3 Catalogue of visualization kinds
ns kinds
(:require [scicloj.kindly.v4.api :as kindly]
(:as kind]
[scicloj.kindly.v4.kind :as tc])) [tablecloth.api
3.1 Plain values
Values with no kind are displayed the default way each tool would display them. In Clay, they are simply pretty-printed.
+ 4 5) (
str "abcd" "efgh") (
3.2 Plain data structures
By default (according to kindly/advice
), plain Clojure data structures: vectors, other sequentials (lists/seqs/ranges/etc.), sets, and maps, are assigned the kinds kind/vector
, kind/seq
, , kind/set
, and kind/map
, respectively.
Each tool may have its own way to display these kinds. For example, Clay just uses text, while Portal has a hierarchical navigation UI.
list 1 "A" :B 'C) (
1 "A" :B C) (
range 9) (
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (
1 "A" :B 'C] [
1 "A" :B C] [
1 "A" :B 'C} #{
1 :B C "A"} #{
1 "A" :B 'C} {
1 "A", :B C} {
More examples:
def people-as-maps
(->> (range 29)
(mapv (fn [i]
(:preferred-language (["clojure" "clojurescript" "babashka"]
{rand-int 3))
(:age (rand-int 100)}))))
:preferred-language "babashka", :age 9}
[{:preferred-language "babashka", :age 12}
{:preferred-language "clojurescript", :age 14}
{:preferred-language "babashka", :age 3}
{:preferred-language "clojurescript", :age 50}
{:preferred-language "babashka", :age 96}
{:preferred-language "babashka", :age 57}
{:preferred-language "clojurescript", :age 21}
{:preferred-language "babashka", :age 51}
{:preferred-language "clojurescript", :age 44}
{:preferred-language "clojurescript", :age 61}
{:preferred-language "clojure", :age 3}
{:preferred-language "clojurescript", :age 3}
{:preferred-language "babashka", :age 43}
{:preferred-language "clojure", :age 65}
{:preferred-language "clojure", :age 44}
{:preferred-language "babashka", :age 87}
{:preferred-language "clojure", :age 56}
{:preferred-language "clojure", :age 33}
{:preferred-language "clojure", :age 98}
{:preferred-language "clojurescript", :age 58}
{:preferred-language "clojurescript", :age 81}
{:preferred-language "clojurescript", :age 98}
{:preferred-language "clojurescript", :age 58}
{:preferred-language "babashka", :age 24}
{:preferred-language "babashka", :age 48}
{:preferred-language "clojurescript", :age 23}
{:preferred-language "clojure", :age 85}
{:preferred-language "clojure", :age 8}] {
def people-as-vectors
(->> people-as-maps
(mapv (juxt :preferred-language :age)))) (
"babashka" 9]
[["babashka" 12]
["clojurescript" 14]
["babashka" 3]
["clojurescript" 50]
["babashka" 96]
["babashka" 57]
["clojurescript" 21]
["babashka" 51]
["clojurescript" 44]
["clojurescript" 61]
["clojure" 3]
["clojurescript" 3]
["babashka" 43]
["clojure" 65]
["clojure" 44]
["babashka" 87]
["clojure" 56]
["clojure" 33]
["clojure" 98]
["clojurescript" 58]
["clojurescript" 81]
["clojurescript" 98]
["clojurescript" 58]
["babashka" 24]
["babashka" 48]
["clojurescript" 23]
["clojure" 85]
["clojure" 8]] [
These kinds have recursive kind semantics: if the values inside them have kind information, they should be handled accordingly.
Here is a vector of things of different kinds inside:
[(kind/hiccup:div {:style
[:background-color "floralwhite"}}
{:p "hello"]])
(kind/md"hello *hello* **hello**")
(kind/code"(defn f [x] (+ x 9))")]
hello hello hello
(defn f [x] (+ x 9))
And here is a map:
:x (kind/md
(kind/md"**hello**") :x}
hello |
hello |
3.4 Markdown
Values of kind/md
are rendered as Markdown.
[* This is [markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/).
* *Isn't it??*"
* Here is **some more** markdown."])
- This is markdown.
- Isn’t it??
- Here is some more markdown.
Ideally, tools should support TeX inside Markown.
(kind/md"If $x$ equals 9, then $$x^2+9=90$$")
If \(x\) equals 9, then \[x^2+9=90\]
3.5 TeX
"x^2=\\alpha") (kind/tex
3.6 Code
Values of kind/code
are rendered as Clojure code.
