AIA",
  "capital" ["The Valley"],
  "car" {"signs" ["GB"], "side" "left"},
  "timezones" ["UTC-04:00"],
  "startOfWeek" "monday",
  "continents" ["North America"],
  "flag" "🇦🇮",
  "fifa" "AIA",
  "cca2" "AI"}]
(tc/dataset (-> countries-response

_unnamed [250 35]:

landlocked latlng area altSpellings maps demonyms translations coatOfArms idd flags unMember name capitalInfo tld ccn3 status region languages currencies independent population cca3 capital car timezones startOfWeek continents flag cca2 subregion cioc fifa postalCode borders gini
false [-54.5 -37.0] 3903.0 [GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands] {googleMaps, {eng {kor {official 조지아, common 조지아}, {} {suffixes [00], root +5} {svg, png} false {official South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, {latlng [-54.28 -36.5]} [.gs] 239 officially-assigned Antarctic {eng English} {SHP {name Saint Helena pound, symbol £}} false 30 SGS [King Edward Point] {signs [], side right} [UTC-02:00] monday [Antarctica] 🇬🇸 GS
openStreetMaps} {f South Georgian South Sandwich Islander, zho {official 南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛, common 南乔治亚}, nativeName
m South Georgian South Sandwich Islander}} hun {eng
{official Déli-Georgia és Déli-Sandwich-szigetek, {official South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,
common Déli-Georgia és Déli-Sandwich-szigetek}, common South Georgia}},
rus common South Georgia}
{official Южная Георгия и Южные Сандвичевы острова,
common Южная Георгия и Южные Сандвичевы острова},
swe {official Sydgeorgien, common Sydgeorgien},
{official Jižní Georgie a Jižní Sandwichovy ostrovy,
common Jižní Georgie a Jižní Sandwichovy ostrovy},
{official Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln,
common Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln},
{official جورجيا الجنوبية وجزر ساندوتش الجنوبية,
common جورجيا الجنوبية},
urd {official جنوبی جارجیا و جزائر جنوبی سینڈوچ, common جنوبی جارجیا},
{official Јужна Џорџија и Јужна Сендвичка Острва,
common Јужна Џорџија и Јужна Сендвичка Острва},
{official Güney Georgia ve Güney Sandwich Adaları,
common Güney Georgia ve Güney Sandwich Adaları},
{official Georgia Południowa i Sandwich Południowy,
common Georgia Południowa i Sandwich Południowy},
{official South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,
common South Georgia},
{official Južna Džordžija i Otoci Južni Sendvič,
common Južna Georgija i otočje Južni Sandwich},
{official Georgia del Sur y las Islas Sandwich del Sur,
common Islas Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur},
{official Etelä-Georgia ja Eteläiset Sandwichsaaret,
common Etelä-Georgia ja Eteläiset Sandwichsaaret},
{official جزایر جورجیای جنوبی و ساندویچ جنوبی,
common جزایر جورجیای جنوبی و ساندویچ جنوبی},
{official Zuid-Georgië en de Zuidelijke Sandwich-eilanden,
common Zuid-Georgia en Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden},
{official Géorgie du Sud et les îles Sandwich du Sud,
common Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud},
{official Georgia del Sud e isole Sandwich del Sud,
common Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich Meridionali},
jpn {official サウスジョージア·サウスサンドウィッチ諸島, common サウスジョージア・サウスサンドウィッチ諸島},
{official Lõuna-Georgia ja Lõuna-Sandwichi saared,
common Lõuna-Georgia ja Lõuna-Sandwichi saared},
{official Geórgia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul,
common Ilhas Geórgia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul},
{official Južná Georgia a Južné Sandwichove ostrovy,
common Južná Georgia a Južné Sandwichove ostrovy},
{official Georgia ar Su hag Inizi Sandwich ar Su,
common Georgia ar Su hag Inizi Sandwich ar Su}}
false [12.11666666 -61.66666666] 344.0 [GD] {googleMaps, {eng {f Grenadian, m Grenadian}, fra {f Grenadienne, m Grenadien}} {kor {official 그레나다, common 그레나다}, {svg, {suffixes [473], root +1} {svg, true {official Grenada, {latlng [32.38 -64.68]} [.gd] 308 officially-assigned Americas {eng English} {XCD {name Eastern Caribbean dollar, symbol \(}} | true | 112519 | GRD | [St. George's] | {signs [WG], side left} | [UTC-04:00] | monday | [North America] | 🇬🇩 | GD | Caribbean | GRN | GRN | | | | | | | | | openStreetMaps} | | zho {official 格林纳达, common 格林纳达}, | png} | | alt | | nativeName {eng {official Grenada, common Grenada}}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | hun {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | The flag of Grenada features a large central rectangular area surrounded by a red border, with three five-pointed yellow stars centered on the top and bottom borders. The central rectangle is divided diagonally into four alternating triangular areas of yellow at the top and bottom and green on the hoist and fly sides, and a five-pointed yellow star on a red circle is superimposed at its center. A symbolic nutmeg pod is situated on the green hoist-side triangle., | | common Grenada} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | rus {official Гренада, common Гренада}, | | | png} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | swe {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ces {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | deu {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ara {official غرينادا, common غرينادا}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | urd {official گریناڈا, common گریناڈا}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | srp {official Гренада, common Гренада}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | tur {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | pol {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | cym {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | hrv {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | spa {official Granada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fin {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | per {official گرنادا, common گرنادا}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | nld {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fra {official Grenade, common Grenade}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ita {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | jpn {official グレナダ, common グレナダ}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | est {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | por {official Grenada, common Granada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | slk {official Grenada, common Grenada}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | bre {official Grenada, common Grenada}} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | true | [47.0 8.0] | 41284.0 | [CH Swiss Confederation Schweiz Suisse Svizzera Svizra] | {googleMaps, | {eng {f Swiss, m Swiss}, fra {f Suisse, m Suisse}} | {kor {official 스위스 연방, common 스위스}, | {svg, | {suffixes [1], root +4} | {svg, | true | {official Swiss Confederation, | {latlng [46.92 7.47]} | [.ch] | 756 | officially-assigned | Europe | {roh Romansh, gsw Swiss German, fra French, ita Italian} | {CHF {name Swiss franc, symbol Fr.}} | true | 8654622 | CHE | [Bern] | {signs [CH], side right} | [UTC+01:00] | monday | [Europe] | 🇨🇭 | CH | Western Europe | SUI | SUI | {regex ^(\d{4})\), format ####} [AUT FRA ITA LIE DEU] {2018 33.1}
