3  Why Clojure?

(ns chapter-1-intro.1-2-why-clojure
  {:nextjournal.clerk/visibility {:code :hide}
   :nextjournal.clerk/toc true})

Clojure is not a common first choice for data science (yet!), but it has everything you need to be productive working with data, and (I’ll argue) it offers elegant solutions to most of the most common complaints with the current data science ecosystem.

If you prefer to listen rather than read, I made the points I’m about to make below at my talk at the 2023 Conj, which you could watch instead!

3.1 Complete toolkit

Clojure has a complete toolkit to enable any type of work you need to do with data.

3.2 Interop

3.3 Speed

3.4 Acecssible

  • Free
  • Open source
  • Welcoming
  • Active

3.5 Reproducibility

3.6 Immutability

3.7 Stability

3.8 Functional

3.9 Better “notebooks”

3.10 Portability

3.11 Ergonomics