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This is part of the Scicloj Clojure Data Tutorials.
  (require '[scicloj.clay.v2.api :as clay])
  (clay/make! {:source-path "notebooks/index.clj"
               :show false

The following code shows how to perform text classification from a Kaggle dataset and make a submission file, ready to get uploaded to Kaggle for scoring.

It makes use of the tidy text / TFIDF functionality present in and the ability of the xgboost model to handle tidy text data as input.

First we need a fn to tokenize a line of text The simplest such function is:

(defn- tokenize-fn [text]
  (str/split text #" "))

It does not do any text normalization, which is always required in NLP tasks in order to have a more general model.

The following reads line-by-line a file from disk and converts it on the fly to the tidy text representation, it which each word is a row in a dataset.

line-parse-fn needs to split an input line into [text meta], and the text is then further handled by tokenize-fn and split into tokens. The format of the data has the text in field 4 and the label in 5. We ignore all other columns so far:

(defn- line-parse-fn [line]
  [(nth line 3)
   (Integer/parseInt (nth line 4))])

This triggers the parsing and produces a (seq of) “long” datasets (1 for our small text) and the vocabulary obtained during parsing.

(def tidy-train
  (text/->tidy-text (csv/read-csv (io/reader "train.csv"))
                    :skip-lines 1))
(def tidy-train-ds 
  (-> tidy-train :datasets first))

The combination of columns :document, :token-pos and :token-index together with the vocabulary table is an exact representation of the text Unless we normalize it as part of hte tokenize-fn

meta is any other information of a row to be kept, usualy the “label” in case of training data.


_unnamed [113650 4]:

:token-idx :token-pos :document :meta
1 0 0 1
2 1 0 1
3 2 0 1
4 3 0 1
5 4 0 1
6 5 0 1
7 6 0 1
8 7 0 1
9 8 0 1
10 9 0 1
5529 2 7612 1
12372 3 7612 1
25359 4 7612 1
30 5 7612 1
2552 6 7612 1
44 7 7612 1
25361 8 7612 1
69 9 7612 1
11698 10 7612 1
3844 11 7612 1
32017 12 7612 1

The lookup table allow to convert from :token-idx to words and back if needed.

(def train--token-lookup-table (:token-lookup-table tidy-train))
(map str (take 20 train--token-lookup-table))

As we can see, the tokens are not cleaned / standardized at all. This gives as well a large vocabulary size of

(count train--token-lookup-table)

Now we convert the text into a bag-of-words format, which looses any word order and calculates a metric which is known to work well for text classification, the so called TFIDF score.

(def train-tfidf
  (text/->tfidf tidy-train-ds))

The resulting table represent conceptually well three “sparse matrices” where :document and :token-idx are x,y coordinates and matrix cell values are :token-count, term-frequency (:tf) or TFIDF

Not present rows (the large majority) are 0 values. A subset of machine learning algorithms can deal with sparse matrices, without then need to convert them into dense matrices first, which is in most cases impossible due to the memory consumption The train-tfidf dataset represents therefore 3 sparse matrices with dimensions

(tcc/reduce-max (:document train-tfidf))


(tcc/reduce-max (:token-idx train-tfidf))

time 3

(* (tcc/reduce-max (:document train-tfidf))
   (tcc/reduce-max (:token-idx train-tfidf))

while only having shape:

(tc/shape train-tfidf)
[109209 6]

This is because most matrix elements are 0, as any text does “not contain” most words.

As TFIDF (and its variants) are one of the most common numeric representations for text, “sparse matrixes” and models supporting them is a prerequisite for NLP.

Only since a few years we have “dense text representations” based on “embeddings”, which will not be discussed here today, Now we get the data ready for training.