openStreetMaps} zho {official 瑞士联邦, common 瑞士}, png} alt nativeName
hun {official Svájc, common Svájc}, The flag of Switzerland is square shaped. It features a white Swiss cross centered on a red field., {roh {official Confederaziun svizra, common Svizra},
rus {official Швейцарская Конфедерация, common Швейцария}, png} gsw {official Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, common Schweiz},
swe {official Schweiziska edsförbundet, common Schweiz}, fra {official Confédération suisse, common Suisse},
ces {official Švýcarská konfederace, common Švýcarsko}, ita {official Confederazione Svizzera, common Svizzera}},
deu {official Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, common Schweiz}, common Switzerland}
ara {official الاتحاد السويسري, common سويسرا},
urd {official سوئیس متحدہ, common سویٹذرلینڈ},
srp {official Швајцарска Конфедерација, common Швајцарска},
tur {official İsviçre Konfederasyonu, common İsviçre},
pol {official Konfederacja Szwajcarska, common Szwajcaria},
cym {official Swiss Confederation, common Switzerland},
hrv {official švicarska Konfederacija, common Švicarska},
spa {official Confederación Suiza, common Suiza},
fin {official Sveitsin valaliitto, common Sveitsi},
per {official کنفدراسیون سوئیس, common سوئیس},
nld {official Zwitserse Confederatie, common Zwitserland},
fra {official Confédération suisse, common Suisse},
ita {official Confederazione svizzera, common Svizzera},
jpn {official スイス連邦, common スイス},
est {official Šveitsi Konföderatsioon, common Šveits},
por {official Confederação Suíça, common Suíça},
slk {official Švajčiarska konfederácia, common Švajčiarsko},
bre {official Kengevredad Suis, common Suis}}
false [8.5 -11.5] 71740.0 [SL Republic of Sierra Leone] {googleMaps, {eng {f Sierra Leonean, m Sierra Leonean}, {kor {official 시에라리온 공화국, common 시에라리온}, {svg, {suffixes [32], root +2} {svg, true {official Republic of Sierra Leone, {latlng [8.48 -13.23]} [.sl] 694 officially-assigned Africa {eng English} {SLL {name Sierra Leonean leone, symbol Le}} true 7976985 SLE [Freetown] {signs [WAL], side right} [UTC] monday [Africa] 🇸🇱 SL Western Africa SLE SLE [GIN LBR] {2018 35.7}
openStreetMaps} fra {f Sierra-leonaise, m Sierra-leonais}} zho {official 塞拉利昂共和国, common 塞拉利昂}, png} alt nativeName
hun {official Sierra Leone Köztársaság, common Sierra Leone}, The flag of Sierra Leone is composed of three equal horizontal bands of green, white and blue., {eng {official Republic of Sierra Leone, common Sierra Leone}},
rus {official Республика Сьерра-Леоне, common Сьерра-Леоне}, png} common Sierra Leone}
swe {official Republiken Sierra Leone, common Sierra Leone},
ces {official Republika Sierra Leone, common Sierra Leone},
deu {official Republik Sierra Leone, common Sierra Leone},
ara {official جمهورية سيراليون, common سيراليون},
urd {official جمہوریہ سیرالیون, common سیرالیون},
srp {official Република Сијера Леоне, common Сијера Леоне},
tur {official Sierra Leone Cumhuriyeti, common Sierra Leone},
pol {official Sierra Leone, common Sierra Leone},
cym {official Republic of Sierra Leone, common Sierra Leone},
hrv {official Republika Sijera Leone, common Sijera Leone},
spa {official República de Sierra Leona, common Sierra Leone},
fin {official Sierra Leonen tasavalta, common Sierra Leone},
per {official جمهوری سیرالئون, common سیرالئون},
nld {official Republiek Sierra Leone, common Sierra Leone},
fra {official République de Sierra Leone, common Sierra Leone},
ita {official Repubblica della Sierra Leone, common Sierra Leone},
jpn {official シエラレオネ共和国, common シエラレオネ},
est {official Sierra Leone Vabariik, common Sierra Leone},
por {official República da Serra Leoa, common Serra Leoa},
slk {official Sierraleonská republika, common Sierra Leone},
bre {official Republik Sierra Leone, common Sierra Leone}}
true [47.0 20.0] 93028.0 [HU] {googleMaps, {eng {f Hungarian, m Hungarian}, fra {f Hongroise, m Hongrois}} {kor {official 헝가리, common 헝가리}, {svg, {suffixes [6], root +3} {svg, true {official Hungary, {latlng [47.5 19.08]} [.hu] 348 officially-assigned Europe {hun Hungarian} {HUF {name Hungarian forint, symbol Ft}} true 9749763 HUN [Budapest] {signs [H], side right} [UTC+01:00] monday [Europe] 🇭🇺 HU Central Europe HUN HUN {regex ^()$, format ####} [AUT HRV ROU SRB SVK SVN UKR] {2018 29.6}
openStreetMaps} zho {official 匈牙利, common 匈牙利}, png} alt nativeName {hun {official Magyarország, common Magyarország}},
hun {official Magyarország, common Magyarország}, The flag of Hungary is composed of three equal horizontal bands of red, white and green., common Hungary}
rus {official Венгрия, common Венгрия}, png}
swe {official Ungern, common Ungern},
ces {official Maďarsko, common Maďarsko},
deu {official Ungarn, common Ungarn},
ara {official الجمهورية المجرية, common المجر},
urd {official مجارستان, common مجارستان},
srp {official Мађарска, common Мађарска},
tur {official Macaristan, common Macaristan},
pol {official Węgry, common Węgry},
cym {official Hungary, common Hungary},
hrv {official Madžarska, common Mađarska},
spa {official Hungría, common Hungría},
fin {official Unkari, common Unkari},
per {official مجارستان, common مجارستان},
nld {official Hongarije, common Hongarije},
fra {official Hongrie, common Hongrie},
ita {official Ungheria, common Ungheria},
jpn {official ハンガリー, common ハンガリー},
est {official Ungari, common Ungari},
por {official Hungria, common Hungria},
slk {official Maďarsko, common Maďarsko},
bre {official Hungaria, common Hungaria}}
false [23.5 121.0] 36193.0 [TW Táiwān Republic of China 中華民國 Zhōnghuá Mínguó Chinese Taipei] {googleMaps, {eng {f Taiwanese, m Taiwanese}, fra {f Taïwanaise, m Taïwanais}} {kor {official 중화민국, common 대만}, {svg, {suffixes [86], root +8} {svg, png} false {official Republic of China (Taiwan), {latlng [25.03 121.52]} [.tw .台灣 .台湾] 158 officially-assigned Asia {zho Chinese} {TWD {name New Taiwan dollar, symbol \(}} | false | 23503349 | TWN | [Taipei] | {signs [RC], side right} | [UTC+08:00] | monday | [Asia] | 🇹🇼 | TW | Eastern Asia | TPE | TPE | {regex ^(\d{5})\), format #####}
