Fri Jul 16 14:42:37 IDT 2021
At the very basic level, Tablecloth dataset is using as the base. It is in-memory columnwise database. As we will see during the course of this chapter, Tablecloth provides a host of useful tools, methods, and functionality on top of the basic data structures, but nearly everything that follows will require an understanding of what these structures are. Thus, before we go any further, let's introduce these two fundamental Tablecloth data structures: the Column and Dataset.
We will start our code sessions with the Tablecloth require:
(require '[tablecloth.api :as tablecloth])
The fundamental structure in tablecloth is the Dataset. The Dataset can be thought of either as a generalization of a NumPy array, or as a specialization of a Clojure dictionary. We'll now take a look at each of these perspectives.
A Dataset can be constructed in a variety of ways. Here we'll give several examples.
If a Series is an analog of a one-dimensional array with flexible indices, a Dataset is an analog of a two-dimensional array with both flexible row indices and flexible column names. Just as you might think of a two-dimensional array as an ordered sequence of aligned one-dimensional columns, you can think of a Dataset as a sequence of aligned Column objects. Here, by "aligned" we mean that they share the same index.
To demonstrate this, let's first construct a new Dataset listing the area of each of the five states discussed in the previous section:
(def names ["California" "Texas" "New York" "Florida" "Illinois"])
(def area [423967 695662 141297 170312 149995])
(def area-map {:name names
:area area})
(tablecloth/dataset area-map)
_unnamed [5 2]:
:name | :area |
California | 423967 |
Texas | 695662 |
New York | 141297 |
Florida | 170312 |
Illinois | 149995 |
Now that we have this along with the population Column map from before, we can use a map to construct a single two-dimensional object containing this information:
(def population [38332521 19552860 12882135 19651127 26448193])
(def states (tablecloth/dataset {:name names
:area area
:population population}))
_unnamed [5 3]:
:name | :area | :population |
California | 423967 | 38332521 |
Texas | 695662 | 19552860 |
New York | 141297 | 12882135 |
Florida | 170312 | 19651127 |
Illinois | 149995 | 26448193 |
The Dataset row is indexed by numbers:
(tablecloth/select-rows states 0)
_unnamed [1 3]:
:name | :area | :population |
California | 423967 | 38332521 |
(tablecloth/select-rows states [0 1 2])
_unnamed [3 3]:
:name | :area | :population |
California | 423967 | 38332521 |
Texas | 695662 | 19552860 |
New York | 141297 | 12882135 |
Additionally, the Dataset has a columns attribute, which is an Index object holding the column labels:
(tablecloth/column-names states)
(:name :area :population)
Thus the Dataset can be thought of as a generalization of a two-dimensional NumPy array, where both the rows and columns have a generalized index for accessing the data.
Similarly, we can also think of a Dataset as a specialization of a map. Where a map maps a key to a value, a Dataset maps a column name to a column data. For example, asking for the 'area' attribute returns the sub-dataset object containing the areas we saw earlier:
(tablecloth/select-columns states :area)
_unnamed [5 1]:
:area |
423967 |
695662 |
141297 |
170312 |
149995 |
Notice the potential point of confusion here: in a two-dimesnional NumPy array, data[0] will return the first row. For a DataFrame, data['col0'] will return the first column. Because of this, it is probably better to think about Datasets as generalized maps rather than generalized arrays, though both ways of looking at the situation can be useful. We'll explore more flexible means of indexing Datasets in Data Indexing and Selection.
A tableclot Dataset can be constructed in a variety of ways. Here we'll give several examples.
A Dataset is a collection of Column objects, and a single-column Dataset can be constructed from a map of column namd and values seq:
(tablecloth/dataset {:population population})
_unnamed [5 1]:
:population |
38332521 |
19552860 |
12882135 |
19651127 |
26448193 |
Any seq of maps can be made into a Dataset. We'll use a simple map
to create
some data:
(def data (map (fn [i] {:row-id i :a i :b (* 2 i)}) (range 3)))
(tablecloth/dataset data)
_unnamed [3 3]:
:b | :a | :row-id |
0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 1 | 1 |
4 | 2 | 2 |
Even if some keys in the map are missing, tablecloth will fill them in with NaN values:
(tablecloth/dataset [{:a 1 :b 2} {:b 3 :c 4}])
_unnamed [2 3]:
:b | :c | :a |
2 | 1 | |
3 | 4 |
As we saw before, a Dataset can be constructed from a map of seq objects as well:
(tablecloth/dataset {:name names
:population population
:area area})
_unnamed [5 3]:
:name | :population | :area |
California | 38332521 | 423967 |
Texas | 19552860 | 695662 |
New York | 12882135 | 141297 |
Florida | 19651127 | 170312 |
Illinois | 26448193 | 149995 |
or sequence of pairs:
(tablecloth/dataset [[:name names]
[:population population]
[:area area]])
_unnamed [5 3]:
:name | :population | :area |
California | 38332521 | 423967 |
Texas | 19552860 | 695662 |
New York | 12882135 | 141297 |
Florida | 19651127 | 170312 |
Illinois | 26448193 | 149995 |