(kind/code"(defn f [x] {:y (+ x 9)})")
defn f [x] {:y (+ x 9)}) (
3.7 Edn
(will be documented soon)
3.8 Hiccup
Values of kind/hiccup
should be displayed as the HTML this value defines according to Hiccup notation.
def hello-hiccup
[:li [:p "hi"]]
[:li [:big
[:p {:style
[;; https://www.htmlcsscolor.com/hex/7F5F3F
:color "#7F5F3F"}}
This kind has recursive semantics: if the values inside them have kind information, they should be handled accordingly.
Foe example:
(kind/hiccup:div {:style
[:background-color "#eeddee"
{:border-style "solid"}}
:p {:style {:background-color "#ccddcc"
[:border-style "solid"}}
(kind/md"hello *hello* **hello**")
(kind/code"(defn f [x] (+ x 9))")])
hello hello hello
(defn f [x] (+ x 9))
3.9 Reagent
Values of kind/reagent
express Reagent components.
(kind/reagentfn [{:keys [initial-value
background-color]}]let [*click-count (reagent.core/atom initial-value)]
(fn []
(:div {:style {:background-color background-color}}
["The atom " [:code "*click-count"] " has value: "
@*click-count ". "
:input {:type "button" :value "Click me!"
[:on-click #(swap! *click-count inc)}]])))
:initial-value 9
{:background-color "#d4ebe9"}])
The :reagent/deps
option can be used to provide additional dependencies. This should be documented better soon.
3.10 HTML
Values of kind/html
are displayed as raw html.
(kind/html"<div style='height:40px; width:40px; background:purple'></div> ")
<svg height=100 width=100>
<circle cx=50 cy=50 r=40 stroke='purple' stroke-width=3 fill='floralwhite' />
</svg> ")
3.11 Vega-Lite
def vega-lite-plot
{:y {:field "y", :type "quantitative"},
{:size {:value 400},
:x {:field "x", :type "quantitative"}},
:mark {:type "circle", :tooltip true},
:width 400,
:background "floralwhite",
:height 100,
:data {:values "x,y\n1,1\n2,-4\n3,9\n", :format {:type "csv"}}}))
3.12 Cytoscape
(kind/cytoscape:elements {:nodes [{:data {:id "a" :parent "b"} :position {:x 215 :y 85}}
{:data {:id "b"}}
{:data {:id "c" :parent "b"} :position {:x 300 :y 85}}
{:data {:id "d"} :position {:x 215 :y 175}}
{:data {:id "e"}}
{:data {:id "f" :parent "e"} :position {:x 300 :y 175}}]
{:edges [{:data {:id "ad" :source "a" :target "d"}}
:data {:id "eb" :source "e" :target "b"}}]}
{:style [{:selector "node"
:css {:content "data(id)"
:text-valign "center"
:text-halign "center"}}
:selector "parent"
{:css {:text-valign "top"
:text-halign "center"}}
:selector "edge"
{:css {:curve-style "bezier"
:target-arrow-shape "triangle"}}]
:layout {:name "preset"
:padding 5}})
3.13 ECharts
This example is taken from Apache ECharts’ Getting Started.
(kind/echarts:title {:text "Echarts Example"}
{:tooltip {}
:legend {:data ["sales"]}
:xAxis {:data ["Shirts", "Cardigans", "Chiffons",
"Pants", "Heels", "Socks"]}
:yAxis {}
:series [{:name "sales"
:type "bar"
:data [5 20 36
10 10 20]}]})
3.14 Plotly
(kind/plotlylet [n 20
(walk (fn [bias]
->> (repeatedly n #(-> (rand)
(- 0.5)
(+ bias)))
(reductions :data [{:x (walk 1)
{:y (walk -1)
:z (map #(* % %)
walk 2))
(:type :scatter3d
:mode :lines+markers
:opacity 0.2
:line {:width 10}
:marker {:size 20
:colorscale :Viridis}}]}))
3.15 Highcharts
(kind/highcharts:title {:text "Line chart"}
{:subtitle {:text "By Job Category"}
:yAxis {:title {:text "Number of Employees"}}
:series [{:name "Installation & Developers"
:data [43934, 48656, 65165, 81827, 112143, 142383,
171533, 165174, 155157, 161454, 154610]}
:name "Manufacturing",
{:data [24916, 37941, 29742, 29851, 32490, 30282,
38121, 36885, 33726, 34243, 31050]}
:name "Sales & Distribution",
{:data [11744, 30000, 16005, 19771, 20185, 24377,
32147, 30912, 29243, 29213, 25663]}
:name "Operations & Maintenance",
{:data [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
nil, 11164, 11218, 10077]}
:name "Other",
{:data [21908, 5548, 8105, 11248, 8989, 11816, 18274,
17300, 13053, 11906, 10073]}]
:xAxis {:accessibility {:rangeDescription "Range: 2010 to 2020"}}
:legend {:layout "vertical",
:align "right",
:verticalAlign "middle"}
:plotOptions {:series {:label {:connectorAllowed false},
:pointStart 2010}}
:responsive {:rules [{:condition {:maxWidth 500},
:chartOptions {:legend {:layout "horizontal",
:align "center",
:verticalAlign "bottom"}}}]}})
3.16 Observable
Observable visualizations can be written as Javascript. Some of us are working on a Clojure DSL to express the same.