openStreetMaps} hun {official Kínai Köztársaság, common Tajvan}, png} nativeName {zho {official 中華民國, common 台灣}},
rus {official Китайская Республика, common Тайвань}, common Taiwan}
swe {official Republiken Kina, common Taiwan},
ces {official Čínská republika, common Tchaj-wan},
deu {official Republik China (Taiwan), common Taiwan},
ara {official جمهورية الصين (تايوان), common تايوان},
urd {official جمہوریہ چین (تائیوان), common تائیوان},
srp {official Република Кина, common Тајван},
tur {official Çin Cumhuriyeti (Tayvan), common Tayvan},
pol {official Republika Chińska (Tajwan), common Tajwan},
cym {official Republic of China (Taiwan), common Taiwan},
hrv {official Republika Kina, common Tajvan},
spa {official República de China en Taiwán, common Taiwán},
fin {official Kiinan tasavalta, common Taiwan},
per {official جمهوری چین, common تایوان},
nld {official Republiek China (Taiwan), common Taiwan},
fra {official République de Chine (Taïwan), common Taïwan},
ita {official Repubblica cinese (Taiwan), common Taiwan},
jpn {official 中華民国, common 台湾},
est {official Taiwani, common Taiwan},
por {official República da China, common Ilha Formosa},
slk {official Čínska republika, common Taiwan},
bre {official Republik Sina (Taiwan), common Taiwan}}
false [-13.3 -176.2] 142.0 [WF {googleMaps, {eng {f Wallis and Futuna Islander, m Wallis and Futuna Islander}} {kor {official 왈리스 퓌튀나, common 왈리스 퓌튀나}, {} {suffixes [81], root +6} {svg, png} false {official Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands, {latlng [-13.95 -171.93]} [.wf] 876 officially-assigned Oceania {fra French} {XPF {name CFP franc, symbol ₣}} false 11750 WLF [Mata-Utu] {signs [F], side right} [UTC+12:00] monday [Oceania] 🇼🇫 WF Polynesia {regex ^(986)$, format #####}
Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands openStreetMaps} zho {official 瓦利斯和富图纳群岛, common 瓦利斯和富图纳群岛}, nativeName
Territoire des îles Wallis et Futuna] hun {official Wallis és Futuna, common Wallis és Futuna}, {fra
rus {official Territoire des îles Wallis et Futuna,
{official Территория Уоллис и Футуна острова, common Уоллис и Футуна}, common Wallis et Futuna}},
swe common Wallis and Futuna}
{official Territoriet Wallis- och Futunaöarna,
common Wallis- och Futunaöarna},
{official Teritorium ostrovů Wallis a Futuna, common Wallis a Futuna},
deu {official Gebiet der Wallis und Futuna, common Wallis und Futuna},
ara {official إقليم جزر واليس وفوتونا, common واليس وفوتونا},
urd {official سر زمینِ والس و فتونہ جزائر, common والس و فتونہ},
{official Територија државе Валис и Футуна, common Валис и Футуна},
{official Wallis ve Futuna Adaları Bölgesi,
common Wallis ve Futuna Adaları Bölgesi},
{official Terytorium Wysp Wallis i Futuna, common Wallis i Futuna},
{official Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands,
common Wallis and Futuna},
hrv {official Teritoriju Wallis i Futuna, common Wallis i Fortuna},
{official Territorio de las Islas Wallis y Futuna,
common Wallis y Futuna},
fin {official Wallisin ja Futunan yhteisö, common Wallis ja Futuna},
per {official جزایر والیس و فوتونا, common والیس و فوتونا},
{official Grondgebied van de Wallis en Futuna,
common Wallis en Futuna},
{official Territoire des îles Wallis et Futuna,
common Wallis-et-Futuna},
{official Territorio delle Isole Wallis e Futuna,
common Wallis e Futuna},
jpn {official ウォリス·フツナ諸島の領土, common ウォリス・フツナ},
est {official Wallise ja Futuna ala, common Wallis ja Futuna},
{official Território das Ilhas Wallis e Futuna,
common Wallis e Futuna},
{official Teritórium ostrovov Wallis a Futuna,
common Wallis a Futuna},
bre {official Tiriad Inizi Wallis ha Futuna, common Wallis ha Futuna}}
false [13.16666666 -59.53333333] 430.0 [BB] {googleMaps, {eng {f Barbadian, m Barbadian}, fra {f Barbadienne, m Barbadien}} {kor {official 바베이도스, common 바베이도스}, {svg, {suffixes [246], root +1} {svg, true {official Barbados, {latlng [13.1 -59.62]} [.bb] 052 officially-assigned Americas {eng English} {BBD {name Barbadian dollar, symbol \(}} | true | 287371 | BRB | [Bridgetown] | {signs [BDS], side left} | [UTC-04:00] | monday | [North America] | 🇧🇧 | BB | Caribbean | BAR | BRB | {regex ^(?:BB)*(\d{5})\), format BB#####}
openStreetMaps} zho {official 巴巴多斯, common 巴巴多斯}, png} alt nativeName {eng {official Barbados, common Barbados}},
hun {official Barbados, common Barbados}, The flag of Barbados is composed of three equal vertical bands of ultramarine, gold and ultramarine. The head of a black trident is centered in the gold band., common Barbados}
rus {official Барбадос, common Барбадос}, png}
swe {official Barbados, common Barbados},
ces {official Barbados, common Barbados},
deu {official Barbados, common Barbados},
ara {official باربادوس, common باربادوس},
urd {official بارباڈوس, common بارباڈوس},
srp {official Барбадос, common Барбадос},
tur {official Barbados, common Barbados},
pol {official Barbados, common Barbados},
cym {official Barbados, common Barbados},
hrv {official Barbados, common Barbados},
spa {official Barbados, common Barbados},
fin {official Barbados, common Barbados},
per {official باربادوس, common باربادوس},
nld {official Barbados, common Barbados},
fra {official Barbade, common Barbade},
ita {official Barbados, common Barbados},
jpn {official バルバドス, common バルバドス},
est {official Barbados, common Barbados},
por {official Barbados, common Barbados},
slk {official Barbados, common Barbados},
bre {official Barbados, common Barbados}}
false [-25.06666666 -130.1] 47.0 [PN Pitcairn Pitcairn Henderson Ducie and Oeno Islands] {googleMaps, {eng {f Pitcairn Islander, m Pitcairn Islander}, {kor {official 핏케언 제도, common 핏케언 제도}, {} {suffixes [4], root +6} {svg, png} false {official Pitcairn Group of Islands, {latlng [-25.07 -130.08]} [.pn] 612 officially-assigned Oceania {eng English} {NZD {name New Zealand dollar, symbol $}} false 56 PCN [Adamstown] {signs [GB], side left} [UTC-08:00] monday [Oceania] 🇵🇳 PN Polynesia
openStreetMaps} fra {f Pitcairnaise, m Pitcairnais}} zho {official 皮特凯恩群岛, common 皮特凯恩群岛}, nativeName
hun {official Pitcairn-szigetek, common Pitcairn-szigetek}, {eng {official Pitcairn Group of Islands, common Pitcairn Islands}},
rus {official Питкэрн группа островов, common Острова Питкэрн}, common Pitcairn Islands}
swe {official Pitcairnöarna, common Pitcairnöarna},
ces {official Pitcairnovy ostrovy, common Pitcairnovy ostrovy},
deu {official Pitcairninseln, common Pitcairninseln},
ara {official جزر بيتكيرن, common جزر بيتكيرن},
urd {official پٹکیرن جزائر, common جزائر پٹکیرن},
{official Острва Питкерн, Хендерсон, Дуци и Оин,
common Острва Питкерн},
{official Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie ve Oeno Adaları,
common Pitcairn Adaları},
