Predict real vs. fake disaster tweets

Posted September 10, 2022 by behrica ‐ 3 min read

Predict real vs. fake disaster tweets with dvc, Clojure and python

Any a little bit more serious machine learning, like participating in a Kaggle competition, requires in my view a form of ML experiment tracking.

As ML requires a lot of different trying of code, models and hyper-parameters, we need to have a tools which keeps track of this.

These type of tools can be programming language independent, as they see the code (whatever code) such as one of the assets to track (among hyper-parameters, performance metrics and data)

One such open source tool is DVC - Data Version Control

In my view this tools is very relevant for ML in Clojure, due to its main characteristics:

A DVC pipeline is based on steps , where each step is a shell script (so can be written in Clojure as well)

It therefore allows a different form of interop, in which certain steps are written in Python / R (the modeling step for example) while preprocessing is done in Clojure. This makes a lot of sense, as the pure modeling is often a few lines only and is tricky to use via interop (due to multithreading, GPU usage, long running). We can reduce the python code to the concrete single-line call to “train(…)” if we want.

The different steps can then communicate via data files on disk. (arrow is a good format for this, as supported by Clojure via tablecloth/dataset, python and R.

DVC takes care of these inter-step-dependencies, and only reruns what has changed. The details of this are in the DVC documentation.

In the following DVC pipeline I have 3 steps, 2 in Clojure, one in Python.

  • preprocess: Done in pure Clojure using tablecloth
  • train: Done in pure python with simpletransformers, reading the data files produced in preprocess and train the model
  • predict_kaggle: Done in Clojure, but using simpletransformers python library via libpython-clj
    cmd: clj preprocess.clj
      - preprocess.clj
      - train.csv
      - test.csv
      - train.arrow
      - test.arrow

    cmd: python
      - train.arrow
      - test.arrow
      - outputs
      - eval.json
      - train.num_train_epochs
      - train.model_type
      - train.model_name
      - train.train_batch_size

     cmd: clj predict_kaggle.clj
       - outputs
       - predict_kaggle.clj
       - kaggle_submission.csv

The reason why I did step 2 in pure python is stability. I did not want to use libpython-clj for eventually very long running training runs. It has some issues with simpletransformers based on PyTorch

Using a pre-trained roberta model from the huggingface hub, and a bit of preprocessing gave me a score of 0.82 and position 119 in the leader board.

So even though that Kaggle does not support Clojure (in the web notebook interface), we can use Clojure to participate in Kaggle competitions.

We could of course implement the “train” step in Clojure as well, in case we want to use a model from:

I suggest to use dvc and a multi-step pipeline even in a pure JVM (Clojure + Java) setup. It nicely structures the work and is able to track all assets.