Examples from Quarto’s Observable documentation:
(kind/observable"athletes = FileAttachment('notebooks/datasets/athletes.csv').csv({typed: true})")
grid: true,
facet: {
data: athletes,
y: 'sex'
marks: [
Plot.binX({y: 'count'}, {x: 'weight', fill: 'sex'})
(kind/observable"population = FileAttachment('notebooks/datasets/population.json').json()")
(kind/observable" import { chart } with { population as data } from '@d3/zoomable-sunburst'
//| panel: input
viewof bill_length_min = Inputs.range(
[32, 50],
{value: 35, step: 1, label: 'Bill length (min):'}
viewof islands = Inputs.checkbox(
['Torgersen', 'Biscoe', 'Dream'],
{ value: ['Torgersen', 'Biscoe'],
label: 'Islands:'
{y: 'count'},
{x: 'body_mass_g', fill: 'species', thresholds: 20}
facet: {
data: filtered,
x: 'sex',
y: 'species',
marginRight: 80
marks: [
data = FileAttachment('notebooks/datasets/palmer-penguins.csv').csv({ typed: true })
filtered = data.filter(function(penguin) {
return bill_length_min < penguin.bill_length_mm &&
3.17 Video
Values of kind/video
are specifications for embedded videos. See, e.g., HTML Youtube Videos on w3schools, for the relevant options.
(kind/video:youtube-id "DAQnvAgBma8"}) {
(kind/video:youtube-id "DAQnvAgBma8"
{:allowfullscreen false})
(kind/video:youtube-id "DAQnvAgBma8"
{:iframe-width 480
:iframe-height 270})
(kind/video:youtube-id "DAQnvAgBma8"
{:embed-options {:mute 1
:controls 0}})
3.18 Image
By default (according to kindly/advice
), BufferedImage
objects are inferred to be of kind/image
defonce tree-image
(-> "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/Ash_Tree_-_geograph.org.uk_-_590710.jpg"
(java.net.URL.) (javax.imageio.ImageIO/read)))
type tree-image) (
3.19 Datasets
By default (according to kindly/advice
), tech.ml.dataset / Tablecloth datasets are inferred to be of kind/dataset
This kind should be printed and rendered as Markdown, possibly with some tool-specific table styling.
def squares-dataset
(-> {:x (range 25)}
(tc/map-columns :x]
[fn [x]
(* x x))))) (
Datasets can have various printable values inside:
(tc/dataset:x [1 [2 3] 4]
{:y [:A :B :C]})
_unnamed [3 2]:
:x | :y |
1 | :A |
[2 3] | :B |
4 | :C |
Some elements might be missing:
(tc/dataset:x 1 :y 2 :z 3}
[{:y 4 :z 5}]) {
_unnamed [2 3]:
:x | :y | :z |
1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 |
3.20 Tables
The kind/table
kind can be handy for an interactive table view. kind/table
understands many structures which can be rendered as a table.
