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The Clojure Data Tutorials are a collection of community-contributed tutorials for the emerging Clojure data stack.

All tutorials are isolated from each other and have their own deps.edn and devcontainer configuration. This guranties long term sucessfull builds and repdocucibility as the full setup is scripted.

You can interact with the tutorials by cloning this project and starting a REPL in a devcontainer.

This project is part of the SciCloj community.


2024-09-072024-09-07onnx, ml
2024-09-022024-09-02onnx, ml
2024-07-242024-07-28datavis, python
2024-02-062024-03-19noj, r, clojisr, interop, ggplot, datavis
noj, ml,, draft


You are encouraged to discuss your suggestoins, criticism, and questions with us. You may use the repo's Issues or the usual Scicloj ways of contact.


See notebooks/

Known issues

See notebooks/