{official Wyspy Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie i Oeno, common Pitcairn},
cym {official Pitcairn Group of Islands, common Pitcairn Islands},
hrv {official Pitcairn skupine otoka, common Pitcairnovo otočje},
spa {official Grupo de Islas Pitcairn, common Islas Pitcairn},
fin {official Pitcairn, common Pitcairn},
per {official جزایر پیت‌کرن, common جزایر پیت‌کرن},
nld {official Pitcairn groep eilanden, common Pitcairneilanden},
fra {official Groupe d’îles Pitcairn, common Îles Pitcairn},
ita {official Pitcairn gruppo di isole, common Isole Pitcairn},
jpn {official 島のピトケアングループ, common ピトケアン},
{official Pitcairni, Hendersoni, Ducie ja Oeno saar, common Pitcairn},
por {official Pitcairn grupo de ilhas, common Ilhas Pitcairn},
slk {official Pitcairnove ostrovy, common Pitcairnove ostrovy},
{official Inizi Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie hag Oeno,
common Inizi Pitcairn}}
false [8.0 -5.0] 322463.0 [CI {googleMaps, {eng {f Ivorian, m Ivorian}, fra {f Ivoirienne, m Ivoirien}} {kor {official 코트디부아르 공화국, common 코트디부아르}, {svg, {suffixes [25], root +2} {svg, true {official Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, {latlng [6.82 -5.27]} [.ci] 384 officially-assigned Africa {fra French} {XOF {name West African CFA franc, symbol Fr}} true 26378275 CIV [Yamoussoukro] {signs [CI], side right} [UTC] monday [Africa] 🇨🇮 CI Western Africa CIV CIV [BFA GHA GIN LBR MLI] {2015 41.5}
Côte d’Ivoire openStreetMaps} zho {official 科特迪瓦共和国, common 科特迪瓦}, png} alt nativeName
Ivory Coast hun {official Elefántcsontparti Köztársaság, common Elefántcsontpart}, The flag of Ivory Coast is composed of three equal vertical bands of orange, white and green., {fra {official République de Côte d’Ivoire, common Côte d’Ivoire}},
Republic of Côte d’Ivoire rus {official Республика Кот-д’Ивуаре, common Кот-д’Ивуар}, png} common Ivory Coast}
République de Côte d’Ivoire] swe {official Republiken Elfenbenskusten, common Elfenbenskusten},
ces {official Republika Pobřeží slonoviny, common Pobřeží slonoviny},
deu {official Republik Côte d’Ivoire, common Elfenbeinküste},
ara {official جمهورية ساحل العاج, common ساحل العاج},
urd {official جمہوریہ کوت دیواغ, common آئیوری کوسٹ},
srp {official Република Обала Слоноваче, common Обала Слоноваче},
tur {official Fildişi Sahili, common Fildişi Sahili},
{official Republika WybrzeŻa Kości Słoniowej,
common WybrzeŻe Kości Słoniowej},
cym {official Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, common Ivory Coast},
hrv {official Republika Côte d’Ivoire, common Obala Bjelokosti},
spa {official República de Côte d’Ivoire, common Costa de Marfil},
fin {official Norsunluurannikon tasavalta, common Norsunluurannikko},
per {official جمهوری ساحل عاج, common ساحل عاج},
nld {official Republiek Ivoorkust, common Ivoorkust},
fra {official République de Côte d’ Ivoire, common Côte d’Ivoire},
ita {official Repubblica della Costa d’Avorio, common Costa d’Avorio},
jpn {official コートジボワール共和国, common コートジボワール},
est {official Côte d’Ivoire’i Vabariik, common Elevandiluurannik},
por {official República da Côte d’Ivoire, common Costa do Marfim},
slk {official Republika Pobrežie Slonoviny, common Pobržie Slonoviny},
bre {official Republik Aod an Olifant, common Aod an Olifant}}
true [-20.0 30.0] 390757.0 [ZW Republic of Zimbabwe] {googleMaps, {eng {f Zimbabwean, m Zimbabwean}, fra {f Zimbabwéenne, m Zimbabwéen}} {kor {official 짐바브웨 공화국, common 짐바브웨}, {svg, {suffixes [63], root +2} {svg, true {official Republic of Zimbabwe, {latlng [-17.82 31.03]} [.zw] 716 officially-assigned Africa {nya Chewa, {ZWL {name Zimbabwean dollar, symbol \(}} | true | 14862927 | ZWE | [Harare] | {signs [ZW], side left} | [UTC+02:00] | monday | [Africa] | 🇿🇼 | ZW | Southern Africa | ZIM | ZIM | | [BWA MOZ ZAF ZMB] | {2019 50.3} | | | | | | openStreetMaps} | | zho {official 津巴布韦共和国, common 津巴布韦}, | png} | | alt | | nativeName | | | | | | toi Tonga, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | hun {official Zimbabwei Köztársaság, common Zimbabwe}, | | | The flag of Zimbabwe is composed of seven equal horizontal bands of green, yellow, red, black, red, yellow and green, with a white isosceles triangle superimposed on the hoist side of the field. This triangle is edged in black, spans about one-fourth the width of the field and has its base on the hoist end. A yellow Zimbabwe bird superimposed on a five-pointed red star is centered in the triangle., | | {nya {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | tsn Tswana, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | rus {official Республика Зимбабве, common Зимбабве}, | | | png} | | toi {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | sot Sotho, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | swe {official Republiken Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | tsn {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | nde Northern Ndebele, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ces {official Zimbabwská republika, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | sot {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | kck Kalanga, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | deu {official Republik Simbabwe, common Simbabwe}, | | | | | nde {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | bwg Chibarwe, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ara {official جمهورية زيمبابوي, common زيمبابوي}, | | | | | kck {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | eng English, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | urd {official جمہوریہ زمبابوے, common زمبابوے}, | | | | | bwg {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | zib Zimbabwean Sign Language, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | srp {official Република Зимбабве, common Зимбабве}, | | | | | eng {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | tso Tsonga, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | tur {official Zimbabve Cumhuriyeti, common Zimbabve}, | | | | | zib {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | ven Venda, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | pol {official Republika Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | tso {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | xho Xhosa, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | cym {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | ven {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | sna Shona, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | hrv {official Republika Zimbabve, common Zimbabve}, | | | | | xho {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | khi Khoisan, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | spa {official República de Zimbabue, common Zimbabue}, | | | | | sna {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | ndc Ndau} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fin {official Zimbabwen tasavalta, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | khi {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | per {official جمهوری زیمبابوه, common زیمبابوه}, | | | | | ndc {official Republic of Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | nld {official Republiek Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | common Zimbabwe} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fra {official République du Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ita {official Repubblica dello Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | jpn {official ジンバブエ共和国, common ジンバブエ}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | est {official Zimbabwe Vabariik, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | por {official República do Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | slk {official Zimbabwianska republika, common Zimbabwe}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | bre {official Republik Zimbabwe, common Zimbabwe}} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | false | [18.0708 63.0501] | 53.0 | [MF | {googleMaps, | {eng {f Saint Martin Islander, m Saint Martin Islander}, | {kor {official 생마르탱, common 생마르탱}, | {} | {suffixes [90], root +5} | {svg, png} | false | {official Saint Martin, | {latlng [18.07 -63.08]} | [.fr .gp] | 663 | officially-assigned | Americas | {fra French} | {EUR {name Euro, symbol €}} | false | 38659 | MAF | [Marigot] | {signs [F], side right} | [UTC-04:00] | monday | [North America] | 🇲🇫 | MF | Caribbean | | | {format ### ###} | [SXM] | | | | | | Collectivity of Saint Martin | openStreetMaps} | fra {f Saint-Martinoise, m Saint-Martinois}} | zho {official 圣马丁, common 圣马丁}, | | | | | nativeName {fra {official Saint-Martin, common Saint-Martin}}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Collectivité de Saint-Martin | | | hun {official Saint-Martin Közösség, common Saint-Martin}, | | | | | common Saint Martin} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Saint Martin (French part)] | | | rus {official Сен-Мартен, common Сен-Мартен}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | swe {official Förvaltningsområdet Saint-Martin, common Saint-Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ces {official Svatý Martin, common Svatý Martin (Francie)}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | deu {official Saint-Martin, common Saint-Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ara {official سانت مارتن, common سانت مارتن}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | urd {official سینٹ مارٹن, common سینٹ مارٹن}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | srp {official Свети Мартин, common Свети Мартин}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | tur {official Saint Martin, common Saint Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | pol {official Wspólnota Saint-Martin, common Saint-Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | cym {official Saint Martin, common Saint Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | hrv {official Saint Martin, common Sveti Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | spa {official Saint Martin, common Saint Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fin {official Saint-Martin, common Saint-Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | per {official سن مارتن, common سن مارتن}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | nld {official Saint Martin, common Saint-Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fra {official Saint-Martin, common Saint-Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ita {official saint Martin, common Saint Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | jpn {official サンマルタン島, common サン・マルタン(フランス領)}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | est {official Saint-Martini ühendus, common Saint-Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | por {official saint Martin, common São Martinho}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | slk {official Saint-Martin, common Saint-Martin}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | bre {official Saint-Martin, common Saint-Martin}} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | true | [46.0 105.0] | 1564110.0 | [MN] | {googleMaps, | {eng {f Mongolian, m Mongolian}, fra {f Mongole, m Mongol}} | {kor {official 몽골, common 몽골국}, | {svg, | {suffixes [76], root +9} | {svg, | true | {official Mongolia, | {latlng [47.92 106.91]} | [.mn] | 496 | officially-assigned | Asia | {mon Mongolian} | {MNT {name Mongolian tögrög, symbol ₮}} | true | 3278292 | MNG | [Ulan Bator] | {signs [MGL], side right} | [UTC+07:00 UTC+08:00] | monday | [Asia] | 🇲🇳 | MN | Eastern Asia | MGL | MNG | {regex ^(\d{6})\), format ######} [CHN RUS] {2018 32.7}
openStreetMaps} zho {official 蒙古, common 蒙古}, png} alt nativeName {mon {official Монгол улс, common Монгол улс}},
hun {official Mongólia, common Mongólia}, The flag of Mongolia is composed of three equal vertical bands of red, blue and red, with the national emblem — the Soyombo — in gold centered in the hoist-side red band., common Mongolia}
rus {official Монголия, common Монголия}, png}
swe {official Mongoliet, common Mongoliet},
ces {official Stát Mongolsko, common Mongolsko},
deu {official Mongolei, common Mongolei},
ara {official جمهورية منغوليا, common منغوليا},
urd {official منگولیا, common منگولیا},
srp {official Монголија, common Монголија},
tur {official Moğolistan, common Moğolistan},
pol {official Mongolia, common Mongolia},
cym {official Mongolia, common Mongolia},
hrv {official Mongolija, common Mongolija},
spa {official Mongolia, common Mongolia},
fin {official Mongolian tasavalta, common Mongolia},
per {official مغولستان, common مغولستان},
nld {official Mongolië, common Mongolië},
fra {official Mongolie, common Mongolie},
ita {official Mongolia, common Mongolia},
jpn {official モンゴル, common モンゴル},
est {official Mongoolia, common Mongoolia},
por {official Mongólia, common Mongólia},
slk {official Mongolsko, common Mongolsko},
bre {official Mongolia, common Mongolia}}
false [39.5 -8.0] 92090.0 [PT Portuguesa Portuguese Republic República Portuguesa] {googleMaps, {eng {f Portuguese, m Portuguese}, fra {f Portugaise, m Portugais}} {kor {official 포르투갈 공화국, common 포르투갈}, {svg, {suffixes [51], root +3} {svg, true {official Portuguese Republic, {latlng [38.72 -9.13]} [.pt] 620 officially-assigned Europe {por Portuguese} {EUR {name Euro, symbol €}} true 10305564 PRT [Lisbon] {signs [P], side right} [UTC-01:00 UTC] monday [Europe] 🇵🇹 PT Southern Europe POR POR {regex ^()$, format ####-###} [ESP] {2018 33.5}