A map containing either :row-vectors
(sequence of sequences) or row-maps
(sequence of maps) keys with optional :column-names
(kind/table:column-names [:preferred-language :age]
{:row-vectors people-as-vectors})
preferred-language | age |
babashka | 9 |
babashka | 12 |
clojurescript | 14 |
babashka | 3 |
clojurescript | 50 |
babashka | 96 |
babashka | 57 |
clojurescript | 21 |
babashka | 51 |
clojurescript | 44 |
clojurescript | 61 |
clojure | 3 |
clojurescript | 3 |
babashka | 43 |
clojure | 65 |
clojure | 44 |
babashka | 87 |
clojure | 56 |
clojure | 33 |
clojure | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
clojurescript | 81 |
clojurescript | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
babashka | 24 |
babashka | 48 |
clojurescript | 23 |
clojure | 85 |
clojure | 8 |
Lack of column names produces table without a header.
(kind/table:row-vectors (take 5 people-as-vectors)}) {
babashka | 9 |
babashka | 12 |
clojurescript | 14 |
babashka | 3 |
clojurescript | 50 |
;; Column names are inferred from a sequence of maps
(kind/table:row-maps (take 5 people-as-maps)}) {
preferred-language | age |
babashka | 9 |
babashka | 12 |
clojurescript | 14 |
babashka | 3 |
clojurescript | 50 |
;; We can limit displayed columns for sequence of maps case.
(kind/table:column-names [:preferred-language]
{:row-maps (take 5 people-as-maps)})
preferred-language |
babashka |
babashka |
clojurescript |
babashka |
clojurescript |
;; Sequence of sequences and sequence of maps also work
take 5 people-as-vectors)) (kind/table (
babashka | 9 |
babashka | 12 |
clojurescript | 14 |
babashka | 3 |
clojurescript | 50 |
take 5 people-as-maps)) (kind/table (
preferred-language | age |
babashka | 9 |
babashka | 12 |
clojurescript | 14 |
babashka | 3 |
clojurescript | 50 |
;; Additionally map of sequences is supported (unless it contains :row-vectors
or :row-maps
key, see such case above).
:x (range 6)
(kind/table {:y [:A :B :C :A :B :C]})
x | y |
0 | A |
1 | B |
2 | C |
3 | A |
4 | B |
5 | C |
A dataset can be also treated as a table input.
def people-as-dataset
( (tc/dataset people-as-maps))
-> people-as-dataset
( kind/table)
preferred-language | age |
babashka | 9 |
babashka | 12 |
clojurescript | 14 |
babashka | 3 |
clojurescript | 50 |
babashka | 96 |
babashka | 57 |
clojurescript | 21 |
babashka | 51 |
clojurescript | 44 |
clojurescript | 61 |
clojure | 3 |
clojurescript | 3 |
babashka | 43 |
clojure | 65 |
clojure | 44 |
babashka | 87 |
clojure | 56 |
clojure | 33 |
clojure | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
clojurescript | 81 |
clojurescript | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
babashka | 24 |
babashka | 48 |
clojurescript | 23 |
clojure | 85 |
clojure | 8 |
Additional options may hint at way the table should be rendered.
-> people-as-dataset
(:element/max-height "300px"})) (kind/table {
preferred-language | age |
babashka | 9 |
babashka | 12 |
clojurescript | 14 |
babashka | 3 |
clojurescript | 50 |
babashka | 96 |
babashka | 57 |
clojurescript | 21 |
babashka | 51 |
clojurescript | 44 |
clojurescript | 61 |
clojure | 3 |
clojurescript | 3 |
babashka | 43 |
clojure | 65 |
clojure | 44 |
babashka | 87 |
clojure | 56 |
clojure | 33 |
clojure | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
clojurescript | 81 |
clojurescript | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
babashka | 24 |
babashka | 48 |
clojurescript | 23 |
clojure | 85 |
clojure | 8 |
It is possible to use datatables to reneder kind/table
, and in this case the user may specify datatables options (see the full list).
