26 August 2020
By: Daniel Slutsky

Preparing to our public meeting on August 30th

A lot is happening in the Clojure data science ecosystem. While the infrastructure and tooling are gradually maturing, new libraries and experiments are rising. It seems that we are on a phase transition, and some beautiful things are about to happen.

It is a good time to meet and catch up, hear about active projects and discuss future directions and ways to collaborate.

That is what we will be doing in the public meeting on the coming Sunday, August 30th 2020.


We will meet at 5pm UTC, for 90m minutes. Please check your time difference from the UTC timezone.

The next public meeting is planned to take on a different hour, more comfortable to the friends in East Asia.

Joining the meeting

Please register in the registration form.

You will get an email with a calendar invitation and a Zoom link.

Edit: You can also see the calendar event with the Zoom link here.


We will have a sequence of 5min lightning talks, then some discussion.

Below is the tentative plan. Several more friends have mentioned they might speak too, but haven't confirmed yet. If you wish to add your name to the list, please kindly email scicloj@gmail.com.

Tags: meeting