The Clojurians Zulip
Most of our communication takes place in specific streams (also called channels) at the Clojurians Zulip chat.
Small task groups often create ad-hoc streams for their task, but a lot of the communitcation takes place in more popular, long-living streams (examples below).
Most streams are public, some are private. Usually, streams are chosen to be private not for secrecy, but for focus, and for creating an atmosphere where people are comfortable talking, knowing who are listening.
This original announcement of the Clojurians Zulip by Gert Goet gives some context and explains why it makes sense for some parts of the Clojure community to move into Zulip. Scicloj followed that advice.
Relevant active streams
Here are the main scicloj-related active streams, dedicated to certain subgroups, child communities or sister communities of scicloj.
General discussion and Q&A
#scicloj-webpublic - a web-public channel for Scicloj updates and discussions
#data-science - general data science topics
Dev chat of specific topics, tools and libraries - discussing
#kindly-dev - discussing the development of Kindly and related libraries
#tableplot-dev - development of Tableplot
#tablemath-dev - development of Tablemath
#wolfram-clojure-bridge - a stream for the dvelopment of Wolframite, a Clojure bridge to the Wolfram language
#uncomplicate - discussions about developing with Neanderthal, Deep Diamond, and other Uncomplicate libs - discussing
#cljplot-dev - cljplot develompemt
#saite-dev - development of Saite and related projects such as Hanami
#libpython-clj-dev - libpython-clj development and usage
#libapl-clj-dev - libapl-clj development and usage
#clojisr-dev - clojisr development
#r-interop - R-interop development and usage: various libraries such as graalvm-interop and clojisr
#dsp - discussions of Digital Signal Processing with Fastmath, Supercollider, Overtone, etc.
Active study groups / dev groups
For more information, see also the list of dev & study groups at the website.
#scinoj-light-1 - discussing the first Scinoj Light conference
#scicloj-open-source-mentoring - discussing the Scicloj Open Source Mentoring program
#real-world-data - a stream for the real-world-data study group, discussing uses of Clojure in real-world data projects.
#data-recur - recurring updates & discussions around building the emerging data stack
#visual-tools - the stream of the visual-tools group, discussing collaborations around tooling for data visualization and literate programming
#scicloj-ai-meetups - chat for the new scicloj-ai-meetups dev group.
#scicloj-org - a private stream of the scicloj organizing team - for anybody interested in building the scicloj community and discssing its goals and priorities - let us talk if you wish to join.
General streams worth knowing about:
#announce - aggregation of announcements of other Clojure communication platforms (Clojureverse, Reddit /r/Clojure, etc.)
#clojure - general Clojure discussions
#slack-archive - an archive of selected channels of the Clojurians Slack (if some channel you like is not there, you may ask the admins at the #zulip stream to add it)
#new-members - introductions of new Clojurians Zulip members
#zulip - discussing the Zulip platform, asking for technical help
Inactive streams of the past, that might be of interest
#ds4clj - the Data Science for Clojure Devs course
#sci-fu - Scicloj foundations study group - learning together to build the Clojure data science ecosystem
#ml-study - machine learning and data analysis study sessions
#sicmutils - updates and discussions about sicmutils and its study group
#scicloj-tutorials - discussing community efforts for creating tutorials (a bit inactive as of 2022 Q1)
#covid-19 - studying COVID-19 data (past hackathons and general discussions)
#nov21-workshops - a stream for the re:Clojure 2021 workshops
#dec21-data-science-special - a stream for the 2021 re:Clojure Data Science Special event
#notespace-dev - notespace development
#pink-gorilla-dev - development of Pink Gorilla
Recommended practices
You may wish to learn a little bit about the concepts of Zulip streams and topics. Note that all streams and topics (and even single messages) have URLs, that you can open at separate tabs in your browser.
When joining Zulip, it is a good idea to present yourself at the #new-members / hello topic, and in general, at topics called ‘hello’ or ‘personal introductions’ at specific streams you are subscribing to, mainly this ‘hello’ topic at the #data-science stream.
When reading the feed to cactch up, it is sometimes comfortable to browse through the aggregate feed of all streams, or at the feed of a specific stream, such as #data-science.
When writing messages, it is recommended to be at the page of a specific topic, e.g. #data-science / That would prevent some very common mistake, of writing under the wrong topic.
You may wish to configure the streams-notifications behaviours to your taste.
To discover conversations relevant to you, you may browse and subscribe to streams. To see the feed of all public streams, including those you are not subscribed to, you can look at this URL (note that we are filtering out the huge #slack-archive stream).