-> people-as-maps
tc/dataset:use-datatables true})) (kind/table {
preferred-language | age |
babashka | 9 |
babashka | 12 |
clojurescript | 14 |
babashka | 3 |
clojurescript | 50 |
babashka | 96 |
babashka | 57 |
clojurescript | 21 |
babashka | 51 |
clojurescript | 44 |
clojurescript | 61 |
clojure | 3 |
clojurescript | 3 |
babashka | 43 |
clojure | 65 |
clojure | 44 |
babashka | 87 |
clojure | 56 |
clojure | 33 |
clojure | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
clojurescript | 81 |
clojurescript | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
babashka | 24 |
babashka | 48 |
clojurescript | 23 |
clojure | 85 |
clojure | 8 |
-> people-as-dataset
(:use-datatables true
(kind/table {:datatables {:scrollY 300
:paging false}}))
preferred-language | age |
babashka | 9 |
babashka | 12 |
clojurescript | 14 |
babashka | 3 |
clojurescript | 50 |
babashka | 96 |
babashka | 57 |
clojurescript | 21 |
babashka | 51 |
clojurescript | 44 |
clojurescript | 61 |
clojure | 3 |
clojurescript | 3 |
babashka | 43 |
clojure | 65 |
clojure | 44 |
babashka | 87 |
clojure | 56 |
clojure | 33 |
clojure | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
clojurescript | 81 |
clojurescript | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
babashka | 24 |
babashka | 48 |
clojurescript | 23 |
clojure | 85 |
clojure | 8 |
Some tools support datatables for displaying tables. This can be expressed using the :use-datatables
-> people-as-dataset
(:use-datatables true})) (kind/table {
preferred-language | age |
babashka | 9 |
babashka | 12 |
clojurescript | 14 |
babashka | 3 |
clojurescript | 50 |
babashka | 96 |
babashka | 57 |
clojurescript | 21 |
babashka | 51 |
clojurescript | 44 |
clojurescript | 61 |
clojure | 3 |
clojurescript | 3 |
babashka | 43 |
clojure | 65 |
clojure | 44 |
babashka | 87 |
clojure | 56 |
clojure | 33 |
clojure | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
clojurescript | 81 |
clojurescript | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
babashka | 24 |
babashka | 48 |
clojurescript | 23 |
clojure | 85 |
clojure | 8 |
In addition, the :datatables
option can be used to control datatables options (see the full list).
-> people-as-dataset
(:use-datatables true
(kind/table {:datatables {:scrollY 200}}))
preferred-language | age |
babashka | 9 |
babashka | 12 |
clojurescript | 14 |
babashka | 3 |
clojurescript | 50 |
babashka | 96 |
babashka | 57 |
clojurescript | 21 |
babashka | 51 |
clojurescript | 44 |
clojurescript | 61 |
clojure | 3 |
clojurescript | 3 |
babashka | 43 |
clojure | 65 |
clojure | 44 |
babashka | 87 |
clojure | 56 |
clojure | 33 |
clojure | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
clojurescript | 81 |
clojurescript | 98 |
clojurescript | 58 |
babashka | 24 |
babashka | 48 |
clojurescript | 23 |
clojure | 85 |
clojure | 8 |
and in this case the user may specify datatables options (see the full list).
The kind/table
has recursive semantics: if the values inside them have kind information, they should be handled accordingly.
(kind/table:column-names [(kind/code ":x")
(kind/code :row-vectors [[(kind/md "*some text* **some more text**")
"{:x (1 2 [3 4])}")]
(kind/code :x (range 3)
[(tc/dataset {:y (map inc (range 3))})
vega-lite-plot]:div {:style {:height 200}}
[(kind/hiccup [
tree-image])"$x^2$")]]}) (kind/md
some text some more text |
_unnamed [3 2]: :x:y 01 12 23 |
\(x^2\) |
3.21 Pretty printing
Values of kind kind/pprint
should be pretty-printed.
->> (range 30)
(apply array-map)
( kind/pprint)
0 1,
{2 3,
4 5,
6 7,
8 9,
10 11,
12 13,
14 15,
16 17,
18 19,
20 21,
22 23,
24 25,
26 27,
28 29}
For some tool like Clay, this is the default when there is no kind information.
->> (range 30)
(apply array-map)) (
0 1,
{2 3,
4 5,
6 7,
8 9,
10 11,
12 13,
14 15,
16 17,
18 19,
20 21,
22 23,
24 25,
26 27,
28 29}
Still, it can be is useful to ensure the same behaviour across different tools.
It can also be useful to override other kinds previously specified or automatically inferred.
(kind/pprint hello-hiccup)
[:li [:p "hi"]]
[:li [:big [:big [:p {:style {:color "#7F5F3F"}} "hello"]]]]] [
(kind/pprint tree-image)
0x19aa4e93 "BufferedImage@19aa4e93: type = 5 ColorModel: #pixelBits = 24 numComponents = 3 color space = java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace@2b71f606 transparency = 1 has alpha = false isAlphaPre = false ByteInterleavedRaster: width = 480 height = 640 #numDataElements 3 dataOff[0] = 2"]] [#object[java.awt.image.BufferedImage
(kind/pprint kind/dataset)
1] #function[clojure.lang.AFunction/
3.22 Portal
Values of kind/portal
are displayed using an embedded Portal viewer.
