2  Background Removal with SVD - DRAFT πŸ› 

based on: original Fast.ai notebook

2.1 Setup

We use a few of the Noj underlying libraries, clj-media, and Apache Commons Math.

(ns svd
  (:require [tablecloth.api :as tc]
            [com.phronemophobic.clj-media :as clj-media]
            [com.phronemophobic.clj-media.model :as clj-media.model]
            [tech.v3.datatype :as dtype]
            [tech.v3.tensor :as tensor]
            [tech.v3.libs.buffered-image :as bufimg]
            [scicloj.kindly.v4.kind :as kind]
            [fastmath.matrix :as mat]
            [tech.v3.datatype.functional :as dfn]
            [tech.v3.datatype.statistics :as dstats])
  (:import (org.apache.commons.math3.linear

2.2 Reading a video file

We downloaded the following file from the original notebook. It seems to be a shorter version of the full original video (just the first 50 seconds).

(def video-path
 {:src video-path})

Let us explore it with clj-media:

(clj-media/probe video-path)
 [{:width 320,
   :num-frames 350,
   :stream-index 0,
   {:name "h264",
    :long-name "H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10",
    :media-type :media-type/video,
    :id 27},
   :bit-rate 169285,
   :video-delay 0,
   :pixel-format :pixel-format/yuv420p,
   :estimated-duration 716800,
   :time-base [1 14336],
   :height 240,
   :media-type :media-type/video}]}

2.3 Converting the video to tensor structures

Using clj-media, we can reduce over frames:

 (clj-media/file video-path)
 {:format (clj-media/video-format
#object[com.phronemophobic.clj_media.impl.filter.media.FramesReducible 0xae4d3ef "com.phronemophobic.clj_media.impl.filter.media.FramesReducible@ae4d3ef"]

For example, let us extract the first frame and convert it to an image:

(def first-image
   (into []
         (comp (take 1)
               (map clj-media.model/image))
          (clj-media/file video-path)
          {:format (clj-media/video-format

When converting to a tensor, we have the four color components of rgba format:

(bufimg/as-ubyte-tensor first-image)
#tech.v3.tensor<uint8>[240 320 4]
[[[255 105 137 169]
  [255 105 137 169]
  [255 105 137 169]
  [255  45  59  85]
  [255  37  55  75]
  [255  30  48  68]]
 [[255 105 137 169]
  [255 105 137 169]
  [255 105 137 169]
  [255  11  25  51]
  [255  22  40  60]
  [255  24  42  62]]
 [[255 105 137 169]
  [255 105 137 169]
  [255 105 137 169]
  [255  15  29  55]
  [255  28  46  66]
  [255  31  49  69]]
 [[255   0  45  31]
  [255   0  46  32]
  [255   0  47  33]
  [255  22  76  63]
  [255   3  57  44]
  [255   0  54  41]]
 [[255   0  48  34]
  [255   0  47  33]
  [255   0  46  32]
  [255  24  78  65]
  [255   6  60  47]
  [255   2  56  43]]
 [[255   3  53  39]
  [255   2  52  38]
  [255   0  49  35]
  [255  22  76  63]
  [255   3  57  44]
  [255   0  54  41]]]

In our case, the first component (a) is fixed:

(-> (let [t (bufimg/as-ubyte-tensor first-image)]
      (tensor/compute-tensor [240 320]
                             (fn [i j]
                               (t i j 0))

The rgb components are the other three.

We wish to process all frames, but resize the images to a lower resolution, and turn them to gray-scale.

See Luma for discussion of the gray-scale formula: 0.299 βˆ™ Red + 0.587 βˆ™ Green + 0.114 βˆ™ Blue

(defn image->small-tensor [image]
  (let [w 160
        h 120
        t (-> image
              (bufimg/resize w h {})
    (tensor/compute-tensor [h w]
                           (fn [i j]
                             (+ (* 0.299 (t i j 1))
                                (* 0.587 (t i j 2))
                                (* 0.113 (t i j 3))))
(-> first-image

Now let us collect the small tensors. We will take just 70 frames of the video, simply because it is enough for demonstrating the methods of this tutorial.

(def small-tensors
  (into []
        (comp (take 70)
              (map (comp image->small-tensor 
         (clj-media/file video-path)
         {:format (clj-media/video-format
(count small-tensors)

2.4 Reshaping the data

Now we will reshape the data as one matrix with row per pixel and column per frame.

(def flat-tensors
  (->> small-tensors
       (mapv dtype/->buffer)))
(def long-tensor
  (tensor/compute-tensor [(-> flat-tensors first count)
                          (count flat-tensors)]
                         (fn [j i]
                           ((flat-tensors i) j))
  [:h3 "It is interesting to scroll this! πŸ‘‡"]
  [:div {:style {:max-height "400px"
                 :overflow :auto}}

It is interesting to scroll this! πŸ‘‡

2.5 Singular value decomposition

Let us now compute the SVD.