(def train-ds
  (-> train-tfidf
      (tc/rename-columns {:meta :label})
      (tc/select-columns [:document :token-idx :tfidf :label]) ;; we only need those
      (ds-mod/set-inference-target [:label])))

_unnamed [109209 4]:

:document :token-idx :tfidf :label
2048 1748 0.11541514 0
2048 188 0.06370677 0
2048 101 0.11088574 0
2048 24 0.03104085 0
2048 88 0.04050986 0
2048 437 0.06051489 0
2048 182 0.05415272 0
2048 5207 0.28932598 0
2048 3836 0.14466299 0
2048 4010 0.21482199 0
2046 11031 0.27329135 0
2047 11081 0.34044346 0
2047 11084 0.38815558 0
2047 11082 0.34044346 0
2047 11083 0.38815558 0
2047 6 0.06926274 0
2047 10964 0.31825858 0
2047 11079 0.38815558 0
2047 11080 0.38815558 0
2047 87 0.08122578 0
2047 190 0.11817181 0
(def n-sparse-columns (inc (tcc/reduce-max (train-ds :token-idx))))

The model used is from library which is the well known xgboost model behind a wrapper to make it work with tidy text data.

We use :tfidf column as the “feature”.

(require '[])

registers the mode under key :xgboost/classification

(def model
  (ml/train train-ds {:model-type :xgboost/classification
                         :sparse-column :tfidf
                         :seed 123
                         :num-class 2
                         :n-sparse-columns n-sparse-columns}))

Now we have a trained model, which we can use for prediction on the test data. This time we do parsing and tfidf in one go.

Important here:

We pass the vocabulary “obtained before” in order to be sure, that :token-idx maps to the same words in both datasets. In case of “new tokens”, we ignore them and map them to a special token, “[UNKNOWN]”

(def tfidf-test-ds
   (text/->tidy-text (csv/read-csv (io/reader "test.csv"))
                     (fn [line]
                       [(nth line 3) {:id (first line)}])
                     :skip-lines 1
                     :new-token-behaviour :as-unknown
                     :token->index-map train--token-lookup-table)
   (tc/select-columns [:document :token-idx :tfidf :meta]) 
   ;; he :id for Kaggle
    :id (fn [df] (map
                  #(:id %)
                  (:meta df))))
   (tc/drop-columns [:meta])))

This gives the dataset which can be passed into the predict function of


_unnamed [39633 4]:

:document :token-idx :tfidf :id
0 151 0.34977397 0
0 45 0.36523294 0
0 3824 0.48525953 0
0 152 0.34977397 0
0 778 0.45591098 0
0 56 0.12008759 0
1024 0 0.01644585 3358
1024 2467 0.39458153 3358
1024 77 0.41893619 3358
1024 12379 0.45591098 3358
1022 209 0.19479382 3353
1022 49 0.10779242 3353
1023 0 0.01096390 3354
1023 920 0.24262977 3354
1023 12387 0.26771560 3354
1023 8702 0.23455392 3354
1023 101 0.10735898 3354
1023 6064 0.25304133 3354
1023 12385 0.29280144 3354
1023 12388 0.20601872 3354
1023 12499 0.29280144 3354
(def prediction
  (ml/predict tfidf-test-ds model))

The raw predictions contain the “document” each prediction is about. This we can use to match predictions and the input “ids” in order to produce teh format required by Kaggle


:_unnamed [3263 4]:

0 1 :label :document
0.53059942 0.46940058 0.0 0
0.62585568 0.37414426 0.0 1024
0.59270400 0.40729600 0.0 2048
0.63987494 0.36012506 0.0 1
0.61812049 0.38187948 0.0 2049
0.51093853 0.48906144 0.0 2
0.11743236 0.88256764 1.0 2050
0.62585568 0.37414426 0.0 3
0.22072305 0.77927697 1.0 4
0.73616028 0.26383975 0.0 2051
0.58601689 0.41398314 0.0 1013
0.53192580 0.46807417 0.0 1014
0.55812025 0.44187969 0.0 1015
0.62585568 0.37414426 0.0 1016
0.82627547 0.17372458 0.0 1017
0.62585568 0.37414426 0.0 1018
0.67966670 0.32033330 0.0 1019
0.80898130 0.19101864 0.0 1020
0.83320946 0.16679053 0.0 1021
0.56721741 0.43278253 0.0 1022
0.69006103 0.30993894 0.0 1023
 (tc/right-join prediction tfidf-test-ds :document)
 (tc/unique-by [:id :label])
 (tc/select-columns [:id :label])
 (tc/update-columns {:label (partial map int)})
 (tc/rename-columns {:label :target})
 (tc/write-csv! "submission.csv"))

The produced CVS file can be uploaded to Kaggle for scoring.

 (io/reader "submission.csv")
 (take 10))
source: projects/ml/text-classification/notebooks/index.clj