(kind/portal:x (range 3)}) {
This kind has recursive semantics: if the values inside them have kind information, they should be handled accordingly.
Note that kind/portal
applies the kind-portal adapter to nested kinds.
(kind/portal:img {:height 50 :width 50
[(kind/hiccup [:src "https://clojure.org/images/clojure-logo-120b.png"}])
:img {:height 50 :width 50
(kind/hiccup [:src "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/djblue/portal/fbc54632adc06c6e94a3d059c858419f0063d1cf/resources/splash.svg"}])])
(kind/portal:big [:big "a plot"]])
[(kind/hiccup [ vega-lite-plot])
(kind/portal:p {:style {:background-color "#ccddcc"
[(kind/hiccup [:border-style "solid"}}
(kind/md"hello *hello* **hello**")
(kind/code"(defn f [x] (+ x 9))")
3.23 Fragment
is a special kind. It expects a sequential value and generates multiple items, of potentially multiple kinds, from its elements.
->> ["purple" "darkgreen" "goldenrod"]
(mapcat (fn [color]
(str "### subsection: " color))
[(kind/md (:div {:style {:background-color color
(kind/hiccup [:color "lightgrey"}}
:big [:p color]]])]))
[ kind/fragment)
3.23.1 subsection: purple
3.23.2 subsection: darkgreen
3.23.3 subsection: goldenrod
3.24 Function
is a special kind. It is displayed by first evaluating a given function and arguments, then proceeding recursively with the resulting value.
The function can be specified through the Kindly options.
:x 1
(kind/fn {:y 2}
:kindly/f (fn [{:keys [x y]}]
{+ x y))}) (
:my-video-src "https://file-examples.com/storage/fe58a1f07d66f447a9512f1/2017/04/file_example_MP4_480_1_5MG.mp4"}
(kind/fn {:kindly/f (fn [{:keys [my-video-src]}]
(kind/video:src my-video-src}))}) {
If the value is a vector, the function is the first element, and the arguments are the rest.
(kind/fn+ 1 2]) [
If the value is a map, the function is held at the key :kindly/f
, and the argument is the map.
(kind/fn:kindly/f (fn [{:keys [x y]}]
{+ x y))
(:x 1
:y 2})
The kind of the value returned by the function is respected. For example, here are examples with a function returning kind/dataset
(kind/fn:x (range 3)
{:y (repeatedly 3 rand)}
:kindly/f tc/dataset}) {
_unnamed [3 2]:
:x | :y |
0 | 0.39496501 |
1 | 0.93766713 |
2 | 0.79189350 |
[tc/dataset:x (range 3)
{:y (repeatedly 3 rand)}])
_unnamed [3 2]:
:x | :y |
0 | 0.32923479 |
1 | 0.93976611 |
2 | 0.08663738 |
(kind/fn:kindly/f tc/dataset
{:x (range 3)
:y (repeatedly 3 rand)})
_unnamed [3 2]:
:x | :y |
0 | 0.04955745 |
1 | 0.72397666 |
2 | 0.75658312 |
is a special kind. It is displayed by first evaluating a given function and arguments, then proceeding recursively with the resulting value.
If the value is a vector, the function is the first element, and the arguments are the rest.
(kind/fn+ 1 2]) [
If the value is a map, the function is held at the key :kindly/f
, and the argument is the map.
(kind/fn:kindly/f (fn [{:keys [x y]}]
{+ x y))
(:x 1
:y 2})
The kind of the value returned by the function is respected. For example, here are examples with a function returning kind/dataset
[tc/dataset:x (range 3)
{:y (repeatedly 3 rand)}])
_unnamed [3 2]:
:x | :y |
0 | 0.19647754 |
1 | 0.35315617 |
2 | 0.49868377 |
(kind/fn:kindly/f tc/dataset
{:x (range 3)
:y (repeatedly 3 rand)})
_unnamed [3 2]:
:x | :y |
0 | 0.65804811 |
1 | 0.94001569 |
2 | 0.39905907 |
3.25 test-last
allows to define a test over the previous form. This is still work-in-progress, and will be documented soon.
For now, pleaes see the documentation at the Clay tool.
If you are interested in this option, please reach out. We can test it with your project needs, and it will help stabilizing a useful API.
source: notebooks/kinds.clj