We can use Fastmath’s matrix API to convert out structures to the RealMatrix type of Apache Commons Math.

(def matrix
  (->> long-tensor
       (map double-array)
(def svd
  (SingularValueDecomposition. matrix))
(.getSingularValues svd)
[139195.94251037698, 6275.043162591476, 5603.154539852162,
 5033.876530323665, 4748.4364541889845, 4466.280602711257,
 3925.463833639647, 3422.0744858435796, 3342.4862210577885,
 3082.423188126279, 2929.5173315995453, 2793.49945570757,
 2717.285832811692, 2666.1808760367185, 2541.216199664794,
 2432.7718341294694, 2319.3149114242406, 2120.269146998713,
 2081.0267854207323, 1980.0303983996318, 1876.8205337895033,
 1762.5960795337005, 1699.5845163689771, 1656.5508404583634,
 1609.9675860772804, 1483.3874664237662, 1446.215438829954,
 1382.8701991961054, 1364.4240301460377, 1350.942042502351,
 1277.4312844397282, 1228.5910914812407, 1222.3556128225734,
 1197.89073832447, 1169.7744044718058, 1127.928042628131,
 1095.499471859092, 1085.6859462873324, 1066.7857900518645,
 1062.0508770324302, 1024.6891477000197, 1006.3974197040208,
 995.327635131667, 969.9391120995942, 954.8477254064976,
 930.2979788456232, 916.5794865562222, 906.7089686677912,
 885.1719689660408, 880.5136645699995, 857.8187666956718,
 845.8275784138032, 834.536795218182, 811.374667317597,
 800.2167044812257, 789.4260520421147, 771.865842648705,
 752.1605409807378, 744.6758461913287, 720.2939212922001,
 703.9227223493441, 696.5407308135284, 693.0005788642618,
 686.4606585523608, 665.788536654086, 654.9844812376992,
 651.0476161470714, 626.1163848501176, 584.2795813666896,
(def shape
  (juxt mat/nrow
(shape (.getU svd))
[19200 70]
(shape (.getS svd))
[70 70]
(shape (.getVT svd))
[70 70]

To visualize different parts of the matrix decomposition, we will need to normalize tensors to the [0,1] range:

(defn tensor-normalize
  (let [{:keys [min max]} (dstats/descriptive-statistics
                           #{:min :max})]
    (-> (dfn/- t min)
        (dfn// (- (double max) (double min))))))

For example:

(-> [[1 2 3]
     [4 5 6]]
#tech.v3.tensor<object>[2 3]
[[ 0.000 0.2000 0.4000]
 [0.6000 0.8000  1.000]]

Now let us visualize the main component of our matrix.

(def component0
  (let [i 0]
    (-> (.getColumnMatrix (.getU svd) i)
        (mat/muls (nth (.getSingularValues svd)
        (mat/mulm (.getRowMatrix (.getVT svd) i)))))
(shape component0)
[19200 70]

This is the first order approximation of the pixel-by-frame matrix by the SVD method.

Let us take its first column, which is the first frame, and show it as an image:

(defn matrix->first-image [m]
  (-> m
      (.getColumn 0)
      (dfn/* 255)
      (tensor/reshape [120 160])
(defn matrix->first-image [m]
  (-> m
      (.getColumn 0)
      (dfn/* 255)
      (tensor/reshape [120 160])
(matrix->first-image component0)

We see it is the background image of the video.

Now let us compute the remainder after removing the first component.

(def residual
  (mat/sub matrix
(matrix->first-image residual)

We see these are the people.

2.6 Visualizing the decomposition with the first image:

Let us summarize the decomposition:

(->> [matrix
     (mapv matrix->first-image))



2.7 Generating decomposed videos

(defn matrix->images [m]
  (-> m
      (dfn/* 255)
      (tensor/reshape [120 160 70])
      (tensor/transpose [2 0 1])
      (->> (mapv bufimg/tensor->image))))
(->> residual
     (take 20))



(def frame-format
  (clj-media/video-format {:pixel-format :pixel-format/gray8
                           :time-base 7
                           :line-size 160
                           :width 160
                           :height 120}))
(defn img->frame [img pts time-base]
   {:bytes (-> img
    :format frame-format
    :time-base time-base
    :pts pts}))
(def generated-frames
  (let [frame-rate 7
        seconds 10
        num-frames (* seconds frame-rate)]
    (into []
          (map-indexed (fn [pts image]
                         (img->frame image pts frame-rate)))
          (matrix->images residual))))
(def target-path
 (clj-media/make-media frame-format generated-frames)
 {:src target-path})
source: projects/math/numerical-linalg/notebooks/svd.clj