openStreetMaps} zho {official 葡萄牙共和国, common 葡萄牙}, png} alt nativeName {por {official República português, common Portugal}},
hun {official Portugál Köztársaság, common Portugália}, The flag of Portugal is composed of two vertical bands of green and red in the ratio of 2:3, with the coat of arms of Portugal centered over the two-color boundary., common Portugal}
rus {official Португальская Республика, common Португалия}, png}
swe {official Republiken Portugal, common Portugal},
ces {official Portugalská republika, common Portugalsko},
deu {official Portugiesische Republik, common Portugal},
ara {official الجمهورية البرتغالية, common البرتغال},
urd {official جمہوریہ پرتگال, common پرتگال},
srp {official Португалска Република, common Португал},
tur {official Portekiz Cumhuriyeti, common Portekiz},
pol {official Republika Portugalska, common Portugalia},
cym {official Portuguese Republic, common Portugal},
hrv {official Portugalska Republika, common Portugal},
spa {official República Portuguesa, common Portugal},
fin {official Portugalin tasavalta, common Portugali},
per {official جمهوری پرتغال, common پرتغال},
nld {official Portugese Republiek, common Portugal},
fra {official République portugaise, common Portugal},
ita {official Repubblica portoghese, common Portogallo},
jpn {official ポルトガル共和国, common ポルトガル},
est {official Portugali Vabariik, common Portugal},
por {official República português, common Portugal},
slk {official Portugalská republika, common Portugalsko},
bre {official Republik Portugalat, common Portugal}}
false [-14.33333333 -170.0] 199.0 [AS Amerika Sāmoa Amelika Sāmoa Sāmoa Amelika] {googleMaps, {eng {f American Samoan, m American Samoan}, fra {f Samoane, m Samoan}} {kor {official 아메리칸사모아, common 아메리칸사모아}, {} {suffixes [684], root +1} {svg, png} false {official American Samoa, {latlng [-14.27 -170.7]} [.as] 016 officially-assigned Oceania {eng English, smo Samoan} {USD {name United States dollar, symbol \(}} | false | 55197 | ASM | [Pago Pago] | {signs [USA], side right} | [UTC-11:00] | monday | [Oceania] | 🇦🇸 | AS | Polynesia | ASA | ASA | | | | | | | | | openStreetMaps} | | zho {official 美属萨摩亚, common 美属萨摩亚}, | | | | | nativeName | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | hun {official Szamoa, common Szamoa}, | | | | | {eng {official American Samoa, common American Samoa}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | rus {official американское Самоа, common Американское Самоа}, | | | | | smo {official Sāmoa Amelika, common Sāmoa Amelika}}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | swe {official Amerikanska Samoa, common Amerikanska Samoa}, | | | | | common American Samoa} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ces {official Americká Samoa, common Americká Samoa}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | deu {official Amerikanisch-Samoa, common Amerikanisch-Samoa}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ara {official ساموا الأمريكية, common ساموا الأمريكية}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | urd {official امریکی سمووا, common امریکی سمووا}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | srp {official Америчка Самоа, common Америчка Самоа}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | tur {official Amerikan Samoası, common Amerikan Samoası}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | pol {official Samoa Amerykańskie, common Samoa Amerykańskie}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | cym {official American Samoa, common American Samoa}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | hrv {official američka Samoa, common Američka Samoa}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | spa {official Samoa Americana, common Samoa Americana}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fin {official Amerikan Samoa, common Amerikan Samoa}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | per {official ساموآی آمریکا, common ساموآی آمریکا}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | nld {official Amerikaans Samoa, common Amerikaans Samoa}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fra {official Samoa américaines, common Samoa américaines}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ita {official Samoa americane, common Samoa Americane}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | jpn {official 米サモア, common アメリカ領サモア}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | est {official Ameerika Samoa, common Ameerika Samoa}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | por {official Samoa americana, common Samoa Americana}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | slk {official Americká Samoa, common Americká Samoa}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | bre {official Samoa Amerikan, common Samoa Amerikan}} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | false | [-1.0 15.0] | 342000.0 | [CG Congo Congo-Brazzaville] | {googleMaps, | {eng {f Congolese, m Congolese}, fra {f Congolaise, m Congolais}} | {kor {official 콩고, common 콩고}, | {} | {suffixes [42], root +2} | {svg, | true | {official Republic of the Congo, | {latlng [-4.25 15.28]} | [.cg] | 178 | officially-assigned | Africa | {lin Lingala, kon Kikongo, fra French} | {XAF {name Central African CFA franc, symbol Fr}} | true | 5657000 | COG | [Brazzaville] | {signs [RCB], side right} | [UTC+01:00] | monday | [Africa] | 🇨🇬 | CG | Middle Africa | CGO | CGO | | [AGO CMR CAF COD GAB] | {2011 48.9} | | | | | | openStreetMaps} | | zho {official 刚果共和国, common 刚果}, | | | alt | | nativeName | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | hun {official Kongói Köztársaság, common Kongói Köztársaság}, | | | The flag of the Republic of the Congo features a yellow diagonal band that extends from the lower hoist-side corner to the upper fly-side corner of the field. Above and beneath this band are a green and red triangle respectively., | | {lin {official Republíki ya Kongó, common Republíki ya Kongó}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | rus {official Республика Конго, common Республика Конго}, | | | png} | | kon {official Repubilika ya Kongo, common Repubilika ya Kongo}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | swe {official Republiken Kongo, common Kongo-Brazzaville}, | | | | | fra {official République du Congo, common République du Congo}}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ces {official Konžská republika, common Kongo}, | | | | | common Republic of the Congo} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | deu {official Republik Kongo, common Kongo}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ara {official جمهورية الكونغو, common جمهورية الكونفو}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | urd {official جمہوریہ کانگو, common جمہوریہ کانگو}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | srp {official Република Конго, common Конго}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | tur {official Kongo Cumhuriyeti, common Kongo Cumhuriyeti}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | pol {official Republika Konga, common Kongo}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | cym {official Gweriniaeth y Congo, common Gweriniaeth y Congo}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | hrv {official Republika Kongo, common Kongo}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | spa {official República del Congo, common Congo}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fin {official Kongon tasavalta, common Kongo-Brazzaville}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | per {official جمهوری برازاویل کُنگو, common جمهوری کُنگو}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | nld {official Republiek Congo, common Congo}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fra {official République du Congo, common Congo}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ita {official Repubblica del Congo, common Congo}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | jpn {official コンゴ共和国, common コンゴ共和国}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | est {official Kongo Vabariik, common Kongo Vabariik}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | por {official República do Congo, common Congo}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | slk {official Konžská republika, common Kongo}, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | bre {official Republik Kongo, common Kongo-Brazzaville}} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | false | [50.83333333 4.0] | 30528.0 | [BE | {googleMaps, | {eng {f Belgian, m Belgian}, fra {f Belge, m Belge}} | {kor {official 벨기에 왕국, common 벨기에}, | {svg, | {suffixes [2], root +3} | {svg, | true | {official Kingdom of Belgium, | {latlng [50.83 4.33]} | [.be] | 056 | officially-assigned | Europe | {deu German, nld Dutch, fra French} | {EUR {name Euro, symbol €}} | true | 11555997 | BEL | [Brussels] | {signs [B], side right} | [UTC+01:00] | monday | [Europe] | 🇧🇪 | BE | Western Europe | BEL | BEL | {regex ^(\d{4})\), format ####} [FRA DEU LUX NLD] {2018 27.2}
België openStreetMaps} zho {official 比利时王国, common 比利时}, png} alt nativeName
Belgie hun {official Belga Királyság, common Belgium}, The flag of Belgium is composed of three equal vertical bands of black, yellow and red., {deu {official Königreich Belgien, common Belgien},
Belgien rus {official Королевство Бельгия, common Бельгия}, png} nld {official Koninkrijk België, common België},
Belgique swe {official Konungariket Belgien, common Belgien}, fra {official Royaume de Belgique, common Belgique}},
Kingdom of Belgium ces {official Belgické království, common Belgie}, common Belgium}
Koninkrijk België deu {official Königreich Belgien, common Belgien},
Royaume de Belgique ara {official مملكة بلجيكا, common بلجيكا},
Königreich Belgien] urd {official مملکتِ بلجئیم, common بلجئیم},
srp {official Краљевина Белгија, common Белгија},
tur {official Belçika Krallığı, common Belğika},
pol {official Królestwo Belgii, common Belgia},
cym {official Teyrnas Gwlad Belg, common Gwlad Belg},
hrv {official Kraljevina Belgija, common Belgija},
spa {official Reino de Bélgica, common Bélgica},
fin {official Belgian kuningaskunta, common Belgia},
per {official پادشاهی بلژیک, common بلژیک},
nld {official Koninkrijk België, common België},
fra {official Royaume de Belgique, common Belgique},
ita {official Regno del Belgio, common Belgio},
jpn {official ベルギー王国, common ベルギー},
est {official Belgia Kuningriik, common Belgia},
por {official Reino da Bélgica, common Bélgica},
slk {official Belgické kráľovstvo, common Belgicko},
bre {official Rouantelezh Belgia, common Belgia}}
false [31.47 35.13] 20770.0 [IL State of Israel Medīnat Yisrā’el] {googleMaps, {eng {f Israeli, m Israeli}, fra {f Israélienne, m Israélien}} {kor {official 이스라엘국, common 이스라엘}, {svg, {suffixes [72], root +9} {svg, true {official State of Israel, {latlng [31.77 35.23]} [.il] 376 officially-assigned Asia {ara Arabic, heb Hebrew} {ILS {name Israeli new shekel, symbol ₪}} true 9216900 ISR [Jerusalem] {signs [IL], side right} [UTC+02:00] sunday [Asia] 🇮🇱 IL Western Asia ISR ISR {regex ^()$, format #####} [EGY JOR LBN PSE SYR] {2016 39.0}
openStreetMaps} zho {official 以色列国, common 以色列}, png} alt nativeName
hun {official Izrael, common Izrael}, The flag of Israel has a white field with a blue hexagram — the Magen David — centered between two equal horizontal blue bands situated near the top and bottom edges of the field., {ara {official دولة إسرائيل, common إسرائيل},
rus {official Государство Израиль, common Израиль}, png} heb {official מדינת ישראל, common ישראל}},
swe {official Staten Israel, common Israel}, common Israel}
ces {official Stát Izrael, common Izrael},
deu {official Staat Israel, common Israel},
ara {official دولة إسرائيل, common إسرائيل},
urd {official ریاستِ اسرائیل, common اسرائیل},
srp {official Држава Израел, common Израел},
tur {official İsrail Devleti, common İsrail},
pol {official Państwo Izrael, common Izrael},
cym {official State of Israel, common Israel},
hrv {official Država Izrael, common Izrael},
spa {official Estado de Israel, common Israel},
fin {official Israelin valtio, common Israel},
per {official فلسطين اشغالی, common فلسطين اشغالی},
nld {official Staat Israël, common Israël},
fra {official État d’Israël, common Israël},
ita {official Stato di Israele, common Israele},
jpn {official イスラエル国, common イスラエル},
est {official Iisraeli Riik, common Iisrael},
por {official Estado de Israel, common Israel},
slk {official Izraelský štát, common Izrael},
bre {official Stad Israel, common Israel}}
false [-41.0 174.0] 270467.0 [NZ Aotearoa] {googleMaps, {eng {f New Zealander, m New Zealander}, {kor {official 뉴질랜드, common 뉴질랜드}, {svg, {suffixes [4], root +6} {svg, true {official New Zealand, {latlng [-41.3 174.78]} [.nz] 554 officially-assigned Oceania {nzs New Zealand Sign Language, eng English, mri Māori} {NZD {name New Zealand dollar, symbol \(}} | true | 5084300 | NZL | [Wellington] | {signs [NZ], side left} | [UTC-11:00 UTC-10:00 UTC+12:00 UTC+12:45 UTC+13:00] | monday | [Oceania] | 🇳🇿 | NZ | Australia and New Zealand | NZL | NZL | {regex ^(\d{4})\), format ####}
openStreetMaps fra {f Neo-Zélandaise, m Neo-Zélandais}} zho {official 新西兰, common 新西兰}, png} alt nativeName} hun {official Új-Zéland, common Új-Zéland}, The flag of New Zealand has a dark blue field with the flag of the United Kingdom — the Union Jack — in the canton and a representation of the Southern Cross constellation, made up of four five-pointed white-edged red stars, on the fly side of the field., {nzs {official New Zealand, common New Zealand},
rus {official Новая Зеландия, common Новая Зеландия}, png} eng {official New Zealand, common New Zealand},
swe {official Nya Zeeland, common Nya Zeeland}, mri {official Aotearoa, common Aotearoa}},
ces {official Nový Zéland, common Nový Zéland}, common New Zealand}
deu {official Neuseeland, common Neuseeland},
ara {official نيوزيلندا, common نيوزيلندا},
urd {official نیوزی لینڈ, common نیوزی لینڈ},
srp {official Нови Зеланд, common Нови Зеланд},
tur {official Yeni Zelanda, common Yeni Zelanda},
pol {official Nowa Zelandia, common Nowa Zelandia},
cym {official New Zealand, common New Zealand},
hrv {official Novi Zeland, common Novi Zeland},
spa {official nueva Zelanda, common Nueva Zelanda},
fin {official Uusi-Seelanti, common Uusi-Seelanti},
per {official نیوزیلند, common نیوزیلند},
nld {official Nieuw Zeeland, common Nieuw-Zeeland},
fra {official Nouvelle-Zélande, common Nouvelle-Zélande},
ita {official Nuova Zelanda, common Nuova Zelanda},
jpn {official ニュージーランド, common ニュージーランド},
est {official Uus-Meremaa, common Uus-Meremaa},
por {official nova Zelândia, common Nova Zelândia},
slk {official Nový Zéland, common Nový Zéland},
bre {official Zeland-Nevez, common Zeland-Nevez}}
false [13.0 -85.0] 130373.0 [NI Republic of Nicaragua República de Nicaragua] {googleMaps, {eng {f Nicaraguan, m Nicaraguan}, {kor {official 니카라과 공화국, common 니카라과}, {svg, {suffixes [05], root +5} {svg, true {official Republic of Nicaragua, {latlng [12.13 -86.25]} [.ni] 558 officially-assigned Americas {spa Spanish} {NIO {name Nicaraguan córdoba, symbol C\(}} | true | 6624554 | NIC | [Managua] | {signs [NIC], side right} | [UTC-06:00] | monday | [North America] | 🇳🇮 | NI | Central America | NCA | NCA | {regex ^(\d{7})\), format ###-###-#} [CRI HND] {2014 46.2}
openStreetMaps} fra {f Nicaraguayenne, m Nicaraguayen}} zho {official 尼加拉瓜共和国, common 尼加拉瓜}, png} alt nativeName {spa {official República de Nicaragua, common Nicaragua}},
hun {official Nicaraguai Köztársaság, common Nicaragua}, The flag of Nicaragua is composed of three equal horizontal bands of blue, white and blue, with the national coat of arms centered in the white band., common Nicaragua}
rus {official Республика Никарагуа, common Никарагуа}, png}
swe {official Republiken Nicaragua, common Nicaragua},
ces {official Republika Nikaragua, common Nikaragua},
deu {official Republik Nicaragua, common Nicaragua},
ara {official جمهورية نيكاراغوا, common نيكاراغوا},
urd {official جمہوریہ نکاراگوا, common نکاراگوا},
srp {official Република Никарагва, common Никарагва},
tur {official Nikaragua Cumhuriyeti, common Nikaragua},
pol {official Republika Nikaragui, common Nikaragua},
cym {official Republic of Nicaragua, common Nicaragua},
hrv {official Republika Nikaragva, common Nikaragva},
spa {official República de Nicaragua, common Nicaragua},
fin {official Nicaraguan tasavalta, common Nicaragua},
per {official جمهوری نیکاراگوئه, common نیکاراگوئه},
nld {official Republiek Nicaragua, common Nicaragua},
fra {official République du Nicaragua, common Nicaragua},
ita {official Repubblica del Nicaragua, common Nicaragua},
jpn {official ニカラグア共和国, common ニカラグア},
est {official Nicaragua Vabariik, common Nicaragua},
por {official República da Nicarágua, common Nicarágua},
slk {official Nikaragujská republika, common Nikaragua},
bre {official Republik Nicaragua, common Nicaragua}}
false [18.25 -63.16666666] 91.0 [AI] {googleMaps, {eng {f Anguillian, m Anguillian}, fra {f Anguillane, m Anguillan}} {kor {official 앵귈라, common 앵귈라}, {svg, {suffixes [264], root +1} {svg, png} false {official Anguilla, {latlng [18.22 -63.05]} [.ai] 660 officially-assigned Americas {eng English} {XCD {name Eastern Caribbean dollar, symbol $}} false 13452 AIA [The Valley] {signs [GB], side left} [UTC-04:00] monday [North America] 🇦🇮 AI Caribbean AIA
openStreetMaps} zho {official 安圭拉, common 安圭拉}, png} nativeName {eng {official Anguilla, common Anguilla}},
hun {official Anguilla, common Anguilla}, common Anguilla}
rus {official Ангилья, common Ангилья},
swe {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
ces {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
deu {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
ara {official أنغويلا, common أنغويلا},
urd {official اینگویلا, common اینگویلا},
srp {official Ангвила, common Ангвила},
tur {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
pol {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
cym {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
hrv {official Anguilla, common Angvila},
spa {official Anguila, common Anguilla},
fin {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
per {official آنگویلا, common آنگویلا},
nld {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
fra {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
ita {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
jpn {official アングィラ, common アンギラ},
est {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
por {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
slk {official Anguilla, common Anguilla},
bre {official Anguilla, common Anguilla}}

(def countries-df (tc/dataset (map #(select-keys % [:name :capital :population :area :region :subregion :languages :currencies :timezones]) countries-data)))

;; Relational data - Star Wars API ;; Returns characters with nested references to films, vehicles etc (def sw-data (-> (http/get “”) :body (json/parse-string true) :results))

(def sw-df (tc/dataset (map #(assoc % :film_count (count (:films %))) sw-data)))

;; Deeply nested - OpenLibrary API ;; Returns nested book data with author/publisher hierarchies (def book-data (-> (http/get “”) :body (json/parse-string true)))

(def book-df (tc/dataset {:title [(:title book-data)] :subjects (get book-data :subjects) :author_count [(count (get-in book-data [:authors]))]}))

;; Custom headers - NASA API ;; Requires API key in header (def nasa-data (-> (http/get “” {:query-params {“api_key” “DEMO_KEY” “count” “10”}}) :body (json/parse-string true)))

(def nasa-df (tc/dataset (map #(select-keys % [:title :date :explanation]) nasa-data)))

;; - The Internet, including scraping web pages and processing the often hierarchical and deeply-nested data returned by many APIs.

source: src/book/part_1_data_import/4_the_internet.clj